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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Nope, Dad and Co. remained in International Falls, MN until he joined the Army in 1950 to get out of town and see Alaska. Had to keep them sneaky N Koreans from coming across the Aluetians, ya know. Mom stayed in Pennsylvania until 1953 when she graduated nursing school with an RN cert and left for AK with a bunch of her RN girlfriends. They had heard that in Alaska, the odds were good, but the goods were odd. She got a good one, though. They settled in Skykomish, WA in 1958, just a year before I came along. By 1960, the kid-birthing was complete with my little sister, and the whole tribe relocated to Walla Walla. Over the next 15-odd years, we were in and out of country many times, following the travels of my dad's career as an engineer. Ended up in the Old Dominion after the last European tour ended in 1976, where my dad worked in the Presidential Bunker near Berryville, VA.
  2. My dad (the little guy in front) at four years old, with a few of his older brothers, in 1934. Note the lack of shoes on all of them (in northern MN). This is my mom at 12 years old, in 1935. This is my mom on September 30, 1954, the night before her wedding. My parents fishing in Juneau, AK, in 1955. My olderst sister, Sheila, is about a year away. Although technically not "before our time", this is a recent (2008) pic of my folks. In two weeks, on October 1, they will celebrate their 56th anniversary. Wow, who does that these days...??
  3. sobo

    Income Inequality

    What I want to know is since when did Vancouver, Washington become a suburb of Portland Oregon??? Is this like a corollary to that "the best climbing in Oregon is in Washington" thing???
  4. minx is NOT a dude, dude... no, she's a sexy minx, but i have earned the rite to call her dude ya muncher I am not a muncher. I am a donkey puncher.
  5. sobo


    He shoulda realized that he couldn't fit the whole thing in there and get away with it. Besides, any tweaker worth his urine knows that you can get more for copper than you can for scrap steel...
  6. sobo

    Income Inequality

    Those were pretty good. Macabre, but good.
  7. sobo


    Must... paddle... faster...!! *huff* *puff* *whew*
  8. sobo


    She sure does have a big mouth...
  9. Nice work, Dane and Carlos! So Dane, is Carlos in a spot where I can call him now?
  10. sobo

    Income Inequality

    Yes, I've had enough of that bullshit for one lifetime. guess you don't want to hear the 9/11 jokes either Oh, don't stop now, Carl!
  11. sobo

    Income Inequality

    Yes, I've had enough of that bullshit for one lifetime.
  12. sobo

    Income Inequality

    No, she absolutely does not. While she's a fine tennis player, that's as far as it goes for me with her.
  13. sobo

    Income Inequality

    Do I have to google "Inceome"? I've broken it down to In CEO Me. Inceome: In-CEO-me - you have been consumed by a CEO. Eventually he will shit you out. Not necessarily so. History has shown us that the vast majority of CEOs are notoriously full of shit. Bill is stuck in there!
  14. I have no idea what you are saying.. CJB, see Pic #1 in the OP. The 'do appears to be a grown-out mohawk, and you will also need to refer to this: mutton chops
  15. Yeah, but does he ask you breathlessly, "Daddy, can I pee outside? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease???
  16. I may be a whore, but I'm definitely no fashion whore.
  17. She didn't mind at all. Just "warmed her up" for that evening.
  18. I've been eating very well since the middle of last month, thankyouverymuch, rob. Didn't you catch the reference to the forward hatch on the McGregor?
  19. Both of my kids actually enjoyed trying to catch tadpoles more than throwing in rocks. Here Elaina is deciding that tadpole catching is better than throwing rocks. Nick is already into it. And my son has taken to peeing in the back yard as a result of this trip. But at least he asks before he heads out the door.
  20. Wutevah, rob. I still find her hot. She looks... perky. And I'm a sucker for brunettes. Always have been...
  21. Right! This is the time of year that I get the most climbering in. Love that Native American Summer thang that the PNW's got goin' on. SF of the Clearwater/Lightning Dome anyone???
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