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Everything posted by jja

  1. What a coincidence I don't have a life either ..
  2. You can buy the book around town, check out FF or Marmot.
  3. jja

    Worst Album Covers Ever

    hey I'm at 250 now, I think I've got the hang of this
  4. jja

    Worst Album Covers Ever

    holy shit !! now I know how you got 7706 posts
  5. jja


    isn't neve french ?
  6. jja

    Third tool?

    it's a good thing he'll guide you too, cause the route finding is sooo difficult otherwise.
  7. shuddup already, do you want to have another weekend like this with a dozen people and 24 swinging tools on the route at the same time? so did you get a chance to do it?
  8. .. hey that's cheating !! I want to do it to .. .5 lose 10 pounds 1.5 get somone else to drive to lillooet every weekend 2.5 resist the urge to waste more money on gear i don't need 3.5 teach cracked that placing an ice screw at your feet while on a ledge doesn't really provide much protection for the leader.
  9. I'm getting the same vibe on this one, I've talked to several that have this on their tick list - including me. I've also heard talk of some adventuring up above the 2nd c. and left of the 3rd where paco did some soloing last year. Here's mine ... 1. NF direct dragontail 2. ne slab tooth 3. lead a wi5 I'll break the rules and include a 4. Get timL to do the bolted mixed routes at alpental on a warm and rainy day before any ice forms.
  10. From John Long: Solid, Redundant, Equalized, No Extension
  11. lyco..... is a good trad climb. it's a corner crack and will take as much gear as you own. Anchors at the top to rap off of. At smith also consider super slab by the red wall area. It's 3 pitches (5.6). Only downside I can think of for a new leader is the second pitch, though easy (5.0-5.2) is a slab traverse, with minimal placement opportunities. You could always rap after the first pitch though.
  12. I'll throw in a second for timL, and all the other rope guns who got me up some stellar rock this summer and inspired me to push my limits on lead. ... and the coolest cats award goes to Jeremy M. and Frank H. for letting me jump in on their TC climb literally 5 minutes before heading up for the first couloir. You guys rock J.M., I still owe you 20 bucks for Gustav's I've done something almost every weekend this year, and haven't had a bum partner yet.
  13. the msr's dark red color is also great for melting snow in the sun. just fill it up with snow, leave it out while you're climbing, and it'll be water when you get back.
  14. cause people keep posting even though they have nothing to say
  15. Actually, I think it was Joe Pesci in "Casino." What do I win? You win nothing, it was goodfellas .. an all time classic. How the fuck am I funny, what the fuck is so funny about me? Tell me, tell me what's funny!
  16. You're all a bunch of wimps. Friday was dry, Saturday was mostly dry - ok it drizzled a little bit at times - but the rock stayed dry all day. Friday night fire and beer, Saturday night fire, beer, horsecock, slide shows, and rain. Sunday morning rain, and some more rain, and early morning bail back home. Met some good folks, climbed, ate too much, drank too much, and had a great time.
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