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Are climbers geeks?


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iain said:

note the first 3 responders to this topic.


note: being the 5th responder has nothing to do with the original topic, as by the 5th response, unrelated spray is encouraged.


Cool, I make No. 5. By my count you were #4 Iain. I was a geek long before I got into climbing - engineering school does that to you.

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iain said:

I was simply demonstrating my poor math skills to further solidify my disparity from the above


Good point, a geek would probably have good math skills. However, you cast some doubt on your quality as a climbing partner if you can't do the math to figure out how much is remaining of a 60-m rope when I'm leading and have 35-m out. confused.gifwink.gif

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Sooo.....like.....You all bite the heads off of chickens?

According to mw.com:

Main Entry: geek

Pronunciation: 'gEk

Function: noun

Etymology: probably from English dialect geek, geck fool, from Low German geck, from Middle Low German

Date: 1914

1 : a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken or snake

2 : a person often of an intellectual bent who is disapproved of

- geeky /'gE-kE/ adjective

That's a pretty strange coincidence. hellno3d.gif

(ignoring, of course, the second meaning)

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ryland_moore said:

Climbers on this website are! yelrotflmao.gif

Most climbers I've met are not, but quirky in their own way.

Not all (on this site), but a lot- it always cracks me up when I meet someone on this site in person- they talk like they're mister cool, badass, toughguy. But- in person they're a little geek. Geek_em8.gif

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Charlie said:

ryland_moore said:

Climbers on this website are! yelrotflmao.gif

Most climbers I've met are not, but quirky in their own way.

Not all (on this site), but a lot- it always cracks me up when I meet someone on this site in person- they talk like they're mister cool, badass, toughguy. But- in person they're a little geek. Geek_em8.gif

SOOOOO TRUE wink.gif
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Ursa_Eagle said:

One time on the way to class in winter, I slipped on the ice and almost fell. I turned around, pointed to the ground and said, "Bad mu! Go to your room!". Everyone around me laughed. Can anyone guess what kind of school I went to? Geek_em8.gif


WTF is "mu"? confused.gif

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Ursa_Eagle said:

One time on the way to class in winter, I slipped on the ice and almost fell. I turned around, pointed to the ground and said, "Bad mu! Go to your room!". Everyone around me laughed. Can anyone guess what kind of school I went to? Geek_em8.gif

you all got tied into your definition representations and shit without acknowledging the larger problem at hand: you are a nerd.

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