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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Life can be so difficult some days... My sympathies.
  2. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... It's here. Black Butte Porters for everyone! And within the quarter hour, too! Cheers, all!
  3. It's 4:00 and the runner has left the building! Should be quaffing some frosty cold ones within the quarter hour here at Ye Olde Grindstone. Y'all have a safe and sportin' 3-day weekend. I've got "family crap" to do this weekend, so I'm just up for getting buzzed the last hour at work and headin' home.
  4. We're not talking Mini-DV here, are we? We just got a Canon AZ40 Mini-DV camcorder for under $500 from ABT Electronics (off the net). We're quite happy with it. It's small, light, takes great vid/aud, stills, and has full edit capability and plugs into your PC or TV to save on batts (the LCD viewer eats batts for breakfast). See here Just so you know, the Canon GL-2 is going for $2800 on this site, with no tax and free shipping.
  5. Obviously not a blind taste test...
  6. Hey ChrisT, When I was 14/15, I was burning up cars of people that went parking in the woods, throwing propane cylinders into trash fires and shit like that, stealing bikes and sailboats for joyrides, and generally harming little defenseless animals (I'll stop right here and leave out the rest...). At 15, I got a job as kitchen help for some meager pay and free room and board at a rich kid's summer camp in the mtns. Learned all about pot, girls, and other stuff, but being away from the folks for 3 months straight caused me to learn to do most shit for myself and to stay out of trouble. Maybe something like that, where he's away from you guys, earning his own money with no place to spend it (mostly), responsible for his own actions and getting his own ass out of the sling when he gets in one, but not being forced to do shit like kiddie boot camps make you. Changed my life. YMMV
  7. So then we are using the magazine analogy to describe your current state of dating and/or marital bliss, which is what I thought all along. It seems you may be contemplating "cancelling your subscription" then...?
  8. Maybe I'm missing something, but is all this purusing of "magazines" some sort of hyperbole for dating and marriage? Magazine stand = Meat market dance club or somesuch location for meeting chikas No subscription = Free to date anyone you please Subscription = Marriage "contract" with intimate moments "delivered to your home", magazine (wife) is there every day, etc. Advance payment = no end of the subscription (marriage) in sight Is it really about the magazines...? Or a cry for help?
  9. Hey, JGowans! Will moonlighing as a landscape architect get you laid off with a severance packgage? Could this be the ticket out you've been looking for?
  10. sobo

    More Roonyisms!

    I was watching the night he said that. And it's still just as funny (and peotically justified) now as it was then.
  11. Thanks. I'll have to look some of his stuff up.
  12. Just curious; who's Christopher Hitchen?
  13. ooooooooooo, you're gonna burn in hell for that one, matey.
  14. Your time with 5mph+/- over speed limit from Issaquah jives nicely with my times at posted speed limits. Expect 5.5 hours from Seattle to Smith at speed limits, sayjay. YMMV.
  15. Scrawled above the toilet paper holder at UW: WSU diplomas; take one.
  16. I recall you made that quite clear when you referred to kitten's avatar image as a "skank" not too long ago.
  17. If you look closely, it looks like the ricochet punched a hole in the black cop's pants at the shin. Then he just goes back to cuffin' the perp. Ha!
  18. How dare you impose your views about reincarnation on the sex threads!!!! If it's reincarnation of a sex thread, does that mean I get to do her over and over and over...?
  19. Ohhhhh, waitaminute. Many LEO's await unsuspecting prey along 97 once south of Biggs Junction in OR. All those little burgs out there around Shaniko are just looking for speeders. Been busted several times in teh Supra before I got skewled and bought into the BIG HONKIN' SUV that don't go so fast. sayjay: Takes about 2 hours 15 minutes to 2.5 hours to Yakivegas. From there, get to Toppenish and head out US 97 to Goldendale and across the stream to Biggs Junction. Time from Yakima to Terrebonne is about 3.5 hours at posted speed limits. It takes about 4 hours from my house to Sun VIllage outside of Bend, so I'm guessing it's about a half hour less to Smith.
  20. No, it's Sinead O'Connor . We've been here before.
  21. The end that talks... English.
  22. Yeah, yeah, I read all that qualifier shit at the end of the test. What I think put me over was when I answered truthfully about the 3-some when a buddy and I did his wife from both ends.
  23. sobo

    top posters list?

    Click on Entrance at the top of your screen, then scroll down to the bottom. It's on the left side.
  24. 29% I agree with JoshK, it's rigged.
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