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Everything posted by sobo

  1. With current votes only for the GOP S&P and George W Bush which is Ass to Mouth? I didn't see a PP option ATM. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw that choice, too...
  2. sobo

    UBB Buddies

    nah, I'm not on chat roulette anymore You got nexted too many times, eh?
  3. On Longs Peak (keyhole route) they use red/yellow painted dots... http://cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/504/IMG_03172.JPG Follow the bouncing ball, easy schmeezy, lol. d Is that something that's relatively new? I did the Keyhole Route over 20 years ago (1988???) and I don't remember any red and yellow bullseyes from back then. I think I'd remember something that trite...
  4. Why were they doing this? Getting back at the people that were skipping out on paying the NW Forest Pass fee...
  5. What, Chaos types now?
  6. I'm trying to picture how that would happen... I think what he really meant to say was he just got mooned by Uranus.... Oh, I know what oly was saying Doug, but if you think about what he said literally, it would be a difficult maneuver to pull off...
  7. Yeah, probably. So what? The issue is not how I spend MY money... Oversimplification of the root issue. Blame it on the rich. Of course! How could I not have known that? Did you ever stop to think that if the NFS and the BLM started charging the resource harvesting (consuming) companies what the lumber/ore/minerals they extract from our public lands are ACTUALLY WORTH that we wouldn't be in this situation? No, I didn't think so... This is where you are SO FUQ'N WRONG, Mark. IT IS ABOUT PRINCIPLES!!!1 The Fee Demo (not Demo anymore) program is an illegal "law" in that it was never voted upon by the constituency of any state before it "became law." If that is not a complete bastardization and corruption of the principles of the Founding Fathers, then I don't know WTF is. Then I'll break out my mountain bike. It needs to see a lot more use anyway... It ain't about the fuckin' $30, Mark. I got plenty of cash lying around if that's how I wanted to spend it. The real thing for me is that this is a "law" that was forced down our collective throats by a Congressman (Ohioan Ralph Regula) without so much as one goddamned acre of federal land in his district. So he clearly never had to worry about repercussions from HIS constituency, because it wasn't in THEIR back yard. The rest of us got stuck with his revenue generation scheme, attached as a rider to the 1996 Omnibus legislation "so that our government could keep functioning." How many fuq'n times have I heard THAT as an excuse to pass a bill??? Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to the grocery store. I've got $30 burning a hole in my pocket, and I'm thirsty and got the munchies, too...
  8. Wow, temporarily out of stock! Glad I got mine! Signed by the author, no less!
  9. Time for another kiddo update. These are from Nick's 9th birthday party last weekend at the Zero Gravity Gym in Poulsbo. Sorry for the blurriness, but these kids just move too fast for my cheap-ass Nikon digital to focus on them... Elaina on the dismount from the uneven parallel bars. Nicholas getting air on the long trampoline. Everybody say, "ICE CREAM!!!1" (Guest of Honor at the far end of the table, with his little sister on his left)
  10. Just wishing a Happy Birthday to our famous and most lovely scribe here on cc.com! Hope things have brightened up a bit this week, Mel! :kisss:
  11. sobo

    Believe it or not.

    I thought Dr. Ramani was hawt. Educated hotties turn me on. ::
  12. I'm trying to picture how that would happen...
  13. sobo

    Debt Ceiling Speech

    That's where you have a roof over your head and your neighbor doesn't. Or is that ceiling envy...??
  14. Source It would seem from the above that the 1/4 mile limit is still in effect, and that perhaps those of you parking on the opposite side of the sign from the TH have just been "lucky" in not getting ticketed. Make no mistake, I DO NOT support this illegal (never voted upon by the American public) "law" and I do not consider it binding upon me. I will continue to subvert it at every opportunity presented to me by refusing to purchase the pass. I am a proponent of user fees (you use it, you pay for it), but this is one "user fee" that I, nor any of you, was ever given a chance to vote upon. Given that chance would have changed the whole principle of the thing. As it stands, my principles tell me that until I get a chance to vote on this "Fee Demo" (not "Demo" anymore) program, it is illegal and does not require my compliance, nor do I give it.
  15. OMFG, it's happened! cc.com has waxed poetic... What hath god wrought??
  16. did that at the stuart lake TH on a busy weekend with no tickets. The sign was all of 50 yards from the TH. I thought the law was you had to park a 1/4 mile from the sign. Has that been relaxed now to being just outside of the limits of the sign?
  17. I found it incredibly interesting, and not long (IMO) at all. Then again, I'm an engineer and hence, by definition, a nerd. Great article, Dane. Think I'll stick to my Grivels for now.
  18. Jeebus! How do you reach the WRN and then not know how to top out? Do we have to start painting arrows on the rock now?
  19. Oh, shite! Foiled by the 49th Parallel again! Curse you, murraysovereign!
  20. If'n y'all are plannin' a trip to NC, don' fergit Lookin' Glass 'n Whitesides. Them's good climbin' places. Also, there's a Stone Mountain in NC that y'all CAN climb on, not like that'n in Georgia... Dey don' letcha climb on that'n cuz it's kind'a like a Confed'rate mon'ment.
  21. Doesn't sound like altitude sickness to me. I've had that before, and it ain't like shock. Which begs the question: What happened to him that he would present with symptoms of shock? Seems like there must be more to this story than what is being reported...
  22. I think Kaizen is gonna make a very fine 5-year-old, but I must point out that he's already on his way to becoming a scofflaw. Note the mountain bike and dog in a wilderness area at 1:50-2:18. Bolting in a wilderness area can't be very far behind...
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