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Everything posted by sobo

  1. All from personal experience... Hood's Cooper Spur is an elegant line in profile (a slog, tho) I think we would need to mention Rainier's Liberty Ridge (altho can a ridge count as a face in this context?) I really enjoyed NF of N Peak of Index Adam's Glacier Icefall and/or the North Lyman Glacier route NF of Chair Peak in winter Gimme a little while and I'll come up with the sixth. I gotta get some work done today, what with all the fah'qn around I've done on this board lately.
  2. Never went on a cave "rescue" before. But went in on two body recoveries...
  3. sobo

    saw cc.comer

    on some women, yes ... but i don't dig it so much for the guys. you should know, though -- or maybe you already do -- that it's quite difficult to jib in that stuff! Yeah, some of the squeaks it makes when it gets wet can be quite, shall we say, embarrassing?
  4. Lemme get a drink and I'll think about that...
  5. You got caves down there? I used to scamper about in the karst of Virginia, West Virginia, and Tennessee when I was in college. It was what got me into rock climbing. One day, my cave buds said they weren't going caving that weekend, they were going rock climbing instead. I said, "What's that all about?" I soon learned that bumbling around in the dark, cold, mud and wetness was infinitely less fun than scampering about on clean stone, in the fresh air and warm sunshine with a sweet pine aroma on a spring breeze, all while wearing leopard print spandex tights! Never went caving again.
  6. sobo

    saw cc.comer

    I tend to favor skin tight black patent leather.
  7. Where the Wild Things Are A scintillating, engrossing story. A "must read."
  8. Your quite welcome, Alex. Don't worry about any "disturbance" that you think you might have caused. We are all volunteers, and we do it because we would like to think that we can help out sometimes. Sergey "found" his own self; we didn't do anything except bring him back to town. I'm glad he's feeeling better. It was fun hanging out with him while waiting for your team to return. Climb safely!
  9. Just started readiing Simonson's "Ghosts of Everest" this past weekend. Picked it up at our fundraiser last week. If y'all are interested, we practically filled the entire lower floor of the Capitol Theater (seats ~800 on the lower floor), and cleared over $8000 in ticket sales alone. Still calc'ing underwriter's contributions and figuring out teh expenses, but we did WAAAY better than we ever hoped we could. Another tidbit: our truck broke down Tuesday on our way to the Mt. Adams mission. Burnt up the clutch going up to Satus Pass. WE SURE DO NEED A NEW TRUCK!!
  10. Different mission altogether. We didn't get the page for that one. Too bad, I haven't had the opportunity for any helo ops yet.
  11. Is that a standard SAR question now or did he volunteer that? Nope, but seriously, it is standard procedure for CWMR/SAR to ascertain the name(s) of the subject(s) of the search, and the name(s) of the reporting party (RP). When I heard the name of one of the RP members, I recognized it from this board. Without express permission from that member, I don't think it's prudent for me to release any names (even though the local rag identified the subject of the search, but then again, that's the media).
  12. if we were ghetto...would we be married ChrisT? Either to her or to micajones...
  13. And just to be a stickler, it's Mazama, with a "z".
  14. Where was Lambone this weekend? Well, it wasn't him. It'll be a long process of elimination if we go this way... Oh, and hehehehe
  15. Actually, I had another cat (Trango, RIP) when I was out climbing all the time before I got married. A bowl of food and some water left outside for the weekend and a friend/landlord/gf to come by once to fill up the vittles is all you need. And they're just as happy to see you when you come back as a dog would be. IMHO, the most maintenance-free of any mammalian pet. Now, my wife's rabbits... Yeeesh! Can you say "hassenfeffer"?
  16. You need Flash6 to view it. It's a long-ish vid clip of a Rube Goldberg-esque contraption that uses numerous car parts from the new Honda wagon set up "a la dominoes falling" to eventually lead up to the fully assembled vehicle rolling out onto the showroom floor. Really quite interesting, but someone clearly had nothing else to do that week.
  17. And i HAVE a cat! Well, actually the wife made me keep it when it showed up...
  18. The link to "cliff" isn't working for me. "...could not be found..."
  19. Don't know about that one. We didn't even get a call-out for it. But we were already en route to Adams by then and may not have been pageable. maybe someone from down Vancouver way could answer that one.
  20. I agree with both your points above. While bad weather can arrive anytime, it is especially important to be aware at teh season extremes. I was telling my wife over the weekend, "I just know we're gonna get called out this weekend. I just know that someone's gonna get all amped up with the first long weekend of the summer season and be all excited and go get themselves in trouble." And climbing WITH someone really should mean WITH someone, as you so astutely note. This one worked out OK, and I'm glad for it. The subject was quite contrite, if not embarrassed, when he saw and heard of the size of the gathering he generated. Lesson learned, we hope.
  21. It's just some file that this ghetto site tried to download to his PC. The first time I got my ghetto name, it was fine. I went back to see if it would give me a cooler name (like Mr. Natural's ghetto name), and the second time it tried to download that shizz. I aborted before it got very far. You have to confirm the download for it to start. iain should be fine unless he confirmed the download out of muscle memory/habit.
  22. sobo

    Happy Birthday

    yup. i should know, i was born on the 25th anniversary also jfk's bday. Happy birthday, "Dr. Ice" !
  23. Well it looks like anyone whose first name is "Paul" gets called "Puppy". And I guess I can see how they got "Lobos" out of "Soboleski". It's just the first five letters backwards. Go figger.
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