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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Classic! That's going to be my new autosig!
  2. Sweet pic of the whitewater rafting chika.
  3. WFR at a minimum or WEMT preferrably And don't forget, WEMT requires OTEP, and WFR requires recert every 2 years to remain current. Nothing is for free.
  4. sobo

    Battlestar galactica

    Why bother? It's only a 4-hour miniseries. Plop your ass down in front of the tube for 2 nights with a half rack and get it over with.
  5. sobo

    Battlestar galactica

    OK, point taken. But to a high-schooler all wrapped up in himself, his GF, his ride, and dope, Mopit was a complete loser. But for you, Michelle, I'll cut some slack for the mechanized canine.
  6. sobo

    Battlestar galactica

    I am so glad that mutt isn't part of the new miniseries. I never saw much value in it as a character in the original.
  7. Swilled a few pints with him at the Green Apple pub in Walla Walla a few years back. Doubt he'd ever remember that, but I do remember that he was hitting up my GF (now wife) pretty hard. But then, doesn't he always do that?
  8. sobo

    Battlestar galactica

    Yeah, she's... gritty.
  9. sobo

    Battlestar galactica

    Way hawt! If she isn't a model already, then this series could be her big break.
  10. sobo

    Battlestar galactica

    I did. I thought it was pretty good. Step up from the original.
  11. When you start to hear from the stores, don't forget this page.
  12. Heeeeyyy, how come the image didn't show up like the rest of you's guys did?
  13. Did you try a search by the boot manufacturer proper? Might be a little more definitive rather than inputting "Italian Mountaineering Stores" mebbe.
  14. Maybe it's a Fluke-ism. We used to say that at Fluke when an engineer went on vacation without having all his documentation up to date. No, I don't think it's a Fluke-ism. I, too, are an engineer, and my boss uses that phrase when one of us goes on vacation.
  15. sobo

    NW ice

    Terminal Gravity knows a lot about the ice out Enterprise way. Spill it, TG! I recall a post here last year from someone who went ice climbing ion the Elkhorns of Oregon and raved about multi-pitch ice there. A search for "Elkhorns" of all forums/all posts did not uncover anything. Anybody else remember this?
  16. I still have a couple of the ibrus screws left on my rack, but I only use them as leavers. FURPS!
  17. uhhhh, pack 'em up and mail 'em back to the US while you're over there...? You could pay the shop owner whatever the going postal/shipping rate is, and just have him ship them directly home for you. Or to someone here you trust to pick them up for you so they don't get stolen off your front porch. Caveat emptor: Pay with plastic, just in case (if you were to pay in cash, and the guy decides to stiff you, it's possible you might not ever see the boots). At least that way, you have recourse with your credit card company if things don't go your way. Of course, if you pay cash and pick them up yourself, then you can ship them from any post office. My $0.02
  18. Charlatans!! Strumpets!! Blasphemers all!! Carry on, Alex. You go, guy!
  19. Thanks. It was fun, but a real butt-kicker in the winter when we did it. Fahq'n howled the whole time we were out there, and collllld. Had no difficulty route-finding the start of it from the creek bottom. Maybe we were just lucky...
  20. Hardly considered "greatness"
  21. like father, like son! Well, not exactly... I drool all over my wife. My son... he just drools.
  22. Several years ago in late winter/early spring, shortly returned from Alaska, me and some buds climbed Sacajawea via the sunlit ridge in the center foreground of wazzu's picture. I think it would be called the West Ridge, or possibly the NW Ridge, not sure. We followed the top of the ridge, bouncing left and right to avoid major difficulties, until below the dark headwall, which we climbed by going around to climber's right to regain the ridgeline behind it, and on to the summit. We had grand hopes of tagging the Matterhorn as well that day, but by the time we got to the summit of Saca, we were burnt! It was hellishly windy that trip. TG: What would that line be called, technically? We approached from Hurricane Creek, and after crossing the creek eastward, stayed high contiuously, never dropping into any gullies or creek drainages. The NW Ridge would seem to be the most likely description to me.
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