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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Winter listed a few of my other faves (Kottke, Prine, Baez, Dylan, etc.). My old man had a bunch of stuff when I was a kid by the Mamas and the Papas; Peter, Paul & Mary; Joan Baez; The Cowsills; New Christy Minstrels (or something like that) all around the time of our early involvment in Vietnam. Haven't heard that stuff in years. Like RobBob's old man, my old man put it all down on reel-to-reel tapes back then. I could listen to it, if I ever set up my Akai deck again.
  2. Woodie and Arlo Guthrie
  3. sobo

    Why ...

    My favorite Einstein quote... "I do not know how World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." sobering...
  4. Amen, Bronco! If it can't be duct-taped, it can't be fixed!
  5. sobo

    Threads locked

    Yeah, gt, that probably is better instructions, saving it to his own hard drive rather than just going to the hosting website's image. I'm no computer guru like you and jon.
  6. sobo

    Threads locked

    1. Place mouse cursor over image 2. Right click 3. Scroll down to "Properties" 4. Left click on hypertext link. 5. Enjoy!
  7. sobo

    I'm a dumb A##

    Then I must be having the fahq'n time of my life! I was debt-free until I got married a coupla years ago. Then the savings account started dwindling. Now that we've got a kid, all I see on the bottom line is RED RED RED!
  8. Summer, Donna (I always thought she was kinda hot...)
  9. sobo

    I'm a dumb A##

    Oh man, that musta sucked! I had some big black Al Roper sorta guy for DiffEqs. Sailed it with nary a care in the world. I was so lucky. But I took 4th qtr. Calculus twice (triple integrals) with the same prick both times... Rastislav Telgarsky, I'll never forget that name.
  10. sobo

    I'm a dumb A##

    Professer Crittendon? That guy was a DICK! Was it Crittendon? He was on old WWII vet with an aircraft carrier for a haircut, and big black-rimmed Buddy Holly style specs. If that's Crittendon, then it's him. I hated that fucker! Nah...different guy...your prof have an accent? I'm trying to remember who that guy is...was he out of the ESM dep't? Or the E. Fundamentals? I remember Crittendon now. Youngish guy, kinda dweeby looking in a Where's Waldo sortaway. He was EF, as was my FORTRAN prof.
  11. sobo

    I'm a dumb A##

    Professer Crittendon? That guy was a DICK! Was it Crittendon? He was on old WWII vet with an aircraft carrier for a haircut, and big black-rimmed Buddy Holly style specs. If that's Crittendon, then it's him. I hated that fucker!
  12. sobo

    I'm a dumb A##

    Blew off my FORTRAN 77 final exam to go climbing. Didn't pass the class, took me three more tries to get the grade and graduate. My response to the prof was, "I'm gonna be an engineer. If I had wanted to be a computer programmer, I would've majored in Computer Science." He wasn't amused...
  13. sobo


    N by NWest's bio image (not safe for work)
  14. Count it among one your good experiences with equipment manufacturers, and climb on! Nice job, BD I once was climbing with one of their new (at the time) "fin" biners, and took a whipper and shattered the thing. Sent it in for inspection, and they replaced it with two new biners (not the fin style). I was happy enough.
  15. sobo


    You're both banned!
  16. sobo


    NOW THAT Did he do that art hisself?
  17. sobo


  18. sobo


    I'm Polish and not banned (yet...).
  19. Last book opened? Inside the Baby's Mind, this morning, while administering the 5:30 am bottle.
  20. sobo

    I need some advice.

    Well, just because you might not want to read about it in the paper, doesn't mean that you can't just chuck the morning after's edition!
  21. sobo

    I need some advice.

    Reminds me of some advice from one of the founders of a major engineering company I used to work for a long time ago... "A good test to remember if a contemplated action is ethical or not is to ask yourself, "Would I want to see this in the headlines tomorrow morning?"" It's made all the difference in how I approach my job and my life. Credits to Jim Howland, Chairman Emeritus, CH2M HILL Which probably means I should quit spraying and get back to work!
  22. sobo

    I need some advice.

    Thanks, sayjay, but I can't take credit for the autosig. It's an American Indian proverb that I heard on an NPR broadcast. Had to shorten it a bit to fit within autosig parameters, and didn't have enuff room for the credit byline.
  23. sobo

    I need some advice.

    I don't mean insiincere in the everyday sense. More like insincere between two friends. Kind of a "i know you're not really meaning what you're saying to me, but you're saying it to be saucy" Various shades of flippancy, ya know.
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