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It's springtime!

Time to climb dry rock again and head into the mountains every weekend. That leaves no excuse for why the "climber's board" still has stupid posts about orange flags and converting to euro metric scales.


Post us your chestbeats, your epics, your lycra dreams! Including a few bolting debates and bong ripping muir hut stories will get extra stars for your post. So the gauntlet has smacked your face, respond or continue posting your usual crap.

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E-rock, maybe that's cause you climb stuff that is boring to talk about. But I guess that is what I would expect from someone who's occupation is:


Lover, naturalist, healer, and TOP


YAWN, probably one of those backpacker-type climbers.

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I went to Castle Rock Sunday and climbed in the rain, it was nice and the rock stayed sticky. Everyone left and the rock dried out...we had the whole place to ourselves...fun place to climb. Sorry if that's too boring.


So whats your excuse Tex? Wheres your TR? rolleyes.gifwazzup.gif

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I climbed Outer Space with two people I've never climbed with before. We had a such a grand old time. It almost rained on us and we were nervous but then it stopped. We didn't get back to the car until after dark because we were slack asses and started super late. Then we drank beer and drove home. I didn't get any ticks. Exciting!

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I did Iconoclast to Edge of Space that same day. We watched you top out a little before nightfall and I pulled two ticks off of me the next day.

Oh, and Brass balls at castle rock is a bad-ass climb!! I felt like sly stallone doin the one arm hang from the first roof.

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texplorer said:

It's springtime!

Time to climb dry rock again and head into the mountains every weekend. That leaves no excuse for why the "climber's board" still has stupid posts about orange flags and converting to euro metric scales.


Post us your chestbeats, your epics, your lycra dreams! Including a few bolting debates and bong ripping muir hut stories will get extra stars for your post. So the gauntlet has smacked your face, respond or continue posting your usual crap.


Responce: Real climbers don't usually post here any longer. Like me, when I would post climbing related material, my thread would get sprayed upon and cyber nerds would talk smak . So now I use an avatar and just come here to spray and that's the phuk'n truth. I still post things once in a while, but never new climbs , crags, or where or what I am up to.


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Ok rbw

I was climbing with a sport climbing friend of mine who has done a handful of trad pitches in his whole life so I thought, "why do something easy like outerspace when I can make him lieback much harder stuff that will be fun for me." I had him lead the first shitty pitch of galaxy. From there I took over, which was fine with me since I would rather lead every pitch anyway. I took a good 15ft fall just above one tree ledge on some crack that started easy and closed up to nothing. I found the dihedrals up higher to exciting and spicy. I really wanted to continue up hyperspace but thought my tiring friend would do better on the bolted routes above library ledge. The pitch coming out of the dihedrals and onto the shield headwall has some spice to it too with some 40ft+ runnouts on the chickenheads. I was fully expecting him to lead the bolted pitches up high but he told me he wasn't up for it. So I pictured myself as the sharp witted DFA in pink/black striped lycra tights and lead out on the frictiony face. I was doing pretty good until I reached the crux of Edge of Space where I fell 4-5 times. Defeated by the strange ways of the boltclipping route I lowered to the belay. Another party came up from below and although they too fell at the crux, informed me that you basically lieback the arete. Leading the pitch for the second time I was able to lunge and grab a runner I had them put on the bolt. It was not the style I usually like to take but at that point I was getting pissed at the climb and I knew my partner wasn't going to try if I backed off. We topped out and had an uneventful hike out except for meeting the lovely Mrs. GregW and several other notable CC.comers.


I topped off the weekend with Brass Balls over a castle rock. Nothing too spectacular about my ascent of the route. It is one of the best pitches of the grade I have ever done but I thought it was easier than other castle rock routes of the same rating.


Overall a great time in the mountains.

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Hey chucK, that's a nice photo!


Climbed for the first time on Snow Crick Wall Friday. Orbit is fucking rad! I weaseled out of the first pitch (chimney) and ended up getting to lead the best pitches. rockband.gif We deposited several ticks in the bathroom sink at Gustav's.


Saturday went up to Givler's Dome and had the place to ourselves for a while. Givler's Crack rocks the dome! Watched a couple guys make Bo Derek look easy, then grunted up it less gracefully. Back down the trail to Dogleg Crack, a tricky climb for me. With a few hours of daylight left, we parked at Icicle Buttress, intending on simulclimbing to the base of Cocaine Crack, then taking it to the R&D Route to finish. I only brought quickdraws, so we had little gear between us after the slab. At the crack, we wimped out (getting chilly, nervous from the simulclimbing) and retreated down a gully. I bootied some techy cord and a locker from the anchor partway up Cocaine Connection. A few beers at a guide service's campsite and then back to Seattle.


What a great weekend...


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Tex, you're not with the times man. It's no longer cool to chest beat and post TRs like we did last year. That shit is old school. You've been living in a vacuum man.


Nobody wants to hear a bunch of boring facts on how thick the ice was, what your car to car time, or how many pieces the route took. thumbs_down.gif And nobody cares about stuff like how you felt on the climb, what you shared with your partner other such personal experiences. thumbs_down.gif It's all passé.


Get with it man and spray useless shit like the rest of the cc gang. It is way fun on the dark side. Come on, give it a try.


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