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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    how not to rappel

    hmmmmmm... Get a Mac...???
  2. I thought the military was the only ones stupid enough to jump with T10s. I did a jump at 800 feet once. Just enough time for the canopy to deploy before slamming into the ground. rob, no one's ever accused me of being intelligent. Or even mildly sane, for that matter. I was handed a chute and told, "Here, you can jump with this." So I did. Many times.
  3. sobo

    how not to rappel

    Move your mouse (the one connected to your compooter) so that the arrow thingy is over the big triangle pointing to the right in the middle of the television picher toobz thingy. It'll then turn into a little hand with a pointy finger thingy. That's OK. Then click the left-hand-side mouse button (again, the one connected to yer compooter) real fast-like, twice.
  4. You should hook up with billy finley. He posts here as wfinley. He's really, really, good people. Has a site called Peak-a-Week. He gets out all the goddamned time. Lucky bastard... So how am I s'posed to get you yer free brewski sampler now, huh?
  5. If she climbed, he wouldn't need the photographer as a climbing partner! Good point... D'OH!
  6. Au contraire'! I'm all over that. I mean, all over you! I love a sweaty napping partner. There's just something about all that glistening, sweaty skin. Makes me think of pr0n movies...
  7. Sweet! Congrats, CP! Does she climb?
  8. Pax? I am green with envy, I tell ya. GREEN!!!1 All's well that ends well.
  9. sobo

    Crossfit Kids

    All's well that ends well. :kisss:
  10. Guess I'll have to be the wet blanket on this thread... This happened a lonnnnnnnnng time ago (in a galaxy far, far away...), like early 1990s. Ordered a couple replacement picks for my BD X-15s from MG. They showed up, but had the wrong bolt hole pattern. They were for an earlier version of the X-15 (mebbe the solid, red-shafted wonders?). I was very specific when I ordered that I had the newer, rubber-bonded shaft versions. I was assured that the picks I would be getting would fit just fine. Well, they didn't. I sent the picks back and requested a refund. Never heard from them. After numerous phone calls to no benefit, I finally got them on the phone and they out-and-out refused to refund my money. Said they never received the returned picks! Well, I know their address pretty damned well, so I'm reasonably sure that the fault did not lie with me in addressing the package. I even showed up in their store on at least two occasions after this, with my receipt in hand, to continue the dispute, to no avail. It wasn't until a few years later I learned I could have taken the dispute up with my credit card company and had them refuse payment. But whatever, I learned my lesson about MG. I'm glad the rest of you all got satisfaction, but I never did. As always, YMMV...
  11. sobo

    Crossfit Kids

    Hey Mel, do you ever get tired of pulling on the mule's halter? Seriously... anti-climbing, then he tries Smiff and likes it. Anti-dog, until you bring Chaos home. He loves her! Anti-Xfit, until he tries it. Oh, lemme guess? He changes his tune! He likes it! OMG! Luv ya, Kiddo!
  12. Sooooooooooooo... how wuzzit? Eastern WA minds wanna know.
  13. posted already. last week. still pretty cool vid.
  14. A) that is so AWSOME I want to do that!!!!!!! it's like hang gliding with out a hangglider. B) they started out way up high I like that I watch that Espin video not less than once every two weeks since someone posted it here the first time about 6 months ago. I want one of those thangs sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo badly... ...
  15. sobo

    John Frieh

    happy to have helped
  16. sobo

    John Frieh

    John, the , Frieh
  17. If you are referring to the same Lex Maxwell that was one of the "Founding Fathers" of Central Washington Mountain Rescue, and Mountain Rescue in the PNW in general, I could probably put you in touch with one of the few surviving members who would have been in the original unit with him over 50 years ago. You also might try getting a hold of Lowell Skoog, since he talked with Lex on the phone a few years back. Lowell is fraught with PNW mountain lore.
  18. I run hot. Always have. Sweat like a porcine in a slaughterhouse.
  19. sobo

    Slick Rock

    You are correct, sah! R&I, in I believe 1991. I have a copy of it stashed in one of my gear crates.
  20. That pic needs to be sent in to a calendar company!
  21. Nekkid as a jaybird. I once left on my base layers and my fleece jacket and pants in a -4F night in the Wallowas, thinking that my 20F bag needed the "boost" that my capilene and fleece would give. I sweated out early, soaked the bag and compressed the down, and chilled myself. I got out of my clothes, but my feet froze all night because that section of the bag never warmed up. Even a balaclava didn't help those po' dogs to git warm again...
  22. I loved the section on Oscar's hobbies... Post-modern cardboard deconstruction, floral arrangement regurgitation, and rotational forms of performance art. The collaborative low-energy cardboard performance art was a riot, especially the critique by Zoey! My kitter seems to suffer from cat motivational problems, as he's an accomplished marathon lounger on a rigorous lounge training schedule and can typically be found in the traditional feline slumber position...
  23. So this begs the question, Keith... We understand that Kurt struck out. What happened with you and your nekkid WonderWoman intern...?
  24. :lmao: Being a professional engineer, and owned by a cat, I can heartily appreciate that video. Thanks, Mel, for that link. I haven't laughed so hard in years. My sides ache. I must go home and determine Phydeaux's aspect ratio. And get him to yodel...
  25. Lightning Dome on the South Fork of the Clearwater River, ID Camping: Free at Meadow Creek CG, 4 miles from the Dome. Has precast concrete shitter, picnic tables, fire rings and grates. Very secluded sites, just not very many of them. Second choice in Cougar Creek, also free. No picnic table but has the benefit of being only 1/4 mile from the stone. Has it's own creek, too. Beer/ice: Available at cut rates at the house/store/pool hall one mile back up the road at Milepost 16. WARNING: Do not enter wearing Spandex on Earth Day. Water: Creek runs right through campground. Bring a filter or hardcores can drink directly from stream. Showers: Creek runs right through campground. Entertainment: Real operating drive-in movie theatre outside of Grangeville. Park on side of road about 1/8 mile east of theatre and tune radio to AM 1560. Also pool at the house/bar at MP 16. Pool table's in the living room. REAL entertainment: Drive all the way to the paved road’s end at Elk City and take in the locals. Real Americana in Elk City, by golly...
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