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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    Be like Mike!
  2. I have flippers for feet. I wear Koflachs since they're the only plastic boot I've ever been able to get on my feet without a hydraulic press. For leathers, I wear La Sportiva Makalus. A wee tight, but not so much so that I just plain won't wear them. They seem to "ease up" a bit after a few miles each day.
  3. Thanks Craig. I've been wanting to do that route for a while now. Being a dad makes it tough to get out often. Have you checked out the other stuff across the road and south a bit, in Northup Canyon? Go do Gibraltar Rock in the "horse camp" area. Nice. Also lots of great boulder problems to the west of GR.
  4. Craig, Do you need a boat to access the start of the climb in the first pic? Or can you rap in from the top? I take it it's the one on the west side of Highway Rocks at Banks Lake, yes?
  5. Seven pitches. See pages 182-185 in this book: I want to get on RTL and Dirty Sanchez this spring...
  6. I wonder how long it will be before they roll on Lhasa with tanks. Lhasa, the New Tiananmen Square...
  7. Mel, If Rocket is an indoor cat, or mostly indoors, rabies vaccinations are not necessarily necessary. Rabies is contracted by getting into violent scrapes with other infected cats/critters. So if Rocket stays inside all day, there's no carrier with which to come into contact. If he "escapes" or occasionally goes outside, even then the odds of his coming into contact with a carrier are rather low. We stopped the annual vacc for rabies for Phydeaux years ago, and have seen no issues. He's a lover, not a fighter.
  8. Me too. chivato I'm your huckleberry. So, what everybody's been saying about you is true eh, Sobo? Which one is you in this picture? http://www.juniorpoliceacademy.org/assets/images/Junior_Police_Academy_Homepage02.jpg I'm guessing the fat kid with glasses on the right (i.e., the cop's left hand man.) First off, G2G, let me begin by stating quite emphatically that I never resorted to debasement and name-calling. That was you who fired that first round. Secondly, you don't know me from Adam, and I really don't give a good goddamn what the fuck you or anyone else may or may not say about me. I am secure in my own skin. And finally, PISS OFF!
  9. sobo

    Dog breeds

    Couloir- Nice to see you've gone back to your "standard" stock of avatars featuring the bum and midriff. :tup: The "drooling mouth" was a bit much, and left (almost) nothing to the imagination.
  10. Me too. chivato I'm your huckleberry.
  11. That was hilarious! I'm so glad I'm not white.
  12. The kid was a Child of Satan. After all, Latin for "left" is "sinistra", from whence we get "sinister". She was justified.
  13. That's just great, carolyn! Latte sure has it made with the Mommy she chose. Fight! Fight! Fight! Gooooooooooooooooo Team! And good on ya for trying to rectify the situation regarding the metacam. BTW, have you located the old doc that the drug companies buried in the bowels of the interior of the Pfizer complex yet?
  14. Yah, sure, you betcha!
  15. This is a new one. You could use it for nuts too. YOWZA! Sounds like that would hurt! And unless I miss my guess, they'd eventually just fall off, right?
  16. sobo

    Ginger or Mary Ann?

    Then remove the headboard, silly.
  17. sobo

    Ginger or Mary Ann?

    The originals? Or the ones of you fucking while you're watching yourself fucking? Or the ones of you fucking while you're watching yourself fucking while you're watching yourself fucking? Does your head still hurt?
  18. sobo

    Ginger or Mary Ann?

    Wish I had something like that to watch.
  19. sobo

    Ginger or Mary Ann?

    watching reruns of yourself while you're high while you're high.
  20. sobo

    Ginger or Mary Ann?

    And Maynard Krebs for those who are really too young to know.
  21. sobo

    Sexy Time!

    hmmmmmmmmmmm... :hands_as_scales: $80 grand on high-priced hookers... $80 grand on climbing... high-priced hookers... climbing... hookers... climbing... Jeez, that's a tough one, but I think I'm gonna have to go with hookers.
  22. sobo

    Sexy Time!

    I'll never again think of Orangina as just a tasty beverage... And Couloir- Please return to your stock of avatars that feature the midriff/pelvic/posterior regions once again. Thank you.
  23. Come on over to The Seasons in Yakima next Thursday (3/20/08) to Central Washington Mountain Rescue's annual fundraiser and see Carlos Buhler's presentation of his exploits across the globe. Here's the blurb that appeared in last week's YHR sports/outdoors section: By SCOTT SANDSBERRY YAKIMA HERALD-REPUBLIC When Larry Nielson heard that Carlos Buhler was coming to Yakima to do a March 20 fundraising event for Central Washington Mountain Rescue, he was thrilled — but not at all surprised. "I've never climbed with Carlos but I've talked with a lot of climbers about him, and you never, ever hear a negative thing," said Nielson, the first American to summit Everest without oxygen. "All of the people I know who have climbed with him speak of him with nothing but the highest praise, both as a climber and as a person." Buhler, said Nielson, who lives in western Washington, "is not just a great climber — he's genuinely what I call 'a citizen.' He stands up for what's right, and that's something I really respect and hold in the highest regard. Everything you hear about him as a climber and as an individual is just astounding. He deserves every accolade he receives." Accolades have poured in over many years for Buhler, whose March 20 photographic presentation will be at The Seasons in Yakima (101 N. Naches Avenue). Admission is $10, with all proceeds benefitting the mountain rescue group. The legendary Lou Reichardt — former president of the American Alpine Club and the first American to reach the summit of both Everest and K2 — has called Buhler "arguably the best American Himalayan climber there is. Nobody has had such a long and distinguished career." Climbing Magazine has called him "the most accomplished North American climber in the Himalaya." Six years ago, the staff of EverestNews.com selected "The Best of the Best" mountaineers in the world, naming only four; Buhler was the only North American of the four. Buhler’s extraordinary climbing resumé enables him to command $10,000 appearance fees for presentations, but he’s doing the benefit for a tiny fraction of that — basically little more than his travel expenses to and from his home in Canmore, Alberta. "I believe in supporting mountain rescue," said Buhler, a New York native who attended Western Washington University’s Huxley College in the late 1970s. "Those guys provide a tremendous service." Buhler has established dozens of new mountain routes, including his successful ascent of Everest’s East Face, a route that had gone unclimbed until that 1983 expedition and hasn’t been repeated since. But although he was the first American to summit four of the world’s 14 8,000-meter peaks, all in extreme style, he had no interest in trying to be the first to reach the top of all 14. That’s something that makes Buhler somewhat unique among high-altitude climbers — he prefers small-team, extreme-style ascents of lesser-known peaks to big expeditions on the better-known mountains. One example: He did a particularly difficult route on Cho Oyu, the world’s sixth-highest peak, in what Climbing Magazine called "a remarkably bold, two-man alpine-style ascent" — the same way one might climb Mount Rainier. The event is being sponsored by local attorney Rod Nelson (himself an accomplished climber) and his wife, Lani-Kai Swanhart. All tickets are $10. Ticket outlets are: The Seasons Performance Hall, 101 North Naches Avenue, Yakima, 509-453-1888 Sporthaus, 4104 Summitview Avenue, Yakima, 509-966-6695 Pacific River and Alpine Sports (formerly Mountain Mojo's), 315 West Yakima Avenue, Yakima, 509-248-2093 Show time is at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, March 20.
  24. Funny about that. It started out not-so-bad but got worse and now it really stinks. Sounds like one of my outings! You're a Daddy! Congratulations, DMD! This is news to me. Looks like he's really ringin' yer bell! Sorry about the thread drift, but Jeebus, d00d, ya gotta tell us news like this!
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