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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Well, my highly trained and acutely discerning eye can tell at a glance that this is most definitely a woman's wondrous butt: However, I may be a few too many sheets to the wind to really make a positive ID on the dude you call by a woman's name.
  2. I shoulda jumped on those 185s... Would the 163s be too short for a guy at 5'-10" and who tips the scale at a 1/10 of a ton?
  3. Gawd, I love watching women send...
  4. sobo

    Big Walls

    Don't I get to come along, too? Cuz if I don't, I'll tell everyone where it is...
  5. Dammit, Gene, just when we were all about to give it a rest...
  6. Well, orion_sonya is on the case now, so I'm not gonna let it bother me much more tonight. I'll see if I can scan my pic from my book and post it up this weekend, then we all can compare parts n' pieces. For now, I'm gonna go fix me some Planet Killers and kick back a bit. It's a freak'n freezing ice sheet outside my home, so I'm not going out fer drinks tonight...
  7. Thought I cleared that up on the previous page of this thread. Posts #8 and #13...
  8. Got any other explanation, other than the spare frame/compressor one? Agreed. No argument there. I really don't care about this question of the effing frame that much. OK, missed the pulling of the leg. But I'm really serious about figgering this out. You don't know me, but if you did, you'd know that I am one the most, if not THE most, curious MF'r that you're ever likely to meet. Once I dig in on something that doesn't make sense to me, it's very difficult for me to let it go until I either prove (or disprove) my hypothethis. This one has me really going now, cuz I have a pic that shows the frame (sans compressor) on the ground, and Orion and Frieh post pics that show the frame (with compressor installed therein) on the face. So that's a mystery to me, and it bears solving. It's just me. I thought I already made my feelings known on that with the second post of this thread... Lama thing??? WhachootalkinboutWillis? I'll have to read up on that I guess...
  9. OK, gonna have to do that. BTW, it'll be my VERY FIRST PAID APP for my phone after 18 months of ownership. Seems fitting that it would be climbering related...
  10. Not to be a dick, CF, but I considered the spare compressor option and discarded it. Nothing I have read about Cesare Maestri's attempt on CT in 1970 (and I've read a fair bit about it over the past 25 years) has mentioned, nor led me to conclude, that there was a spare compressor involved. If there was, this would be news to me and I'm sure every author I've read that has written about this climb. And hugz 2u2 on the underemployed engineer comment. Rather a snarky remark, don'cha think? You sure you're not just another Dru/G-spotter avatar? And I completely understand how an internal combustion engine-fired compressor operates. It ain't no fucking rocket science...
  11. Nothing you could write would come off as boring to me. But you got some pics for us all, yes?
  12. Well, don't be, Chris, cuz I still am. I have this picture in my book, and the frame looks EXACTLY like the frame in the pic above posted by orion_sonya, and in the linked photo by John Frieh at the bottom of page 2 of this thread. Clearly, someone picked up the FRAME at the base of the route in 1971, as evidenced by my book's photo. But the frame in the pics posted here looks EXACTLY like the one in my book. So the question becomes, "Why would the frame be found at the base of the route in 1971, yet still be lashed to the face today?" There were not two frames, cuz that would be superfluous and stupid extra weight. So that leaves me with the impression that someone hauled the FRAME back up to pair it with the compressor. Now YTF would ANYONE do that? Comments? I'm gonna scan the photo from my book this w/e and post it here right next to orion's and John's pics. You guys decide if I'm fuq'd up or not in this line of thinking...
  13. Verrrrrrrrrrrry cool! Nice find, thanks!
  14. That road looks incredibly icy, and it also looks like someone did a burn-out in front of your rig. So is there going to be a glorious TR about your escapades in Hyalite coming soon??
  15. Couldn'ta been me. I've killed six planets with that recipe of yours and was still standing. It was just so late and no one else was on Spray that I called it quitz...
  16. ANOTHER epic!!!?? Jeebus, girl, don't you ever give it a rest?? Seriously, hope you weren't hurt, and if you were, that it wasn't too bad and you're all better now.
  17. The pic in my Big Wall Climbing book shows that same frame, but with two metal shields that arch over the top of the compressor on both sides of the centerline. Looks like they might have been bolted on for protection against rain/snow/projectiles... I'm still curious... the compressor remains on the wall, but the frame ends up at the base of the route. What giveth??
  18. Yeah, I saw that same pic (the GoreTex link) in my search before John Frieh posted it, but I didn't catch the wire rope clips (mildly obscured by the nylon ropes) on both ends of the framework. As Orion said, good eye!
  19. You know what I mean, Stephen. This is my thread, so...
  20. Save the hieroglyphics for a PM, d00d. This here's an Engrish-onry thlead.
  21. Well, in the face of overwhelming interwebz-based evidence, I'm now convinced that it's still there. As far as the gas...
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