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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    That fact alone makes this a very important thread.
  2. sobo


    I like you, rob. Does that count? sickie
  3. sobo


    If you actually saw her, then it wasn't her. She's berry berry much faster than that...
  4. 6-year-olds are just gonna treat this as a way of obtaining free water balloons...
  5. "Sure wish I had some biscuits and gravy to go with that..." ??
  6. sobo

    Summer got here

    Don't skimp on the fuq'n sunscreen! I'm fuq'n serious about it, man!
  7. Yeah, Pat, that tear in my asshole was bugging the hell out of me. With it all stitched up now, I shouldn't have any more problems, except I'll truly become full of shit, eventually.
  8. Seems to me that I've always set up the TR independent of the chains while the route gets worked, then clean it up and re-rig for lower or rap, depending upon how big the links are. If they're small, I'll rap it to preempt the clusterf$%#. If they're large or quick-links, I'd likely lower. Just depends... Also, I consider my belayer. If it's someone who's technique I am not familiar with, I'll rap and be responsible for my own descent. I've seen too many folks get decked during a lower by an inexperienced rope-handler...
  9. I put this thread in Spray because of the gnarly pics and the fact that I knew it would take about 0.583 nanoseconds before someone would mention back hair, and quickly the thread would devolve and ultimately be moved to Spray anyway. I was just saving the moderators some time and effort. I put my pathology results thread in the Cafe' cuz I figured that would be the place where all sorts of hugs and kisses would ensue, there would be much glurge and happy chants (given the results of those tests), and no one wants to see that sort of Sensitivioso shit in Spray anyway, so I was just saving everyone some time. Right or wrong, such was my logic. Thinking about it in retrospect, I suppose I could have started both threads in the Fitness Forum, since it's a health-related issue. If a mod wants to move both threads to Fitness, please feel free to do so. Just send me a PM that you did so I can reset my Watch List.
  10. Did he ever apologize to David Bowie and Freddy Mercury?
  11. Don't try to embarrass me, Rob. I do that easily enough by myself...
  12. Just moments before...
  13. She washed her hands and sterilized her utensils before she started. Neither one of us was too worried about it.
  14. Seriously, we all need to be pretty rigid in our sunscreen habits, so I've been told. It may be too late for us old-timers, but you young bucks out there are at risk. The docs said it was all the tanning and living on the beach as a kid in Italy that did it. Not so much to blame on the mountaineering at altitude.
  15. Now that's fuq'n funny, I don't care who y'are.
  16. Eee-yup. Follow the link at the end of the OP to the Counseling Corner. And don't forget your sunscreen! What's funny is it took me several days later to notice that they also shaved a huge patch off my left upper thigh. I'm still wondering WTF that was for...
  17. I wondered how many posts it would take before someone mentioned back hair. Thanks, rob, for keeping it to the absolute minimum.
  18. Goddamn, these things were itching to beat hell, and I was supposed to have them in for another fuq'n week. So I called the surgeon at UW who carved on me, and he said that if I had access to someone that knew what they were doing, I could have them taken out early. So my good friends, a husband and wife team (he a fire battalion captain and paramedic, she a RN and schoolin' to become an Advanced Nurse Practitioner), asked if they could have a little fun with me. Of course, I obliged... So here's what they looked like... The incision about 2 inches above the right end of the big hole is where they removed the sentinel lymph node for additional screening/biopsy, and the incision to the left and a few inches below the big hole is where they removed another melanomous (sp??) mole that my body's immune system had actually stopped from growing. How's that for tough DNA? The doc said the big hole would be 4 cm high by 10 cm long. I'd say he was pretty accurate... Nurse Tehea rips out the last of the little blighters... there were 8 of them! Ahhhhhh, that feels soooooooooo good right now... Props go out to Nurse Tehea for her stunning performance, and to her husband Gerry the Paramedic for the pics! Thanks, guys! :kisss: In case some of you are wondering what this shit is all about, click here for my pathology report thread.
  19. sobo


    You could call it gushing...
  20. sobo

    Time to waste?

    OMFG! I fuq'n killed myself laughing so hard. It's really cool when you figure out that you can move the blocks out of the way of the target by hurling the ragdolls at them with rapid-fire precision. Try it! Click as fast as you can once you home in. It's priceless!!!1 Of course, it might have something to do with the fact that I'm on my second bottle of wine tonight... Here's another one that will suck you in. Although not as sophisticated as Ragdoll Cannon, it's still addictive. I can get to about 16.5 seconds before I get killed. Escapa!
  21. I was thinking about y'all back then. Just remember, bill, I'm here for you. Always. Please remember that... :kisss:
  22. sobo


    minx doesn't wear a jock, rob
  23. We don't "bully out" anyone here. What we do is mete out the necessary comeuppance upon those who show up here strutting about like a fucking peacock and behaving like a douchebag. You fit that bill perfectly. Now, if you want this haranguing to stop, then quit acting like such a douchebag every time you post. No one wants to hear about your FA/FFAs that aren't, your snide remarks to someone that you don't know from Adam and who has lost valuable gear, and the many other juvenile and snarky comments you make here. Get a fucking clue, grow up, and quit being a douchebag, ferchrissakes.
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