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yeti said:

Trask: "my 9 yr. old daughter can

put 8 rounds of .45 in a 4" group at 7 yds.

my son is an excellent trap shooter at 13

and beats the fuck outta assholes that flip

him shit "


Do you live in a trailer?


"Jeez, last week my son and his friend got into a full blown fist fight in my yard. A true face punchout battle which I finally had to break up when my son Drew was slamming the other fucker's face into my cedar fence. "


Sounds like a good candidate for gun ownership,


The YEti


Charlton Heston and Jesse "the body" Ventura are my idols.

Fence_Sitter said:

yellaf.gif haha...you gotta admit the littleton thing was full o' shit on the part of your exalted leader... that was just not cool... rolleyes.gif and i dare ya to fuck with me...i jsut dare ya... the_finger.gif

big shit talker hahaha.gifthe_finger.gif yo mama so dum she thought taco bell was a phone company in mexico. cry.gifwave.gif


Let's be honest. What's the very last book you opened? The last book I opened was this morning, in the can. I keep several books in there for "inspirational reading." The book I opened and read a few passages from was the timeless "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.


(The time before that it was a few passages in Gator's guide. bigdrink.gifMike! smile.gif)

RobBob said:

Let's be honest. What's the very last book you opened? The last book I opened was this morning, in the can. I keep several books in there for "inspirational reading." The book I opened and read a few passages from was the timeless "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.


(The time before that it was a few passages in Gator's guide. bigdrink.gifMike! smile.gif)




Ok I just read the first short story in Gene Wolfe's latest short story collection, "Bluesberry Jam". Its about a blues musician stuck in a giant traffic jam, sort of.

trask said:

Necronomicon said:

Trash's Reading List:

"Rebuilding Your Chevy 350: Mazimum Horsepower"

"Guns, Guns, and More Guns"

"Mee Reed Gud, U Reed Gudder"

that's about spot on, and don't forget Hustler and Soldier of Fortune.


You read Hustler for the articles? rolleyes.gif

nolanr said:

trask said:

Necronomicon said:

Trash's Reading List:

"Rebuilding Your Chevy 350: Mazimum Horsepower"

"Guns, Guns, and More Guns"

"Mee Reed Gud, U Reed Gudder"

that's about spot on, and don't forget Hustler and Soldier of Fortune.


You read Hustler for the articles? rolleyes.gif

Hell no...for the jerk factor. evils3d.gif


Bronco said:


I'm still working on reading Moby Dick for some reason. Reading that novel is my white whale. rolleyes.gif


I picked that up at a used book store, haven't tried reading it yet, I may be joining you. How about "the Rime of the Ancient Mariner is my albatross?" hahaha.gif



I dug "Moby-Dick, or, The Whale". Took me like 5 days to read it. Did you know there is a chapter in there on giant squid? Geek_em8.gif Also on what they do with the whale's foreskin when they flense it. blush.gif

Dru said:

I dug "Moby-Dick, or, The Whale". Took me like 5 days to read it. Did you know there is a chapter in there on giant squid? Geek_em8.gif Also on what they do with the whale's foreskin when they flense it. blush.gif


the ultimate lit. exam question... yellaf.gif

trask said:

Fence_Sitter said:

what are you guys reading like 8 books at a time... or are you just recalling all the cool sounding shit you read in ontro to lit. in you freshmen year? confused.gif

my fucking point exactly bigdrink.gif

truth be told, they're probably all jacking off to the latest edition of Playgirl yellaf.gif


I just figured we all read a few books at a time cuz we are all A.D.D., and can't get by with just one book!


My case, anyway... tongue.gif

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