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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Seems about right. I use the ARVA 9000. It comes in at ~55m. That's about 60 yards... My condolences to the surviving husband and the families of the deceased.
  2. sobo

    Centralia flooding

    nevermind. Saw where he posted last night. I've been around here long enough to know I shoulda searched first, asked questions later. ETA: Shite, now I can't even delete the thread. Soooooooorrry!
  3. sobo

    Centralia flooding

    Missed it on the news yesterday. Saw the front page photo this morning. I don't know the topography very well down that way, but was concerned about OW. Anybody hear from him lately?
  4. And bring some bud. someone had to say it...
  5. Wow! And he's n00b to the board, too! What talent!
  6. Stick, Just in case you're listening a little too intently to folks like hawkeye69, you might want to give this story a read. And don't pay too much attention to all the hoopla surrounding the chopper crashing. That's not the point. The take-home message here is that you can do everything right, and someone else with no connection to you at all save that they're on the same route can come along and make for a very bad day for you and your boy. I'd leave the little tyke at home for this one, unlike hawkeye, but that's just me. YMMV.
  7. sobo

    schwing batter! NSFW

    This might help to clear up your confusion...
  8. sobo

    schwing batter! NSFW

    Sorry to disappoint, but the Couloir is not a she. Although he does come up with some pretty sexy avatar pics...
  9. Know your navigational skills as if you were blind. You likely will be at some point up there in winter.
  10. sobo

    schwing batter! NSFW

    more like a nutcracker...
  11. sobo

    schwing batter! NSFW

    Ya'll be careful thar, sonny! Dem thangs gots TEETH, too! Dey'll bite your pee pee right off!
  12. No argument there. What do you think I've been ranting about for four pages, eh? It's what I've been saying through this entire thread. But the French and other Western European countries seem to think it does, and look what it bought for them. That's completely irrelevant and off-point to this discussion. Back on-point: Europe's doing quite well, eh? Have you already fogotten the Paris riots two years ago? Tell me what demographic made up the largest component of the vandals and rioters? That's right. Male, North African, Muslim immigrants, between the ages of 18 to 28, living in segregated, sequestered, Muslim enclaves within the city - not integrated into the mainstream French society. Yes, they do, and yes, it is. They 'tolerate' this discord by allowing immigrants into their country and paying for their upkeep through social programs, and do not require them to take up jobs or integrate into the SECULAR society. Instead, Muslim immigrants are allowed to live in their own enclaves and to practice Sharia Law WITHIN THE CONFINES of the larger French (and other European countries as well) state. This is a recipe for disater, as can be seen by anyone who cares to look. Incidents of rape (yes, I said rape) of non-Muslim women by Muslim men for not wearing headscarves or covering their legs, beatings of gays right on the street, and intimidation of the natives by roaming bands of male Muslim youths are all on the rise in France, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Germany. It's been going on for over two decades, but is only now making the headlines because of shit like the "bomb-head" cartoon reaction and this Teddy bear brouhaha. So-called "honor killings" (which are actually nothing less than premeditated murder) of Muslim women abound, simply because they want no part of an arranged marriage, or for any other slight that the male Muslim might conjur. Imans preach openly in their mosques to hate their host countrymen and call their "faithful" to jihad and rioting. Yet, the French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegians, and Germans do nothing to these people. It's practically "winked at" in order to avoid confrontation, which would (almost certainly) result in more rioting, beatings, vandalism, and hatred. And it would also give the rest of the world that hasn't already seen it the dim (but real) view that the Western European model of 'tolerance' has failed miserably. You would be wise to check the date of that law, and what predicated it. It was enacted in February of 2004, years after so many of the hate crimes I've already mentioned had been going on. The Muslim immigrant community ran roughshod over the French natives for many, many years before that controversial ruling came down. It was Frances's "too little, too late" reaction to the failure of their policy of 'tolerance' of the Muslim immigrant community that has failed to integrate or be integrated into the secular society. You apparently presume that I have no "shred of historical background" about (Western) Europe. I spent most of my youth and high school years in Italy. Not only was WE history part of the required curriculum, I took it upon myself to venture out on trips of my own to engage the natives in dialogue (yes, I taught myself Italian) about their history in comparison to that of the US. I am well aware of the history of Western European society, their wars (both civil and international), and their colonial past. For you to presume otherwise is simply disengenuous. But back to your statement: The fact that our cultures are vastly different is of no consequence in the context of this Teddy bear, the "bomb-head" cartoon, or other similar incidents. It is pure over-reactionism by radical members of an intolerant religion that "prides" itself on its false claim of peace and tolerance. And that's just all a pile of steaming bullshit. Histrionics to you, maybe. A wake-up call to the rest of us, definitely. Finally, something upon which we both can agree. But did you notice what happened when the LAPD Chief wanted to map Muslim immigrant areas? Yeah, folks tried the same thing 20 or so years ago in France, Denmark, and the Netherlands, and got booted out of office for even thinking about it. We see how well that lack of foresight worked out for them, didn't we, eh? The US is on the same path that Western Europe blazed over 20 years ago on this issue. I just hope we take a different fork than they did.
  13. Well, this has all been a very scintillating discussion, joblo, but I gotta go now. We can pick this up again next week. I'm leaving the laptop at the office this w/e. Cheery bye!
  14. You need to step on it a bit, virendra... I've got to submit a timesheet and get to a Christmas party.
  15. Wrong, maestro! I take that story to mean that THOSE PARTICULAR MUSLIMS are dangerous, stupid, irresponsible, and INTOLERANT, despite what their religion professes itself to be (i.e., one of peace and tolerance). That's very different. If you cannot or do not wish to see that, than you are far more glassy-eyed and slack-jawed than I first thought. PS: I just noticed that you added your own replies within my responses, thereby giving the casual reader the impression that I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth. This is going to take me some time for me to go back and sort out your shit from mine. Thanks for that...
  16. How long did you search the intertubez to find that little gem?
  17. Western Europe has showed tolerance of Islamofascism for more than 20 years. Look what it bought for them. This statement makes no sense to me whatsoever. What are you trying to say here, that I judge people by the contents of their bowels? WTF? I believe that is true, and I will ask you the same question with respect to the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan. Are you going to deny that they are not performing "millions of devoted acts of love and compassion every second" (in a numbers-relevant sense, obviously)? Where is that news, hmmm? I fail to find any evidence that would lead you to the conclusion that I am buying into any propaganda machine. I seek my own sources, and cross-check, as any rational thinking individual would. I heard a piece on NPR, I researched it on several on-line news outlets (both left and right), I posted links to two articles that seemed to best summarize the incident. Show me the buy-in to propaganda, if you please.
  18. you ARE intolerance.that is why you see it sooooo clearly in others. Yes, I am intolerant of intolerance, plain and simple. But I am not intolerant. This bullshit in Khartoum, as elsewhere in Europe, is a manifestation of pure Islamofascist intolerance. When will you wipe clear your eyes and remove your rozy glasses?
  19. You turned it into propaganda with your apologist revisionist history shit. SWAL has the right idea: go start your own thread and quit shitting on mine. This is about religious intolerance in the name of the religion that claims it's tolerant.
  20. Yes, it is common knowledge that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were spared conventional bombing for just such a purpose. What's your point, if you have one? Two for the price of one: you end the war, and you get to see how big the arrow in your quiver is. What of it?
  21. Yeah, it's been quite a while now. 1987--Pakistan's leading nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan states in published interview that 'what the CIA has been saying about our possessing the bomb is correct.' 1988--President Zia tells Carnegie Endowment delegation in interview that Pakistan has attained a nuclear capability 'that is good enough to create an impression of deterrence.' 1989--Test launch of Hatf-2 missile: Payload (500 kilograms) and range (300 kilometers) meets 'nuclear-capable' standard under Missile Technology Control Regime.
  22. sobo


    Ee-yup! You're quick. 8D
  23. sobo


    Names! I need names! And digits. BTW, got any pics?
  24. And what if those couple of freaks saying stupid stuff succeed in killing someone? Is that a "whatever" for you, then? Islam, a religion of tolerance and peace. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
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