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Everything posted by sobo

  1. I do this. Could be called summer training... could also be called idiocy, too.
  2. The one who got "lost" was, indeed, not very experienced. Our info sez that he had taken a 1-day mtn'rng course somewhere. Our info also sez that he was with a member of this board (who I will not name) that apparently is an experienced mountaineer, altho I believe not from this area, so Adams may have thrown him (and his party) for a loop. In any event, his partner informed us that the boot track down from Piker's Peak (false summit) "was about 7 feet wide" and pretty hard to miss. So go figure. He got himself out, and I got an extra day off work. We sure got the response, tho! Over 2 dozen climbers volunteered, altho only the 4 of us from CWMR even got close to their camp at SB. Everyone else got called off just as they arrived at the ranger station.
  3. You are correct in your belief of what "natural protection" is. Or at least I agree with you. Trees, bushes, shrubbery, chockstones, horns, etc. etc.
  4. sobo

    Happy Birthday

    I'm one of the other 25%. The man Isn't it also the 50th "birthday" of the FA of Everest today??
  5. Check this out. Rube Goldberg has finally lost it!
  6. Hey micajones, what a nifty avatrar image. Gotta love it!
  7. Julbos. They make you look like an some old antiquated polar explorer. And the chicas dig 'em!
  8. I was wondering the same thing. BTW, check out erik's new autosig...
  9. OMFG! Here we go again!! I figger'd that someone would ask that eventually. Pounds mass, FYI.
  10. Agreed! No more homeless pets.
  11. Spray it with water? How bout gasoline? Follow with torch or other source of flame. POOF! Problem solved, and no trifling with early morning driving to nearby waterway as in DFA's solution.
  12. Prussiks? Altho tiblocs are pretty cute lil' thangz. When you say "rescue pulleys" are you referring to simple pulleys or are you referring to prussik-minding pulleys? Conterra is a good source for rescue-type equipment of the nature of PMPs. A short length of static line could be picked up at Home Depot or Lowe's, and it'll be OK for this situation since it's only going to be a coupla feet off the ground, and not in some highline rescue sitmo.
  13. dramatic representations, behaviors and/or speech done purely for effect. goes along with gesticulations. Irate Italians are pretty good at it,as an example...
  14. It's more than retarded, it's just not NORML!
  15. see this Site sez it's (exactly) 14 US pounds. All apologies to Ursa Eagle (hehehehehehe) Is this thread going to be a repeat of this?
  16. It's the old in-bred fucking the in-bred joke. Typically, it's told as West Virginians, but Darrington works just as well. Vive le Deliverance!
  17. OK, found the equipment list following b-rock's advice. But the story of the helo crash is pretty interesting, too. Sorrow for the killed.
  18. Link goes to a dead-end, problem-reporting page. "World latest" link on right side goes to headlines. Scrolling down under "Breaking News" on the left side, one learns of a Russian-built helicopter crash at Everest BC. Is that what you were on about??
  19. Pretty good weekend. After drinking Friday night and doing the "family crap" Sat and Sun, I just lounged about the house on Monday. Just before going to bed Monday night, my mountain SAR unit got a call for a lost climber on Adams's South Side route. Got a 4-day weekend out of it, got out on a mountain (which was not in the weekend plans) and got a better night's sleep last night than I would've gotten Monday night! Before anyone hits me up for route beta, read this All in all, a great weekend, even if we didn't "summit". ...sobo
  20. Timcb, your guess was pretty accurate. My mountain SAR unit was up to the South Side yesterday to look for a lost climber (he walked out and hitched to Glenwood by apparently descending the Mazama from the false summit instead of Suksdorf Ridge via the Lunch Counter; he was ok, but very tired and burnt). The FS chipped in two snowmobiles (added to our one and evac sled) and ferried us to Timberline Camp, which is just about five miles from where vehicles are currently being parked. Parking is currenlty about 1 mile or so below Morrison Creek Campground.
  21. OMFG! How have you survived??! I can't even get out of the house without a fresh pot of "Freedom-pressed" java!
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