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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Yes, Dave. You place them on nubbins. Well, "your nubbin," to be grammatically correct... I suppose they would work on chickenheads, too. Mebbe in lieu of a peckerhead...
  2. sobo

    USA! USA! Part Deux

    Hey, I'm surprised, cuz I'm one of the 1% that everyone hates! Guess that rules me out for joining the OWS protests...
  3. sobo

    Sell out?

    I'm in the process of verifying that currently. I will present my results when my analysis is complete. Please stand by...
  4. sobo

    Sell out?

    Precisely, OW! I emailed Mr. Berman's website to discuss this issue. The discourse follows: Their reply: I await their reply...
  5. sobo

    Sell out?

    I don't begrudge Kevin Jorgeson a thing. The guy obviously has talent. What I do take issue with is Bear Grylls and/or the show's writers taking liberties with undisputed facts. Take this piece, for example: Tao Berman-kayaker At 1:56 in the video, a text box appears with the following "fact" designed to awe the viewer: Tao's World Record Waterfall Descent: 98 feet Now, we may not know much about the Brazilian kayaker who boated over the Salto Belo drop (127 feet) on the Rio Sacre in Brazil back in 2009, but we sure as hell are all aware of this guy and the feat he pulled off at Palouse Falls over here on my side of the state about a month after the Brazilian's record. My math sez that 175 to 180 feet is almost twice the height of Mr. Berman's "world record" drop. Now, some may argue that Tyler's record is "unofficial" because there were no surveying measurements made on the day of the drop to jot down in the record books. But just looking at it, Palouse Falls is a helluva lot higher of a drop than Tao Berman's "98-foot World Record Waterfall Descent" being peddled by Mr. Grylls and his handlers without dragging out the EDMI, GPS, or MW/IR distance measuring thingamabobs. Researching Tao Berman's website will indicate that he made his 98-foot record drop in August of 1999. That was ten years before Tyler Bradt's record. For Mr. Berman to list this accomplishment on his website as current, rather than saying Former World Record Waterfall Descent Holder, is just plain disingenuous.
  6. sobo


    Nice to see you haven't lost your sense of humor over this, Dane.
  7. sobo


    Wow, Dane, really sorry to hear about this. Keep up the good fight and you'll beat it. I didn't let you crater on me to have this BS take you out!
  8. sobo


    That was great, ivan. I howled! "But we need the Falkland Islands! For... uhh... strategic sheep purposes..."
  9. So was that the genesis of your autosig...??
  10. sobo

    USA! USA! Part Deux

    That just struck me as being pretty funny. I just woke up, too. Mebbe that has something to do with it... Must... find... coffee...
  11. sobo

    USA! USA! Part Deux

    Just 7 more pages and we can bring up global warming. Oops! That came up on Page 2. Damn, this thread was ruined before it even got started...
  12. Start was great and it went right downhill and stayed there. WFHELL? Indeed. Beckey would NOT have approved. King Henry V and Fred Beckey, the arbiters of all that is right and good in film and babe-dom.
  13. sobo

    USA! USA! Part Deux

    Thanks for that link, prole. So the question is begged: Why are the regulations for hydraulic fracturing and extraction of liquid oil in ND (and subsequent disposal of frac water) so vastly different (and constraining) from the regulations for hydraulic fracturing and extraction of natural gas in PA (and subsequent disposal of frac water)?
  14. sobo

    USA! USA! Part Deux

    So just how do you "know" this, Bob? Having spent some time in ND on the Bakken Play, that is not what I witnessed firsthand. From my work as a consultant and conversations with State regulators, frac water begins as clean water that is purchased from a public water supply producer. It has to be, by regulation. The clean water is injected into the well at about 10,000 feet below the surface, which is where the Bakken Formation lies in that part of the country. As the well is frac'ed, all frac water is returned to the surface, captured, and treated at the well pad in separators. Liquid light sweet crude oil is separated from the frac water, and trucked to pumping stations. The frac water is collected in double-shelled tanks situated in an impermeable containment structure at the pad. The water is treated, and becomes known as "salt water" and when sufficient volume is present, it is pumped into tanker trucks and transported to, and disposed of in, some mighty deep (10,000 feet +) salt water disposal wells that are permitted by the State. Everything is monitored closely by regulators and all operations are permitted by the State NDIC. It's not all "rootin' tootin' do-what-you-want-devil-may-care Wild West" like you think. Mind you, this is for extraction of liquid crude. I am not up on the particulars of the natural gas frac'ing process, so YMMV on that score...
  15. sobo


    Wow, that's a new one. Catchy phrase...
  16. Wow... it never ceases to amaze me what passes for talent these days... King Harry would NOT be amused... Except maybe by the whelp in the pink top...
  17. "Kill the boys and the luggage!!?? 'Tis expressly against the law of arms! 'Tis as arrant a piece of knavery, mark you now, as can be offered; in your conscience, now, is it not?" do YOU wear the leak leek in your cap on st davies' day? Aye, were I an honest man. And pray, note that I fixed it for you, look you now.
  18. "Kill the boys and the luggage!!?? 'Tis expressly against the law of arms! 'Tis as arrant a piece of knavery, mark you now, as can be offered; in your conscience, now, is it not?"
  19. Well, King Harry knew his diplomacy pretty well, didn't he...? With your marking of this day, ivan, I do believe that tonight I shall break forth a flagon of my finest red and seat myself before the almighty glowing box and feast mine eyes again upon this chronicle...
  20. That's a great movie, one of the more cherished ones in my VHS/DVD cache. That St. Crispin Day speech scene before the Battle of Agincourt is so freak'n uplifting it's ludicrous. And then the English went out and beat the livin' shite out of the Frogs...
  21. sobo

    Hey Peter...

    Fixed it fer ya, ZZ Harry Caray
  22. sobo

    More lies.

    well then the longest sentence must be " i do" Ba-dum, ching!
  23. Love how he gets all charged up outside the Groceteria... "This is where we're gonna get our party supplies." Then he becomes instantly distracted for the next 10 seconds...
  24. Yeah, Arc/Divot/Icefall/Crampon/Whoeverthefuckthatassholewas was a real douchenozzle. And, like you, I miss DeChristo's brand of humor and eloquent prose, too...
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