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Got Gore-Tex?


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Sounds like the usual case. In a year or so, they will determine that to affect people, kids, babies, or anything by lab rats, one would have to drink a gallon of the stuff a day for three years to cause any problems. Just like the Alar scare in the 80's for Red Delicious apples madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif. Alar caused cancer in lab rats, but ended up requiring people to eat a few tons of apples every year for five years to even have a chance of getting cancer... 60 Minutes cost the apple industry alot of money for publicising that study madgo_ron.gif.

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Montana_Climber said:

Attitude said:

trask said:

masturbation causes blindness

Especially if it hits you in the eye. wave.gif


But that's only if the hairy palms don't catch it first.

"damn that steak looks good...let's see now, screw it or eat it, screw it or eat it, decisions decisions."

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catbirdseat said:

The article is about perfluorooctanoic acid. Interestingly, there is a closely related compound Lithium perfluorooctane sulfonate which is used to poison wasps and yellow jackets in bait traps. These compounds are chemicially so stable that they will be around essentially forever.


Oh yes, I knew that too. Everyone knows about Lithium perfluorooctane sulfonate. mushsmile.gif

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I read the article closely and to my horror, agree that the Goretex will poison you and you will die! madgo_ron.gif


Fortunatly I have devised a disposal plan and would like to start out with only Arcteryx and Patagonia Goretex items sized men's medium and in good condition as my storage is limited. Send me a PM to get rid of your gear, a nominal fee may be charged if I don't like the color.

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rr666 said:

Sounds like the usual case. In a year or so, they will determine that to affect people, kids, babies, or anything by lab rats, one would have to drink a gallon of the stuff a day for three years to cause any problems. Just like the Alar scare in the 80's for Red Delicious apples madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif. Alar caused cancer in lab rats, but ended up requiring people to eat a few tons of apples every year for five years to even have a chance of getting cancer... 60 Minutes cost the apple industry alot of money for publicising that study madgo_ron.gif.


Just to set the record straight, the "alar scare" was real. Alar is in fact a known carcinogen, and was known to be a carcinogen BEFORE the apple industry got the bright idea of spraying it onto their apples to make them look pretty. In fact, it has since been banned by the EPA. (Like DDT, another unfairly tarnished chemical.)


"On April 29, 1996 the Supreme Court upheld without comment an appeals court decision dismissing a $250-million class-action suit filed in 1990 against 60 Minutes by a group of Washington state apple growers, alleging the show falsely disparaged their product (Auvil v. CBS "60 Minutes"). In October 1995, the appeals court had held that "the growers have failed to raise a genuine issue of material fact as to the falsity of the broadcast." A year earlier the district court had dismissed the case for essentially the same reason."




I am not a fan of the 60 Minutes brand of guerella journalism, but facts, as they say, are facts.

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catbirdseat said:

The article is about perfluorooctanoic acid. Interestingly, there is a closely related compound Lithium perfluorooctane sulfonate which is used to poison wasps and yellow jackets in bait traps. These compounds are chemicially so stable that they will be around essentially forever.

Garble garble blah blah persloslunksillimonsalabimmfoosyfommbasibommbadarabababibibibabababibibabiaibaibiabibibaibiaibaibaibiaughfalldownandsnore.


Gobbledeegook is also aid.

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Perfluorinated compounds have some interesting properties. They carry high amounts of oxygen, for example. You can breath certain of these compounds. Remember that movie The Abyss?


I'm just going to throw out some more technical jargon and see if it causes fleblebleb to self-desctruct:


The way perfluoroctanoic acid works is that the carboxylic acid end of the molecule which is polar attaches to the nylon of your garments and the non-polar hyrophobic part sticks out to repell water.

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