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Looking back at the election


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trask, why don't you maybe check some real sources then , like http://www.uselectionatlas.org/USPRESIDENT/frametextj.html

and maybe you'll notice, that actual vote populus count was in gore's favor?


bush popular vote numbers:50,459,624 -47.87%

gore 51,003,238 makes 48.38%

like i said, the statistics you presented in the initial post are a BIG FUCKIG LIE

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ITS THE MEDIA STUPIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

read the book its the media stupid and then think about how fuked we are! 1984 is only a vision of this MONSTER of a nation we have created but shit, I don't know about you people but I am not looking forward to the future craziness, lying, cheating and BULLshiet that Americans will have to overcome......all right have a nice day! bigdrink.gif

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Greg_W said:

cj001f said:

Greg_W said:

Gaston_Lagaffe said:

Since crime follows poverty, and Republicans are not known for fighting for the rights of low income workers, could one not deduce instead that the reason crime is high in non-Rep. counties is because the low income people don't vote Rep?


I mean, you stating that more guns mean less murder is kinda silly, since no guns would mean no murders(with a gun), no? By your argument, if everyone had a gun, then there would be no murders, and the WWWest has already proven you wrong.




I understand that you would think this way, coming from socialist anti-gun Europe. Crime doesn't only follow poverty, but it also follows an unarmed populace. This has been statistically proven; good reference on this is "More Guns, Less Crime", by John Lott, an economist. To refute your assertion, look at the rising violent crime rates in Britain where handguns were banned in 1995 (or 1996); look also at violent crime rates in rural communities where there are quite a few guns. There will always be murder, just new and different implements - that is a human issue, unfortunately.


I'd be happy to discuss this over beers with you sometime. By the way, did you ever do that retro-bolting work up at Static?


Greg W


I seem to remember prior arguments comparing the murder rates in Richmond, Va; Baltimore, MD; and Washington, DC which came to a not so clear conclusion. (Namely their murder rates are all similar, but there gun policies are vastly different).


Actually, Baltimore (and Maryland as a whole) and DC are VERY restrictive on handguns; almost an outright ban in Balt. and a ban in DC. Both have high murder rates. Can't speak to Richmond, but I know the Project Exile program has been very successful there.


Richmond is just down the list from Baltimore & DC - which was my point. Virginia is vastly more permissive (concealed carry's in schools, the capital, etc.) in regards to handguns.


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glassgowkiss said:

Greg_W said:

glassgowkiss said:

gregw, so how come every police organization and union wants to limmit gun sales, ban assult weapons. maybe england or other countries have gun related crime on the rise, but the problem is no near the scale faced in the us. and remember that a lot of gun victims in this country are caused by accidental discharge of the firearms owned by "responsible citizens".


You're misguided and wrong. Let's get together and I'll show you my information. Please cite references for everything you've stated here; it's all bullshit. "Accidental discharge" injuries make up "a lot of gun victims"? Hardly.

misguided???? you puppet president decided to go on with the assult weapons ban about a month ago. every police organization in the state of washington in the 2002 elections wanted to limmit gun sales, just friggin' read newspapers!

Each year Washington State loses more than 20 children due to unintentional injury
(due to fire arms)

In addition, another 10 children are hospitalized for firearm injuries
(from Washington Cease fire web page)

1999 National Gun Policy Survey of the National Opinion Research Center:

Research Findings




A majority of Americans support having Congress hold hearings on the gun industry, and they want federal regulation of the design and manufacture of guns to protect the public safety.


The findings come from the 1999 National Gun Policy Survey, by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research and the Joyce Foundation.


"Americans favor all measures to regulate firearms short of prohibiting guns in general," said Tom Smith. "First, most people, including most gun owners, believe there should be a set of common-sense regulations to control firearms, just as there are for automobiles. Second, most people's motto when it comes to firearms appears to be ‘safety first.' Gun safety is a concern of the vast majority of people."


Among the survey's findings:


Subject the Gun Industry to Congressional Hearings: Three-quarters of Americans (74.5 percent) and over half of gun owners (54 percent) think Congress should hold hearings to investigate the practices of the gun industry similar to the hearings held in recent years regarding the tobacco industry.

Federally Regulate Guns for Quality and Safety: Both the general public and gun owners support federal regulation of guns, which are at present virtually the only consumer product not subject to federal safety regulation. The NORC/Hopkins/Joyce survey found that:

94 percent of all Americans, and 91 percent of gun owners, favor having handguns made in the United States meet the same quality and safety standards required of imported handguns.

86 percent of all Americans, and 86 percent of gun owners, endorse this position even if it would make handguns more expensive.

66 percent of all Americans, and 52 percent of gun owners, want the federal government to regulate the safety design of guns.

Mandate Specific Safety Features and Practices: Americans strongly support a broad range of measures to make guns safer.

Eighty-six percent of Americans, and three quarters of gun owners, want guns designed so that small children cannot fire them.

Nearly three-quarters of Americans and majorities of gun owners support requirements that guns be stored locked and unloaded and that trigger locks be used.

Sixty-three percent of Americans and 51 percent of gun owners back having all new handguns be personalized so that only the owner can fire them.

Require Background Checks on All Private Gun Sales: Nearly eight out of 10 Americans (79 percent) and two thirds of gun owners would favor a law that requires private gun sales to be subject to the same background check requirements as sales by licensed dealers.

so there, 30 children killed or injured every year by "responsible gun owners" moon.gif


Boy, Washington Ceasefire couldn't possibly be skewing facts or anything, huh. People twist stats, it's an unfortunate fact of these types of debates.

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Fence_Sitter said:

AlpineK said:

FS: It's kind of like calling yourself a climber cause you've toproped 10 times. yellaf.gif


Ya know repetition is an excellent tactic to get you worked up FS. yellaf.gifyellaf.gifthe_finger.gif


uh huh... i take this shit really seriously... rolleyes.gif


Obviously you do otherwise you would ignore me. yellaf.gif

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AlpineK said:

Fence_Sitter said:

AlpineK said:

FS: It's kind of like calling yourself a climber cause you've toproped 10 times. yellaf.gif


Ya know repetition is an excellent tactic to get you worked up FS. yellaf.gifyellaf.gifthe_finger.gif


uh huh... i take this shit really seriously... rolleyes.gif


Obviously you do otherwise you would ignore me. yellaf.gif


or call bullshit when you say blatant lies... one or the other... rolleyes.gif

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Fence_Sitter said:

AlpineK said:

Fence_Sitter said:

AlpineK said:

FS: It's kind of like calling yourself a climber cause you've toproped 10 times. yellaf.gif


Ya know repetition is an excellent tactic to get you worked up FS. yellaf.gifyellaf.gifthe_finger.gif


uh huh... i take this shit really seriously... rolleyes.gif


Obviously you do otherwise you would ignore me. yellaf.gif


or call bullshit when you say blatant lies... one or the other... rolleyes.gif


Ummm Fence, why are you arguing w/ these tools WHEN YOU SHOULDA BEEN CRANKIN' AT SI????? madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.gif

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glassgowkiss said:

hey faceshitter, do you need a tissue?? yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif

gregw, i am sure NRA has their stats not manipulated or warped wazzup.gif


A reputable institution that gives so much back to society, such as the wonderful NRA would *never* lie. rolleyes.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif


Fuck the NRA! Worthless fucks. thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif

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dood... i hopped into my truck and realized i have no clue where that parking lot is... i have only been to 38 once and never to 32...sorry man... hope you guys had fun! and TLG... i wont say the number grade you were hanging on repeatedly after i led a certain pitch in index! yellaf.gif bwa hah ah ahaha ha see ya soon sugga! kiss kiss!

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Fence_Sitter said:

dood... i hopped into my truck and realized i have no clue where that parking lot is... i have only been to 38 once and never to 32...sorry man... hope you guys had fun! and TLG... i wont say the number grade you were hanging on repeatedly after i led a certain pitch in index! yellaf.gif bwa hah ah ahaha ha see ya soon sugga! kiss kiss!


ahhhh it was good...cold and sticky...haven't seen these conditions in a while near the end of June!! sure beat the sweat box that index was on Tuesday...

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