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Everything posted by sobo

  1. OK, what'd I miss this time??
  2. Holy shiite, muslim, just 3 more posts and we'll push Nastia's HB thread to 4 pages before her day's out! Time to make one more Planet Killer just to make sure that this goes according to plan...
  3. Oh, I see. Did you guys have a contest for the best butt shot and Sobo won it? Something like that... but you weren't in it. Recount! Seconded!!!
  4. I will always win the best butt shot. After all, I'm the perfect ass... Did I just say what I think I did...??
  5. That's tomorrow night, ya goatshagger...
  6. Oh, thanks. I really needed to know that before I went to bed... Sweet dreams, Pavlik! I think I'll just stay up all night, thankyouverymuch. Goatshagger...
  7. Nastia's butt pic should get much higher marks than mine. It damn well better, or I'm never going anywhere with you goatshaggers!!!1
  8. Oh, thanks. I really needed to know that before I went to bed...
  10. Ya know, right now, I don't think even I could bear looking at that pic...
  11. OK, I'm back with a fresh Planet Killer. What'd I miss??
  12. Very well, don't mind if I do. BTW, one more post and we can say we gave Nastia a 3-page HB thread. Won't she be pleased?
  13. holy sheee-it, one of the hottest girls i ever consorted w/ was a sasha Well, with "Sasha" being able to go this way or that genderwise, are you sure it was a she...?? Depends if it was Sasha dorogaya or Sasha dorogoj. ;-) Ohferchrissakes, how long must this shite go on???
  14. sobo

    Big Walls

    were i not i'd have a whole lot fewer posts than you So whaddarya sayin', eh? Not even gonna touch that one, not even with TTK's Viagra...
  15. holy sheee-it, one of the hottest girls i ever consorted w/ was a sasha Well, with "Sasha" being able to go this way or that genderwise, are you sure it was a she...??
  16. sobo

    Big Walls

    I loves me some Mongolian bbq... ... And you're just an überpostive little fukker, ain'cha?
  17. THIS! See how confuzzled this all is?
  18. Thanks, AK. Dammit, I knew I shoulda jumped on those 185s... I was at the keyboard when JayB's post first hit...
  19. sobo

    Big Walls

    You're on, if I'm not in Chicago, Seoul, Kabul, or Mongolia. Seriously, those are my choices to stay employed as of now...
  20. Ya know, none of that makes a lick of sense to me. Vita??? Stasik??? Speak Engrish, prease...??
  21. sobo

    Big Walls

    I figger I'm a lot older than you, ya little whippersnapper!
  22. Thanks, Mark. Saved me a lot of wasted time for the best 7 minutes.
  23. sobo

    Big Walls

    You do know how much of a shithole my life has been for the past two years, yes?
  24. Jiminy Christmas, 1:15 to 2:00... someone allowed themselves to be in a staged fall like that in a location as remote as that? And I guess I'm a little confused by teh ropework. D00d that falls is held by rope, but second sude summits to find a Mae West adorned ice axe. Who's belaying who here? Fallen climber is belaying roped solo, and summitting climber is free soloing? WTF???
  25. pics??? Sheeee-it, man. Fuggs was the last ice I got on, like 2 years ago. WTF am I doing with my life anyway...???
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