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Everything posted by sobo

  1. I'll second mvs's comment... A real treat! Normally, when I see a post that long on this board, I just skip it. That read, however, was worth every moment. I've climbed the NF of NP of Index three times, and I just can't hardly imagine what that must have been like, given the equipment they had (or didn't have! ). True hardmen.
  2. south american cowboys dont wear anything like the outfit you describe. you gay or sumpin? OK, OK, my spelling is not as good as Muffy's. I meant to say "gaucheness", OK? And yeah, I know it's not a real word, but WTF.
  3. And I bet people can smell you long before they see you! Capilene's nice, but it stinks... Wrong! Patagucci Capilene does not stink after washing on regular cycle. If it does, then I must smell like a rose garden naturally after a tough day in the mtns. You can never get the stink out of polypro, no matter how much washing. For me, I use a dark blue (overcast days) or a white (cloudless days) layer of capilene tops and bottoms, with both tops being long sleeve, zip necks for ventilation. Polypro liner socks, fleece layer socks. I have long since thrashed all merino wool stuff, and have never used the thermal knit cotton blends. I still have an old Wilderness Experience zip top that says it's "Thermax", a later generation polypro that wasn't 'sposed to hold stench. It only kinda works in that respect... And yes, despite the gauchness of it all, I do wear Supplex shorts over polypro on bright sunny and/or windy days on volcanoes. I do not need to explain why to this group.
  4. OMFG! That's one mad cow!
  5. Which one(s)? With the recent extended cold snap, and the yearly abundance of late-season irrigation run-off, I would say, without even going there to check, that all the climbs listed in Alex's and Jason's guide for Frenchman Coulee are in right now. A quick PM to Paul Dietrick would probably confirm or refute that statement. 'Course, he's probably out climbing at Banks Lake right now.
  6. There's ice to climb at Moses Lake? Never heard of any. Are you sure you don't mean Moses Coulee? If you do, please be aware that there are serious access issues with most of the climbs at Moses Coulee, as you must cross private proerty to access the climbs, and those property owners don't want any ice climbers on their lands.
  7. Has it ever frozen over enough to climb? I don't think so.
  8. Looks like it's about time to move this thread to Spray...
  9. I know, I know, why would you climb over here when it's -20C in Canada? Well, because I only had one day to get out after a couple of missions this week. Horestail Falls is in, frozen solid. A great solo! Peekaboo is in, although it still is a toprope. Other stuff at the Great Wall and Drowning Pool is on the way. Anybody go in to Strobach since New Year's?? geordie? Big Wave? tomtom? Spill it if you did!
  10. sobo


    From the article... The Sunday Telegraph also reported that after the crocodile feeding, Irwin and his American wife, Terri, told their five-year-old daughter, Bindi, to splash around in a pool near a crocodile pen to encourage the reptiles to swim out. "Now flail around and look helpless, that's the girl, good girl," Terri Irwin was quoted as saying. "That's my girl, Bindi Irwin, the other white meat." And finally, lest I seem insensitive... A zoo official was quoted by the paper as saying a gate connecting the pool to the crocodile pen had been shut.
  11. I stand corrected. Just heard the news about an hour ago from our call-out coordinator. It appears that one of the three MAST choppers saw tracks from the air (don't know exactly where, but I suspect on the west side of Denny Mountain/Denny Creek drainage, after a short discussion with one of the ski searchers yesterday at the debrief) and a ground team was dispatched to check it out. It took 7 hours of tough skiing for the team to get there, but he was found alive and talking. He was airlifted out, and taken to Harborview, where he was treated for hypothermia and dehydration. It will be interesting to hear his story of the events of the last 4 days. Nice to have a happy ending to what otherwise appeared to be a sad outcome. Kudos to all who showed up to help look for him. Good job!
  12. And again yesterday. Numerous (I think the number stated at the debrief was 13) county SAR and Mountain Rescue units responded on Saturday to the call for additional assistance, and over 100 searchers/probers were put in the field checking chutes on the west side of the valley that had as yet remained unchecked. Also, some ski searchers went off the back (west) side of Denny Mountain to check. No sign of the subject was found. As of yesterday late afternoon, the ground search was called off. Today, there are to be three MAST choppers that will fly over the area, and other areas nearby not yet checked. Snowmobile teams with stand-by ground recovery teams will be on standby to respond if anything shows up. I think I'm stating the obvious that after four days, the likelihood of finding anything after all the recent snow is not high. Doug, were you there yesterday?
  13. Nice! Great way to end the year, and a nice thought of rememberance of others.
  14. Hey dryad, shouldn't you be packing instead of shopping for skis...? Or surfing this site?
  15. And then unclip the sling at your waist biner once above the move and leave the pro until picked up? Curious... Didn't see a rope, so this appears to be some sort of a quasi-solo technique, but how does one pick up the pieces left behind? No rope, so can't rappel down to them to clean. Downclimb? Sketchy at best, since pro was placed on the way up. Just wondering...
  16. Overheard from nerdy newbie at the REI climbing counter: "Do they fold up for easy transport on your rack?" "Oh, sure. No problem." "How do you get them to deploy once you put 'em in the crack?" "Well, that's what this here little straw is for..."
  17. I'll take a coupla in size K2, if'n ya don't mind. They're kinda cute little buggerz...
  18. Sooooo... would that be a WSCD? (wing spread camming device) What sizes do they come in?
  19. Hey, that's great stuff! I've done that quite a few times in the past (Mt. Stuart and Les Calanques come immediately to mind). Make sure you place the slingage to one side of the rock or the other, against the side of the crack's wall. It helps to jam it better.
  20. The forest roads 1201, 1202, and 1203, and all subservient roads accessed from those roads, are seasonally closed to motor vehicle (on-road) traffic every year after there is "enough" snow to support over-the-snow vehicles. Therefore, this would include Road 570, as well as many others in the area. Only Road 1200 (South Tieton Road Loop) and a short stretch of Road 1201 to Camp Ghormley (Christian ) Youth Camp remains open to cars/trucks. Notwithstanding that, the original developers of Strobach would take one of their "monster" jeeps and essentially "unimog" their way up the closed roads to as near the climbs as possible. This, while slightly illegal, was great fun and highly exciting as speeding snowmobilers, thinking the closed roads were entitrely theirs to use as they pleased, were met by Yale's monster jeep around blind corners. The truth is, tomtom, is that you will (legally) have to park along Road 1200 and hump it in from there, unless you have access to a snow machine. This is what makes Strobitch soooooooo much fun. It's all in the approach!
  21. hmmmmmmmm... Dru has total posts = 1. Turning over a new leaf for '04, Dru?
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