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erik said:

RobBob said:

You bozos who got all lathered up over that cutie you *thought* was adventuregal----hah! Just ask trask, who drove all the way to Minnesota to meet her for a beer, and had to call Greg W to pick him up. He was recovered, shivering in thong underwear, from a phone booth in the snow.


Use your heads, people!!




you say that like trask didnt like that??



cum get sum


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DFA and others, I am not going to debate this issue, because its like arguing with a non entity. BUT there is ONE thing the troops and returning troops need to hear...that we were praying for their safe return from afar. They need to know the country and its citizens were behind them. That way maybe the incident that I related a long time ago about the returning Viet Nam Vet being spit on & called a baby killer won't happen. He still carries that memory, it has plagued his problems with the war he fought. This guy did 3 tours; he started off as a door gunner and ended up a crew chief. The guy has more metals, and physical and mental scars than anyone of you hard ass climbers out there. SUPPORT THE BOYS AND SAVE YOUR DISPUTE WITH GW FOR THE ELECTION IN 2004! Also remember to for for continuing vet benefits. Each and everyone earned them. They deserve to get what they were promised.

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With regards to the troops, I couldn't agree more Sisu. All the anti-war folks I know (myself included) are upset with the administration, not the folks on the ground. You'll understand of course if I don't pray yellaf.gif but the members of the various US military forces are not my enemy and I can only hope for a safe and speedy return. I'm sure you and I both hope that this is not another Vietnam, in every sense of the word.

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The Olympian, Olympia Washington


Wednesday, March 19, 2003



Protester picks wrong spot to lock himself




Jody Mason of Olympia is locked to the Washington State Grange office building Tuesday to protest war. He intended to chain himself to a federal Department of Energy office building, but discovered he was at the wrong location.




Mike Salsbury/The Olympian


OLYMPIA -- A man spent hours chained to the wrong building Tuesday in an ill-planned effort to protest war with Iraq, police said.

Jody Mason padlocked himself to an entrance of the Washington State Grange building at 924 Capitol Way S., thinking it was a sub-office of the U.S. Department of Energy.


Grange employees found him about 11:45 a.m. Tuesday and asked what he was doing.


He told employees he'd chained himself to the building in civil disobedience Monday night after listening to President Bush's televised ultimatum to Saddam Hussein.


Mason padlocked one end of the chain around his neck and the other to a door, which opens to a bottom-floor office. He told onlookers he was protesting Bush's foreign and domestic policies. He had affixed a sign to the building reading, "Reduce Deficit."


Grange employees explained that he was at the wrong building. The Grange is a nonprofit, nonpartisan group that advocates for residents in rural areas.


"I don't think that's ever happened before," said Larry Clark, Grange communications director.


No charges


Police officers used heavy-duty bolt cutters to free Mason.


"He asked for help because he didn't have the key," Olympia police Cmdr. Steve Nelson said.


Mason wasn't arrested and won't face any charges. Officers let him go and didn't take his name, Nelson said.


"He was our first protester since President Bush's speech," Nelson said.


Mason, who identified himself to a photographer, said he had looked up the Department of Energy in the phone book. The phone book, under the Department of Energy, lists a Bonneville Power Administration Office at 924 Capitol Way S.






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$100 billion divided by 289 million Americans (not all of which are tax payers) = $346.02 per American. Since I support a household of three that's $1,038.06 of my tax dollars going to this! What is the cost to benefit ratio? How will this improve my life? Corporate reform will improve the economy. Saudi Arabia gave us Osama Bin Laden, thirteen of the hijackers, and monetarily supports Al Queada. North Korea has rockets and nuclear warheads that can reach the west coast (Seattle the closest city). China is waymore frightening. Israel and Northern Ireland have proven that cracking down increases the resolve of terrorists, (kinda like the war on drugs). Basically, beating up on a weak little nation to intimidate others is a punk move. Why don't we take on North Korea?! Oh yea, that's right, They kicked our asses out last time.


I have a higher expectation for the greatness of our Nation. Let's be a world leader, not the world asshole... hellno3d.gif

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