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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Hey, man, just trying to help a brutha out...
  2. WTF??? Are we talking about the state pen or do you mean "voilĂ "?
  3. You're making all the sense in the world, CW. You will lose your original post if you switch between views during a reply to a post. There are two ways that I use to prevent that: 1) I see no need to fuss with a word processing software. Hit Quote for the first poster you want to quote, but also have a second window of cc.com open from which to copy the other quote(s) that you want to add to your post. Copy the different quotes you need from the second window one at a time, switch back to your original window with your still-open reply box, and dump it into your reply post. Surf the thread and repeat as necessary. Separate the various authors by using the quote=username and /quote tags. Don't forget to place the brackets at the beginning and end of both quote function tags [ ] and you're on your way. Easy as cake. Piece of pie. Or something like that... 2) Pick one poster to quote, hit Quote, make your reply, then hit Submit. Then go back and find the other poster(s) that you want to quote, highlight and copy the text you want, then navigate back to your own post that you just submitted. Hit the Edit toggle, and paste the text into your post where you want it, add the quote tags and brackets, and hit Change Post. VoilĂ !
  4. He's a hardman, don'cha know. It even says so on MountainProject...
  5. "eat cock, ass-eyes" "lick sac" "ron paul!!!" "corporate shill!!!"
  6. Yeah, I thought it was something like that. So I'm not so mentally feeble as I first surmised... Thanks, Dan, you've made an old man feel less demented for a day.
  7. I'd say that's far more than an assumption right now...
  8. Pat, We go thru that same thought process in mountain rescue when setting up a Kootenay Highline for river/canyon crossings. Although we don't carry calculators, we've carry it all "up here" and paint the numbers with a very wide brush, and target a 10:1 static system safety factor. So yeah, we let it sag if we can (deep canyon), or double up on the number of lines in the span if we can't (not enough clearance to keep subject dry/safe). And NO KNOTS in the mainline - friction wraps only, cuz you already know the answer to that one...
  9. Jason and Bigtree- Mebbe I am operating under a false premise, but I was of the understanding that we folks in the USA could't get stuff shipped from MEC to places below the 49th Parallel. Am I wrong, or is this just outdated info?
  10. "eat cock, ass-eyes" "lick sac"
  11. Heard about this last night. Hope he does a lot better than the guy who killed the ranger two weeks ago. Here's hoping for a positive outcome. FYI, the Idiots on Parade have already weighed in... Very first comment, from Ruth98382: "If he was an "experienced snowshoer" why would he have not been equipped to stay outside overnight?" Yeah, like I'm going to pack a sleeping bag and pad, tent, stove, fuel, cookware, extra food, PLB, MLU, SPOT, etc. every time I go out on a freak'n day trip. I'm sure Ruth piles all of that shit into her Expedition when she heads out on a day-long shopping spree at Nordstrom's. Fuq'n armchair recreationalists should just stay on the couch, watch Oprah, eat their Bon Bons, and STFU!
  12. Interesting... I was climbing with a guy who was demo-ing gear for BD over 15 years ago, and we were demo-ing the new (at the time) Fin biner. I failed one in a fall from several feet above the bolt. Only time I've ever seen that, until your pic. Carlos sent the broken Fin back to BD, and it wasn't long before the design was changed, then discontinued altogether. Curious, was your biner ever dropped onto a solid surface from height? Mebbe a micro-fracture? From the failure location, it's possible that it was over-torqued. I hesitate to say stress corrosion cracking given where it failed, but it's also a possibility...
  13. Shite, old man, you graduated when I was in the 6th grade! We were there from 06/73 to 06/75. But I know your school, cuz it was my sister's alma mater in 1974 and my brother went there, too. Our house was right across Skyline Drive from the school; the last house as you left town going west (1795 Brenthaven Drive). Talk about a small world... Recognize it??? Shite, I memorized the entire script from an LP (yeah, I mean vinyl) when I was 15! Snippets from the script are The Great Introducer wherever I've traveled!
  14. Verrrrrrrrrrry nice, Veronika! Now that's what I'm talking about! Sorry about your ropes...
  15. In my current state, it could mean the difference between summitting and surfing the couch...
  16. sobo

    Rainier in May?

    If that's all you're talking about, then yeah, it should be easy to just walk on over and talk to a ranger and they can log the change for you so you're all good. Enjoy your trip, and write a TR and post it here when you're done. We're always stoked to hear first-timer's impressions of "our" mountains. And take lots of pics... Oh, and I get the W00t-w00t, that's two already this morning!
  17. You have to know these things when you're a king, you know...
  18. And I'm reasonably sure there might be more than a few folks encamped at Muir for the evening that would love not to have to melt snow for dinner...
  19. Close, Doug. Cold Springs is under 6k by a few hundred feet, at 5,600 AMSL. And he should be able to get in there pretty easily in July, as long as he avoids the weekend... But why go to all that trouble driving miles of dusty dirt roads when you could drive up to ~6k at Timberline Lodge on paved roads the whole way? Just drive up and "sleep" in the lot and you've done the same thing that you'd fight tooth'n'nail for at Cold Springs. Plus, the drive from Hood to Rainier will be way easier than from Adams, IMHO. That's my $0.02 and the
  20. Whereabouts in OhiO do you live, CW? When I used to climb at the NRG, we'd see folks coming in from OhiO all the time. Musta been an easy drive for them, or maybe they were just super-stoked to be climbing at such a great place as the New. Cleveland. NRG:5+hrs; RRG:6hrs; gunks: 8 hrs; daks: 10 hrs. Damn, man, that is so suxor! Over 5 hours to anything good? That's a good one. I'll have to remember that, as I can relate... I now return this thread to the original axe-grinder programmingz...
  21. You grew up in IF, Curt?? Shite, I spent two years there one decade in the early 70s.
  22. sobo

    Rainier in May?

    Both you and Dan are right about a second tool on Kautz later in the season - it does get pretty icy. But since you're planning your trip for late May, two tools is overkill, which is why I said you wouldn't need them. RE plan changes en route, I've never had to do that, but I would suspect that it's not a wise thing to do (without telling a ranger) nor particulary easy to do unless (you're on a route that passes a ranger's hut). Since there are only two ranger huts (Muir and Shurman), you'd have to be doing a route that passes by or near one of them. If so, I expect that you could just waltz right in and talk to a ranger about it. So that would put you either in the conga line out of Muir, or likely the Emmons Glacier route if you head out of Camp Shurman. I say Emmons because you said above that this will be your first Rainier trip, and you probably wouldn't want to get on anything bigger than that on your first time to the mountain. But bear in mind that access to that side of the mountain in May may be problematic... Some years, you can be shlepping your gear an extra two-dozen miles or so. Other years, you can drive right into the parking lot. Dan (or others here) probably knows more about how to inform the rangers that you're changing your trip plans than I do, since I've never had to revise a plan en route other than to bail and just retrace the route.
  23. Damn, that dude is so fuq'n sketched! I couldn't even finish the video, I was so damned shocked with the shit he was trusting his life to. A square knot to close the harness!!?? And did you see the "carabiner" he was using? It's little more than a fuq'n hardware store key fob! And the method of how he attached the rope to the bridge? He had a little quicklink tied to the end of what looked like little more than a clothesline, with a 2-inch tail, then threaded back through the quicklink to girth hitch it around the railroad tie! WTF!!!??? After that, I just couldn't watch any more of it... That was a nice find, Prince!
  24. sobo

    Rainier in May?

    Not that I recall.Whew! Dodged yet another bullet! Nah, I think that's a niche market, and I've got it sewn up.
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