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Everything posted by sobo

  1. that wasn't very nice. bitch.
  2. So what is for dinner, Honey?
  3. Did you at least fix the roof?
  4. Shhhh! Go back to your meth shed.
  5. JBo6 - What chucK, 5K, and ivan said. They might not grab; then increase the wraps. More wraps make it harder to deal with. Try it before you "buy it".
  6. No problemo. Just go sit on the copy machine and then post the result!
  7. that would be OK, as long as they're HAWT!
  8. sobo

    gun rights in Iraq

    The Pres, traditionally, could only do this after he Federalized it. This has only been done once. Of course, Bush pissed all over that when he changed the rule recently (which obviously I disagree with) State of Emergency has a different air about it and is used mainly to help people after a disaster. therefore, things like civil rights are rarely called into question. I didn't know that part about the Generals. Cool. Exactly, regarding the federalization bit. That's what (used to be) was keeping a president from becoming the next Adolf Hitler. I do not agree with the John Warner Defense Authorization Act either. It's our very own version of the Enabling Act. The slippery slope starts there. Regarding SoE: Although it sounds "nicer" than Martial Law, it is effectively the same thing. Mayor Ray Nagin, when establishing his SoE after Hurricane Katrina, effectively declared Martial Law, and suspended civil and Miranda Rights when he told his police force not to worry about civil rights of looters (and to just shoot them).
  9. sobo

    gun rights in Iraq

    Just a point of clarification regarding Martial Law: The President can declare it, and mobilize the National Guard as the force to implement it, but only if the NG is not federalized (this prevents the President from having a federalized military force not controlled by the Congress). The Congress does not declare Martial Law. However, they are the only body of the US government allowed to declare war. Also, state's governors can also declare Martial law, although it's actually called a State of Emergency (although the two [ML and SoE] have virtually identical powers when enacted). And during a time of war, a military official (typically at least a general) can unilaterally declare Martial Law in the theater of that general's operations.
  10. picherz of nekkid wimmen? c'mom, peepulz!
  11. Well, then, that depends upon what you feel you lack in your life. If you don't have a GF and you want one, then get the GFE. It'll make you feel better. If you really don't want or care for a GF, and you just want some wanton, guilt-free, lust-laden sex, then get the PSE. Easy peasy! I mean easy piece-ey! Of course, the best is the GFE/PSE combo-experience. You go out with the hooker for an evening on the town. She acts like your girlfriend at dinner, the show, the stroll along the riverwalk, etc. All prim and proper, lovey-dovey, and shit. To wrap up the evening, you drop by your parents house to show her off. It goes something like this: "Hi Mom, I want you to meet someone. This is my friend Trixie." "My son, she's really nice. She's quite a pretty woman, isn't she." "Aw shucks, Mom. Cut it out. You're embarrassing her." Then you and "Trixie" go back to your place, and she puts on the PSE for the rest of the night and into the dawn. What could be better? It's the best of both worlds!
  12. Unless your girlfriend is willing to perform up to the high standards of the PSE, then you might as well go for the PSE directly, if you're going to shell out shekels for it anyway. I'm just sayin'...
  13. I think GMC started it about halfway down Page 2, talking about getting married as a potential financial windfall/occupation. Archie followed up shortly recommending to the contrary, then you jumped in, minx. I think at that point us guys were still hoping for some nekkid pictures...
  14. Yeah! Who threw the wet blanket on this thread anyway? Crucify him!
  15. I'll weigh in from the Mountain Rescue community. You think I'm gonna say it's crazy, right? Wrong! In a full-blown technical rescue situation, I say it's crazy. There is no safety factor. In full-blown technical rescue situations, we strive for a static system safety factor of 10:1 (or better) in every component of the system, which means the strength of the weakest link is 10 times the load. This constraint precludes the use of mechanical ascenders from the get-go. That being said, I have no problem using mechanical devices for a glacier crossing team (which is the scenario you're talking about), but I would not use the "Jumar-style" ascenders shown in the link (nor Clogs, Frogs, etc.). I would use a Tibloc-style ascender in this application. Why? First off, it would be quite easy for the rope to twist itself out of the jaw of the ascender under a shock load at an angle to the direction of the rope path through the jaw. Mountaineering books from the days of yore are chock full of stories of people falling off ropes to their deaths because their Jumar took a load at an angle to the rope path through the ascender jaw. ANAM has an incident of this same type every few years or so. The Tibloc-style ascenders minimize this flaw by the very nature of their design. Secondly, the Tibloc weighs next to nothing, and takes up no room at all on your harness. And that goes back to what gene said: whatever you decide to use, leave it off the rope until after you've fallen in the hole. Unless it's a prussik cord. My $0.02
  16. The former is correct. Think lining up at attention in a military review formation. The "line" is imaginary, and all members of the formation "put their toes along the line" in order to line up all straight and proper-like.
  17. Thanks for sharing that little tidbit... :puke:
  18. That's the real kicker, isn't it? I fully expect to die before my kids, but I don't know if I could handle it if one or both of them died before me.
  19. Listening to this guy will get you killed quicker than snot... ...and this is the first intelligent thing I've ever seen him write.
  20. sobo

    What would you do?

    BTW, Keith... I didn't see a thread about it, so... Happy Belated Birthday (for yesterday).
  21. more like sticking your head out of the window of a moving vehicle. "I feel the need... the need for speed..."
  22. I love that feeling! It's like someone took an axe, and split my forehead open right down the middle, and the cold air comes rushing right in on my frontal lobe. Gawd, I love that feeling... Next best thing is the Slurpee brain-freeze...
  23. that was funny. It hurts so goddamned much when beer explodes out of my nasal passages... owwwwwwwwwwwie
  24. sobo

    What would you do?

    Well, he's still 50% of the equation. Can't write him off, even though he wrote himself off. At least you had the empathy to get involved in the first place. That's a plus in my book.
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