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Everything posted by sobo

  1. It's not the passport, it's the passport application file. From porter's linked article: Privacy issues Aside from the file, the information could allow critics to dig deeper into the candidates' private lives. While the file includes date and place of birth, address at time of application and the countries the person has traveled to, the most important detail would be their Social Security number, which can be used to pull credit reports and other personal information. (emphasis added by sobo)
  2. TMI Tipping dangerously close to spray, here, fellas... Please respect the OP's request. Thank you, and we now return to your regularly scheduled program.
  3. Let me know when you want to go. After going there yesterday I'm stoked to go back. Not this weekend, but calendar is opening up for the next two weekends after that.
  4. Not too badly, Craig: Kloochman But the real question is, do you have a death wish?
  5. Definitely not a winter ascent, when you consider the 7-hour reverse time conversion. It turned to spring at 10:45 p.m. on March 19. Remember to do the conversion from GMT to PDT. But were there witnesses? Speed timers? Did anyone note the actual time when the summit was reached?
  6. Well, we're mighty glad you could make it, and that you had a great time. Thanks for coming out and supporting CWMR!
  7. You never introduced yourself. Where were ya? NOLSe- Didja make it up to the show? Dane???
  8. Absofuckinglutely fabulous show! Glad that so many of you could make it. A full house! I thought the NF of Changabang segment was the best (see 1999 AAJ, pages 106-113). Carlos is such a magnanimous guy; you'd never know he's done the things he's done by the way he talks. Reminds me of the first time we met, but that's another story... We're gonna make plans to climb together again. Carlos and the Bearded Wonder (yes, those are my crayons...)
  9. It was another one. It was about three months ago. Guy got swept over Edith Creek Falls and buried right at the base of the falls. That's where Dave found him. Kirk Reiser avalanche incident
  10. You are correct, sah. It is "Commandho Pillar" and they did *not* get it wrong in the guide.
  11. IN LESS THAN 3 HOURZ, PEEPUL!!!1 You Westside folks should be leavin' town right now.
  12. This is exactly what I was trying to get across to Dru. But then again, he already knows all of this stuff. He's the quintessential climber.
  13. It is my understanding that it does not. The F&W permit is a tool for collecting fees for the WSDF&W, not for providing services to the users of the lands adminstered by the WSDF&W. Further, it is my understanding that the porta-potties were arranged for and set-up by (and maybe even paid for) the members of the Frecnhman Coulee Climbers Coalition (FCCC), a yahoo group that I think may be (now) defunct, or at least not very active.
  14. I would guess pretty much just that, as I piece together the OP and the info from the MRNP SAR Hotline. Guy decides to take a stroll in the woods. Underdressed and unprepared for the conditions. Gets wet. Gets cold. Gets lost. Gets dead. Gets found. End of story.
  15. That's "OM:pagetop:G" to you, kevin...
  17. Extension of the above thought: After you've threaded the rope through the anchor and started the pull, have your partner coil the rope for the toss as you're pulling it down from the upper anchor. On multi-rap descents, this multi-tasking can end up saving a lot of time over the course of the descent. coiling and tossing = knotting the gravity feed is faster and better Right. Every time. Absolutely. I'll agree that the "gravity assist" works best when the topography allows it. A lot depends upon the incline and/or nature of the vegetation of any particular climb. But then again, you already knew that... I can't remember the last time I pitched a rope down a climb and ended up with a clusterfuck serious enough that I couldn't rap it. But then again, I must be doing it wrong...
  18. and it works best if you're on bolted rap stations and/or newly slung stout trees. I don't attempt it with slung chockstones or horns. IMHO, too much strain on the webbing/rock contact area, especially if there's an edge involved. Too much risk to both climbers for the reward...
  19. Simul-rap? Seriously, tho... As the first rapper nears the next anchor below, begin anchor disassembly of the upper anchor. Obviously, this is only advisable under certain circumstances, such as: 1) heaviest partner rapped first, and 2) redundant anchor points (if used) were not weighted during the rappel. Clearly, this technique would not apply to bolted rap stations. However, in the case of bolted rap stations, one could safely simul-rap if the bolts are in good condition/solid. I've done this many times to beat a thunderstorm moving up the valley.
  20. Extension of the above thought: After you've threaded the rope through the anchor and started the pull, have your partner coil the rope for the toss as you're pulling it down from the upper anchor. On multi-rap descents, this multi-tasking can end up saving a lot of time over the course of the descent.
  21. Change the tape out every season, as it won't last much beyond a year of so before it sticks itself beyond all comprehension to the bottle/pole/whatever. Then, if you can get it to come off, it shreds and turns into little pieces of sticky string. Trust me on this one...
  22. Similar to the garbage bag technique, stuff a space blanket into your helmet between the shell and suspension system. It's there when you're forced to bivy, and it doesn't get all beat up living in your pack for years waiting to be used.
  23. You forgot the "Make your partner unwittingly" part No Dru, he's got it right. And so do you, partially... The "Make your partner unwittingly" part goes in front of "carry the ice and mixers for your alcohol into the mountains."
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