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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Well, I guess I should have expected that. I shoulda known... I just shoulda known...
  2. Well, thanks for the warning OW, but that was clearly NOT what I was expecting. I feel so... cheated.
  3. Very cool find, Pat. I always felt sorry for Scott and his "summit" crew, having been beaten to the SP by Amundsen just a month earlier. And then all five of them died of starvation on the way back, just 11 miles short of a food depot.
  4. I was smoking crack and worshipping Satan. You're gonna judge my weekend entertainment choices now?
  5. My daughter turned 7 this past Friday (10/14). Took both of the rugrats up to Hurricane Ridge on Saturday for a little look-see. Ee-yup, it goes by all too quickly... We went walking on the trails around the Hurricane Ridge Visitor's Center for Elaina's 7th birthday. Here Nicholas and Elaina contemplate the drop from the summit of Sunrise Point near the Center. Nicholas and Elaina pose for Dad at the Visitor's Center, with a portion of the southern Olympics in the background.
  6. I'd hazard a guess that you'd be even happier if they gave it back. Just sayin'...
  7. Sometimes, this world really is a great place in which to live... Glad you got all your stuff back.
  8. sobo

    Joke Thread

    You can say a lot of bad things about pedophiles, but at least they slow down in school zones.
  9. Ahhhhhhhh... Still, very impressive.
  10. Wow, what a resume! It's our own locally-grown version of Kick-Ass!
  11. Congrautaltions, Erik! My best wishes for many happy years together. PS: Love the stick-clip recessional. Awesome...
  12. i think the expression of that era was: "revolutions are not made of rose-water" It's also helpful to remember why people during the F Rev were so pissed off.... ....not that Versaille isn't a great tourist attraction or anything. the king had flush toilets, 'nuff said! Ah, but to where did they flush...??
  13. Sounds a lot like colonial America. 'Cept there you got 40 acres instead of a mule... Jus' sayin'...
  14. sobo

    For Kevbone

    Soooooooooooooo tired of all the VH/DLR/SH bullshit. Soooooooooooooo tired... :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
  15. I never said you were wrong and that I was right. I merely proposed an alternate view of the situation, and asked if that possibility could not be the case. But if, to soothe your tender ego, you require that I admit my scenario could never possibly have happened, then by all means, Pete, so be it. I'm not that invested in the argument, since I am neither a hunter nor a poacher.
  16. Thanks, Bronc, that's the best explanation to my questions that I've heard yet.
  17. WOW! Why don't we hear more about our own Darling of the Cascades as a result of feats such as this? Surely, a 5.11 on The Diamond is just as bold and badass as anything that other male free-soloers have done, no?
  18. OK, I read the piece on him in the May issue of Nat Geo, but I was not prepared for this vid of him on Sentinel Rock. Excuse me while I
  19. sobo

    RIP Steve

    Classically hilarious!
  20. Probably b/c there is a huge bullet hole in it. Again I ask, why not give the taxidermist a shot at it? No pun intended... On the contrary, bear can be very good eating and many people enjoy it, including myself. Meh. Mebbe I just got a bad batch(es), or mebbe it just doesn't agree with me... I was not impressed with it. YMMV
  21. Prolly fuk'n poachers. Probably not. Its been bear season for the last couple months. Riddle me this, then... If it were indeed bear hunters (and not poachers, as you suggest), then why would the hunter leave the head? Is that not the part of the beast most coveted for mounting on the den wall? Should not the taxidermist at least been given a chance to make some suitable "repair" the bear's head and make a mount of it, rahter than just leaving the carcass in the field? If you're going to suggest that the hunters were just after the meat, I know from experience that bear is not the tastiest form of game meat taken from the field. So I would posit that it was NOT bear hunters leaving a head shot kill, but indeed poachers. Just my $0.02
  22. sobo

    CC.com Turns 11

    That's the same thing you posted last time you were here, about 20 months ago. 'Cept then, you were screaming at us... HELLO CAPITALIST THANK YOU FOR IMPORTANT OBSERVATION! YOUR MOM IS A SCREAMER TOO You crack me up, Drew...
  23. sobo

    CC.com Turns 11

    That's the same thing you posted last time you were here, about 20 months ago. 'Cept then, you were screaming at us...
  24. Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Choke on that, CPB/GGK!
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