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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Drunk already

    I am sick, in a morally depraved sorta way.
  2. sobo

    Drunk already

    I thought it was fucking hilarious. Next best thing to streaming updates. Of course, mebbe it's cuz I had a coupla Black Butte Porter mondos at Red Robin for lunch. Hey jon/timmy, what do you think you could do to the site to bring us streaming video clips of cc.com-ers running amok with wild abandon and engaging in acts of moral depravity?
  3. It was schweet. We'd both been looking for the FA lead of Peekaboo for some time. He offered it to me, but I let him take it since he'd been waiting many years longer than me to tag it. Besides, I got the FA lead of Union Creek a coupla years ago, which I thought was cool.
  4. As promised: The Practice Wall on Forest Road 19 (just off SR 410) on the way in to Peekaboo. Horsetail Falls on FR 19 on Sunday, 1/11/04. The Great Wall on FR 19. Two Face is the curtain in center (not fully formed) and Peekaboo is the ribbon in the distance on left. FR 19: Cragg at the base of Peekaboo, 1/11/04. He snagged the FA lead the day before. SR 410: Cragg at the base of Union Creek Falls (Left Side Route) on Sunday, 1/11/04. The standard LSR follows the bulges and/or ramps a few feet to the right of the edge of the ice, passes by the left side of the downed tree, and ends at the top of the gully (out of view). The WI4+/5- (TR) line of mine followed the extreme left edge, on the icicles, right next to where the ice peters out against the wall. Traverse right to exit once at the level of the downed tree. SR 410: Cragg topping out of the standard LSR of Union Creek Falls. In this picture, you can better see the line I TR'ed to Cragg's left, at the edge of the frame. Nothin' stellar, just hope you enjoyed lookin' at them as much as we enjoyed climbin' them!
  5. ...whatever that means. See my reply to Climzalot's post in this thread. I've been outed. All is lost.
  6. Touche'! That one hurt, rob.
  7. No offense intended, I actually cut and pasted from here. None taken, but it is my bad all the same. I know a Devlin and a Delvin, both in politics. You are correct, it is Jerome Delvin (who I still do know and is the same guy who sponsored the legislation). I just confused his name with Tom Devlin, erstwhile councilman from Quincy. Apologies humbly offered.
  8. You did say were new to this, eh? ok.
  9. ...to be the Emperor. push me
  10. FOUL! You lose points for even knowing what "window treatments" are.
  11. If you leave tomorrow morning, you could probably get on Horsetail Falls (faces south, but shaded), Union Creek Falls, (faces south, but sits in a deep canyon), or Umptanum Falls (faces north, in a small canyon, and is shaded), but you're gonna get wet fer sure. Still, I wouldn't wait for the weekend if I were you. Go now!
  12. Damn! Check out those 'brows! Do ya gotta shave the middle a lot?
  13. Dood! Couldn't you like, sell your car or something? bummer.
  14. Try this little gem... Umptanum Falls (b/w E-burg and the Wenas near Naches) comes immediately to mind, but it's very limiting. Go with a partner and set up TRs on WI3 stuff. You'll have way more fun. See Horsetail Falls outside of Cliffdell off of SR 410 (but it's more like 3 hours from Seattle).
  15. sobo

    This should help...

    Thought you might appreciate the humour...
  16. I don't recall it being discussed here (but I don't spend all day on this board, usually ), but it was discussed at length on the FCCC Yahoo group (Frenchman Coulee Climber's Coalition) after some actions by Bill Robins (RIP) regarding access to the ice climbs on the north wall of Frenchman's Coulee. Perhaps the archives of that group could shed some (local) light on the issue.
  17. I know Jerome personally (and it's "Devlin", not "Delvin"), although I haven't seen much of him locally since he got really active in politics a few years back. He is a climber and high altitude mountaineer. He simply wants to open up more climbing opportunities in Washington. Be glad. Secondly, precedent/tort holds that you cannot charge a fee and be absolved of responsibility for injuries/death on private property. The two are mututally exclusive propositions (correct me if wrong, TLG, mattp, specialed, others). Charge a fee, accept responsibility. Free access, no liability. And lastly, just in case if you didn't know, Andy Fitz is the immediate past Director of the Access Fund. Be glad for him, too.
  18. sobo

    This should help...

    ... in our dialogues with Dru and our other Northern friends... Translator Ny Nomex suit is on...
  19. Nope, haven't been in since way back before Christmas. I was kinda thinkin' that someone would go in over the Great Freeze, but apparently not. It's warm up there right now. WSDOT White Pass cam sez it's 34F right now, with FL rising to 5500 feet by Saturday. MLK Day is looking like upper 20s at the elevation of the Strobach base (4500 feet). With the warm temps, the snow will melt and become free water , but it's gotta get back down in the teens/low 20s for a week or so after that to get the climbs to come in good. The snow depth will be killer from now on. Best to plan on an o-night bivy, or wrestle a snowmachine in there for day trips.
  20. Uhhhh, that would be me! I need to rethink that...
  21. We should all be concerned with protecting the head that we get. Glad to see that you're taking the lead on this, for all our sakes!
  22. Thank you, Ade. That's good beta. I downloaded, and will read for my own edification.
  23. Dropped the roll off at lunch today, pick 'em up tomorrow evening (cheaper that way), scan 'em and post to Gallery on Wednesday. I like my old SLR for action pics way better than my digital camera. Press shutter release, wham!, picture taken. None of this wait wait wait click! BS.
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