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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Don't drag me into that cesspool, Pat. Seriously...
  2. As it does me. Her and Veronika both! :tup:
  3. Orion, I'd be really interested in what you found out. I'd look for myself, but I've got to get on to other things right now. So if you find something, please post it here. I have this thread "Watched" in my list.
  4. I just wanted to take this opportunity to ask all of you SprayLords to take a few moments out of your tirades here in Spray to wish Anastasia, aka Nastia, aka mitochondria100, aka The EpicMonger a very happy birthday today. Happy Birthday, Nastia!
  5. OK, OK, OK, I get it. My book sez the FRAME was found at the base in 1971. I made that correction upthread. ^^ Now the question I want answered is HowTF did that thing stay up there for over 40 years being attached by biodegradable climbing ropes? Do people periodically replace the ropes holding that thing to the wall? I see where it's become a de facto belay stance, so does someone keep "upgrading" the anchor ropes? Enquiring minds want to know, and all that rot...
  6. I was always under the impression (from what I've read) that Maestri brought the compressor down with him, but left it at the base of the route. It was found by Eric Jones in 1971. Citing: Big Wall Climbing, Doug Scott, Oxford University Press, 1974 Pretty sure Maestri left that thing up there Very strange, then. I'm looking at a picture of Eric Jones right now on Page 195 in the work I cited by Doug Scott. The caption reads, "Maestri's compressor frame found by Eric Jones in 1971. Leo Dickenson photo" Clearly, we have a distinction to be made here of "frame" vs the actual compressor. Why would these two pieces become separated? And how would the engine remain affixed to Cerro Torre for so many decades with degradable ropes, as shown in your picture? Over 40 years attached to the face of CT with nylon ropes??? Do you know when was your pic taken, OS?
  7. I was always under the impression (from what I've read) that Maestri brought the compressor down with him, but left it at the base of the route. It was found by Eric Jones in 1971. Citing: Big Wall Climbing, Doug Scott, Oxford University Press, 1974
  8. Does everything have to come down to sex for you?
  9. Court date is next Tuesday morning. Update to follow in the Café... [rant]That's another thing. I hate calling it Counseling Corner. I liked it a lot better when it was called Café Sensitivioso...[/rant]
  10. Hey John, that iPhone app seems like a pretty cool deal. Costs $7.99 on your link, is that right? Might there be a free version?
  11. I believe that there may be an RV park and/or a few cabin resorts between Ashland AshFORD and Skate Creek Road that would have showers. If you come across as a nice guy and offer to pay them something, I'd wager that the camp host would let you take a shower without having to camp/stay. Never asked, but just a thought...
  12. Yep, still w/CWMR, but on voluntary LOA due to my crazy work schedule now and being on immediate business travel alert. Just can't really say where I'll be from day-to-day. RE Mr. Kim's incident, I got the text for a mission late Sunday night, but this past Monday was one of the few days that I've had some local work pop up. So I thought it better to take the hours rather than tell my super "thanks but no thanks." I think I probably made the better career move...
  13. Josh, Not to be a dick, but I think we should leave the 4X missing folks out of this thread and keep the two distinct incidents separate. Gets confusing and results in thread drift. There is a brand new thread just for those four over in the Mt. Rainier forum. Updates, questions, and concerns for them can be posted here.
  14. From spaceweather.com: Active sunspot 1401 erupted Jan. 19th, for more than an hour around 16:00 UT. The long-duration blast produced an M3-class solar flare and a Coronal Mass Ejection that appears to be heading toward Earth. Forecasters say strong geomagnetic storms are possible when the cloud arrives during the late hours of Saturday, Jan. 21st. High-latitude (and possibly middle-latitude) sky watchers should be alert for auroras this weekend. I've only seen two aurorae borealis in my lifetime. If the sky clears up around here by Saturday night (unlikely, given the forecast), I'll be watching for #3...
  15. Classic indeed! Tunnelling through cotton candy "ice" with snow-filled stuff sacks for belay anchors - how 'core is that, eh!!?? I mean, I'm assuming they came up with that solution "on the fly." Impressive... Very good read. Thanks for that link, keen!
  16. sobo

    Big Walls

    Actually, you don't have to have a PayPal account. I don't have one--I just made a donation purchase with my credit card and that was it. Simple, painless. Thanks, D, appreciate knowing that. Do you know if jon takes Disco? I've got 0% on that one for a year...
  17. Googlebot returns 1 of 1 results... :[] Good recall, Colin! [video:youtube]
  18. That sounds vaguely familiar, yes... Googlebot is searching the interwebs... searching... :[]
  19. Washing machine on spin cycle. Folks said they saw me go around about 5 or 6 times. I'd catch a breath in the bubbles as I would come around each time and could see it getting lighter. The last time I came up, I was pretty banged up and tired, and I breathed in water. Went straight to the bottom and hit some roots. Don't ask me how I figured this out with two lungs full of water, but I drug myself along the bottom just far enough to escape the hydraulic, and got spat out and surfaced. A bunch of tourons were standing on the rocks looking at me expecting me to be dead. All I could do was "woof" out water - couldn't even swim. No one was prepared with a rope or anything. It was my boating buddy Jake who had successfully made the drop in front of me that pulled my ass to shore. He paddled back upstream when he didn't see me behind him. If I had been caught again by the hydraulic, I would surely have drowned. The week after my dunking, a guy went in at the same place, but he got swept under the undercut rocks beneath the falls, was trapped by the falling water, and never came out. Scuba guys pulled him out a couple days later. I got lucky, he didn't... And I had a similar remorseful feeling as you. Although my life didn't "flash before my eyes", what I did "see" after that last gulp was all of the shitty things I'd done to people that I'd lied to, stolen from, or cheated over the years. And I was only 21! Like I said, although I didn't "get religion" because of the experience, I did get enough motivation to become a better person for it. I never want to drown...
  20. Same here. Class V on the Guadalupe. Scared the shit out of me, but I didn't get religion over it. But I did become a nicer person for it. The guy a week after me wasn't as lucky...
  21. Wow, nicely done. Wondered when that was ever gonna happen...
  22. sobo

    A spray challenge....

    I don't remember what I did yesterday, except write a few letters to my congresspeople about SOPA and PIPA. Oh, and I bitched at some woman on FB that was complaining that she didn't have any schnapps to go with her hot chocolate...
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