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Everything posted by sobo

  1. well, at least we agree on something. The whole over-reaction is revolting.
  2. Both of you are so missing the point. It's about over-reaction to a non-issue, and giving this over-reaction a fair hearing, as it were. I sincerely doubt the same thing would happen in this country if someone named a toy bear Jehovah, Yahweh, Jesus, or whateverthefuckyouwannanameit. BTW halifax, my family has spent several years in the Middle East as well (Kuwait, Oman, Turkey, Egypt, SA, Bahrain, etc.). I know of what I speak.
  3. sobo


    Well Pilgrim, if you heard those same old chords goin' over 'n' over, so it became a symphony, and you would play it again 'n' again 'n' again, 'cause it sounded good to you, then you should know what the lip hair reference is all about, eh? Remember, the White Zone is for loading and unloading only... Stick closer to church-oriented social activities. ETA: D00d, poor form to pull a post like that. You worried about incriminatin' yersef years after the fact?
  4. sobo


    Don't know your Zappa very well, eh? Pink, perhaps you wish to do the honors and enlighten the builder? ETA: Here's another hint fer ya. Take pink's reply above (catholic girl) and google it with the word "lyrics" added.
  5. That could happen to any of us...
  6. sobo


    Prolly not, but maybe she has a tiny little mustache...
  7. That simple, eh? Let's see, here in America, women got a little upity when they were told that they had to follow all the laws that they had no say in creating or voting for. That caused a bit of a stir. Now call me a dumb girl, but maybe women who are suffering under the laws of Islam are maybe not so happy that they don't get any say about what is going on. Nor do they get to defend themselves. Or say anything bad about the system that they are trapped in. DING! DING! DING! Somebody's been doing their assigned reading.
  8. sobo


    Do us men have an equivalent patron saint? Just askin'... Saint Agnes. Damn, girl, that was quick. "...She is the patron saint of chastity, gardeners, girls, engaged couples, rape victims and virgins..." Guess that would be the right saint for me...
  9. I like it when she plays catch. Look Ma, no hands!
  10. sobo

    Laziest invention

    If you didn't mean to fuck something up, did you still fuck it up?
  11. sobo


    she should of just cut off his hand. that guy never died he got a bigger one sewed on and was in a few porns. Wrong. The police found it (with the aid of a K-9), and doctors surgically reattached the original equipment. I remember there was lots of snickering over what peeps thought the dog might do with it if its handlers didn't keep a close eye on him.
  12. sobo


    Do us men have an equivalent patron saint? Just askin'...
  13. sobo


    Goodbye-waving gay Mormon
  14. I call bullshit, AE. You're only thinking of yourself, and you know it!
  15. I don't see how she was "influencing the children" at all. She asked them what they wanted to name the toy. She didn't force them to name it Mohammed, they chose it themsleves.
  16. Exactly! This is what I just don't get. Not only is it ludicrous that this event is even happening, BUT THEY'RE BLAMING THE TEACHER WHEN IT WAS THE KIDS WHO CHOSE THE FUCKING NAME! Get a fucking clue, folks! As much as you want to deny it, this kind of bullshit is on it's way here. It's already well-entrenched and happening in Europe, just read a fucking book or two.
  17. Go back and read the first article again, chucK. All will be revealed.
  18. sobo


    Lorena Bobbitt, She of the Unkindest Cut of All
  19. sobo


    Oh yeah? I'm dying... Shit, I'm probably already dead!
  20. sobo


    WRONG! The world is your urinal.
  21. Careful there, ivan... you could git yersef exemecuted for sayin' dat. Blashpemous!
  22. Methinks maybe we should start carrying a bigger stick? Hmph! Bully!
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