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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Was wondering the same thing. I used to skydive decades ago (with a T10 modified), right about the time the original round ParaCommanders were going rectangular. With my old chute off Monkey Face, I would've face-planted in the tuft long before it fully deployed.
  2. +1 Absolutely, Porter - enable that option! Way to uncage your soul, Joe! Simply crazy!
  3. Definitely #2. Note that biner gate is up and back, NOT down and out, as prescribed in FOTH. And I'll lay even money that it isn't even LOCKED! Yeesh, it's amazing the d00d's still ALIVE!!1
  4. with Thai boobies you shouldn't have to scroll the dare to find positive proof otherwise is implicit in the foregoing statement
  5. Did you get your copy of This Is True over the weekend?
  6. sobo


    By all means, please.
  7. Well, I guess I had more fun with baseball cuz I was the "target" as you say. I got in on every play.
  8. Rudy, the wet blanket of cc.com... C'mon man, let the kids have a little fun before us "adults" screw 'em up fer the rest of their miserable little lives.
  9. as in it sucks you in, and nothing can escape, not even light. cascadeclimbers.com... the event horizon of the intertubez
  10. You mean mankind really hasn't landed on the moon yet? Why, that lying bastard Neil Armstrong! Wait'll I get my hands on that schlemiel...
  11. sobo

    Balling The Queen

    I sooooooo did NOT need to see that!
  12. what...no meth? Ooooooo, yer right! OK, so I take back what I said about not recycling a damned thing. I recycled my piss so I could refine the meth out of it. Then I got high on the new batch of meth I made from it. Then pulled out a few teeth... rather easily, I might add.
  13. You could prolly go the CC.com Spring Picnic and pick yerself up a buttload of them thar dangerous wadder boddles at the Gear Swap...
  14. I chopped down some rain forest, clubbed a baby seal, sponsored a whale hunt, drilled for oil in the ANWR, bought an H4, took a ride in the Concorde, and I didn't recycle a goddamned thing all day. Then I had sex in a pile of 50 sweaty people that I didn't know from Adam, none of whom were wearing deorderant. Did I miss anything?
  15. sobo


    Is there really such a thing as the best part of a box of wine???
  16. sobo


    Coming from suckbm, I'd have to think it was in jest. I've only met him once, but I think he's kidding.
  17. Yeah, but feathers are aid. it had to be said sooner or later...
  18. Muff, that's a crying shame what those parents made their kid do. I'd have probably killed someone, too. How has youth sports gone from what it was 30-40 years ago to what it is today? It's all about winning and "looking good" these days. Is this a reflection of what we see in "professional" sports? Players gotta take HGH so that they can hit more homers, sack more quarterbacks, drain more 3-pointers, etc.? Sure, we hated to lose when we were kids, and we loved it when our team won. But on or off the field, it was still all about having some fun with your buds, even if they were on the opposing team.
  19. So what, in this asshole's mind, constitutes "not good enough" for a kid playing ball? I thought it was about having some fun and batting/catching/throwing a ball around. This clownpuncher apparently is one of those "win at all costs" coaches, eh? WTF, does he have to increase his winning percentage so he gets picked up by the NY Yankees as their new head coach? The minute my son's coaches take this attitude, we're outta there. I don't see that happening, because all of the practices and games that I've been to already (like 4 or 5 now), the coaches just let them have fun and run around and hit and throw. They all seem to laugh and have fun, and there's no big emphasis on being "good enough" to play. Last year we had Nicholas in youth soccer. He had one of "those coaches" that yelled at the kids (they're 4 freakin' years old, fer chrissakes), the parents on the sidelines yelled at the kids, and none of the kids looked like they were having any fun. They reacted out of fear, it occured to me. Fear of dissapointing their parents, fear of dissapointing the coach, fear of just not knowing what they should be doing. Nick wanted out of it pretty quickly, so we were gone after the second practice/game. His view of soccer is clouded by that experience now. A shame, since I was pretty good at it as a kid growing up in Italy, and wanted to share the sport with him. Now we just kick the ball around the back yard and play with the local kids out in the street. He likes it a ton better this way.
  20. It's yer moodz. Go to the upper right corner of your screen (where it says "Log Out") and click on the toggle to change it.
  21. mmmmmmmmmmmm, pierogi. :chebit:
  22. billcoe- I do believe he does have a rock hidden under his arms there. It must be for the one and only climber below him, for if he was gunning for hikers, he'd have a lot more ammunition.
  23. sobo


    I felt the need to bathe after reading this thread. Rawk on, Mo!
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