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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Martini Thread

    Stop tempting you? Sheeeeeeeit, you tip over that easily? Got round heels or sump'n?
  2. sobo

    Martini Thread

    I love gimlets! How about a Vesper?
  3. sobo

    Soccer fans

    Mebbe Albert shoulda told Winston he coulda made that clip 5 minutes shorter if he didn't show every fuq'n goal 3 or 4 times...
  4. Jeebus H. Christ, this fukker's as bad as Ralph Regula, the "mastermind" behind the Fee (Not) Demo (Anymore) shenanigans...
  5. sobo

    CC.com Turns 11

    Wow... what have I done with my life...??
  6. sacrilegious beeyotch! Blasphemer!
  7. Had some of that a few times about 15 years ago. We had a pub here (since closed up) that imported over 400 beers from around the world. I almost slit my wrists the day they closed down... Oh, and tonight I opted to go domestic. A couple Pyramid Ambers at the Bonefish and then a bottle of Lady in Red (Kestrel) when I got home. I'm gonna go watch a DVD now and eventually pass out for the evening. Long day today...
  8. Why, thanks for asking, 5K. I believe it's time for me to wrap up this long (13-hour) day and hit Bonefish with the buds and wash down a few frosty beverages. Then home to my wine collection. Think I'll go biking in the hills around Walla Walla tomorrow. Supposed to be nice...
  9. I love Bubbles... he reminds me of Milton.
  10. Haven't used a bank in over 25 years. Credit unions
  11. I could take 'em both out with a double tap each. Then, after my press conference, bed the girl's mother. Jus' sayin'...
  12. I woulda thought he woulda roundhouse kicked that grizzleback into next week. Chuck sure woulda...
  13. We didn't think you inferred that 2 and half years ago, Klar, and we don't think you inferred that now. Carry on!
  14. I just love reading the inane comments on these sorts of stories... And the whole SI v English units thing, too. A grizzly 18m up a tree? That's like, what, about 60 feet? Damn, he musta been reeeeeeeealy hungry...
  15. Am I gonna have to catch you again...??
  16. Guy Waterman wrote about his and Henry Barber's 50th?? anniversary ascent of a classic ice route in NH (Pinnacle Gulley, Odell's gulley?) wearing period clothing and using period climbing equipment. A couple of young climbers with modern gear gave them the stink eye, apparently thinking they were stuck behind a couple of old coots, but Guy and Henry easily outpaced the 'paper tigers'. Now that woulda been sump'n to see. A couple of old farts blowin' the doors off of some hotshot kids.
  17. That's what I took away from the discussion...
  18. Hey there, Dane, this statement appears to be mutually exclusive. I, too, had a Whillans as my first sewn harness (after tiring of tying my own every outing), and that thing was a pain in the nuts, to be sure! Upper left and lower right... Youch!
  19. sobo

    Ron Paul

    :lmao: Priceless!!!
  20. Very nice - fitting for such a man as he.
  21. ...And returning to us now, after almost two years of blissful absence, it's (Assless) Chaps...
  22. That was a pretty cool read. Thanks, Joe!
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