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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Best Response

    That was a great vid. First time in a long time I've watched a U-Tube vid that long all the way through. Damn glad I did, too!
  2. sobo


    wow, at least you contained yourself for over 12 full hours. Why don't you give that 40-year walkabout another try, eh?
  3. Doug- First, ensure the bottle is empty or the lid is securely tightened. Then, turn the bottle upside down. The logo is on the bottom. billcoe- Yes, you're absolutely correct. It will still leach with unheated liquids as the contents, just much more slowly than with heated contents. I guess I was trying too hard to calm the mass hysteria. Steve- Your welcome. And DEFINITELY DO NOT run them through the dishwasher! Mui bad! Besides, more room in the wine rack is always a good thing, unless the rack is already filled! counterfeitfake- Actually, tap water in the US is some of the safest water to drink in the world. As an engineer whose job it is to ensure safe tap water, we prepare the annual Consumer Confidence Reports for the tap water of various cities in WA. The sampling and testing is unbiased, and goes on all year long. The results are reported to the city, and the city summarizes and publishes those results in your water bill in July. I often check what they publish to see if it jives to what we reported to them. It's always the same results. The next time you get your summer water bill and it has an extra brouchure in it, take the time to actually read what it says. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the quality of your tap water. Read about Consumer Confidence Reports here And before the rest of y'all jump my shit about "What about flouride in the tap water!!1?" and "I can taste the chlorine in my tap water!!!1", those concentrations are within the acceptable MCLs for those compounds. You may be experiencing a spike of chlorine that was required due to a pipeline extension project, a plant re-start or back-flush operation, or any number of other reasons. No one's trying to kill you through the public water system. Learn about contaminants here Lastly, if you don't like the idea of flouride in your tap water, or you can smell the chlorine, just get a BRITA filter and run it through that. It works wonderfully; trust me. But remember... that filter pitcher is likely made of Lexan - that nasty "#7" again. So put only cold water in the pitcher and consume/change it daily and you'll be fine.
  4. True dat. Studies now show that it's not every plastic bottle out there, just the ones that have a "7" (Lexan) in the recycle symbol have Bisphenol-A (BPA) as the resin. BPA is the chemical that's garnering all the hoopla of which you speak. And it really only releases if you put hot liquids in the bottle; heat-on-plastic accelerates the leaching effect. If you stick with the original, opaque white, Nalgene bottles ("5" in the recycle triangle) or use other bottles with a "2" or a "4" in the symbol, you'll be fine. There's too much hysteria over this whole thing. A month ago my wife ran through the house screaming and waving her arms over her head and threw out all of the kids' sippy-cups. Now they're drinking out of real glasses and spilling shit all over the damned house. Another thing, the bottled water that you pay as much as you do for gasoline, that has a "1" in the triangle? Scientists are saying that you shouldn't refill those bottles either. One time use, then toss/recycle. Another good reason to tote your own water from home in a #5 Nalgene bottle. So remember: #2 (HDPE), #4 (LDPE), or #5 (PP) is good to go. HDPE = high density polyethylene LDPE = low density polyethylene PP = polypropylene mythosgrl's thread avitripp's thread I stopped searching after these two hits. There may be more on this here board. The interwebz is full of 'em...
  5. You forget about Peshastin Pinnacles, or what? This weekend's weather is precisely why the Pinnacles were created and developed. C'mon, ya know ya want to...
  6. Someone better call the Justice League on RuMR, before he gets too out of hand...
  7. Get it straight, Dru... This thread is: "Photos of Really Big Housecats." NOT: "Really Big Photos of Housecats."
  8. character building. see how well that worked out for ya?
  9. Very artsy production. It's the new face of TRs on cc.com. I especially liked the knarled, dead tree with moss scene. BTW, thanks for the PM.
  10. because more than 17.5 days has elapsed since your OP
  11. verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice avatar this time, Couloir. Keep that one around for a while...
  12. Motor Bike-Ridin' at Vantage Ah! Good point. Nice move. Keep 'em baffled, if you can't blind 'em by brilliance.
  13. So why weren't you at Moon Rocks on Saturday, eh?
  14. That's about all I needed to read...
  15. We already bailed out the banks because they fucked up loaning to these people, why shouldn't we bail out the others? If you look around this site, you'll see that I already made my statement about baling out the banks. That was bullshit back then in the late 80s/early 90s (savings and loan fiasco), and it's still bullshit now (sub-prime mortgage debacle). Whatever, Carl. I would posit that knowingly entering hazardous avalanche terrain is stupid on any/all counts, even for a rescue. First Law of Rescue: Do not create more victims. The analogy applies equally as well to the sub-prime mortgage shitstorm. So, can I count on you to bail me out for my gross overspending on my next gear acquisition binge that I knowingly can't afford when the guy from the credit card collection agency shows up at the door of my soon-to-be-foreclosed-upon house for which I could not afford the payments? Will you cart my ass back and forth to and from the crags in your oh-so-sensible, well-within-your-means vehicle after the repo man snatches my over-priced, over-depreciated, uber-expensive, knowingly-out-of-my-price-range rig that I purchased with full awareness that I couldn't make the monthly payments? Thanks, Carl. I knew I could count on you, the Great American Taxpayer, to bail me out of the financial imbroglio of my misbegotten bling and trinketry, just like everyone else in this country has come to expect. :kisss:
  16. Funny... I know a lot of these "idiots" and they bought in 2004/05 and sold 2 years later for much much more. It's like skiing a 35 deg bowl loaded with fresh powder. Just because one succeeds without triggering an avalanche doesn't mean it was a smart thing to try. Thank you, tomtom. You got it right. Like me Pa used to say, "Just cuz all of your friends are doing it, does that make it a right/smart/wise thing to do? If they all jumped off a cliff, would you, too?" And Hugh, A lot of middle-class white folk also went for the "buy more than you pay for" trip, so if you're trying to imply that I'm being racist with your reply, try again. I don't care what race, color, creed, nationality, marital status, or sexual preference you have, getting sucked into the sub-prime mortgage mess and signing on the line for more than you can pay for should be YOUR responsibility, NOT MINE as a taxpayer.
  17. So Mel, how many hubbies do you have now, anyway?
  18. I don't have any trouble paying for the NP entrance/climbing permits. It's the NW Forest trailhead parking pass that chaps my butt. A "demonstration" program begun in 1996 that has shown its (un)worthiness, was not voted upon by the users (that's us, the public), and has continued to be re-authorized by tagging on to omnibus spending bills by an idiot Senator who has not one acre of Forest Service land in his district.
  19. The Padmasana on rappel was pretty righteous.
  20. Have to agree with GGK on this one. It doesn't take a complete idiot to see that sub-prime mortgages were too good to be true, and greed and avarice had its day. The name "sub-prime mortgage" shoulda been a big fat fucking clue to run far away from that one... I mean really, what kind of a person gets him/herself into a mortgage that he/she knows in advance he/she has no way of making the fucking payments? An idiot, that's what kind... I have no sympathy for any of them. It's called personal responsibility, people...
  21. I don't know who to feel more sorry for, either... Moira, or the morally bereft, internally desolate, self-disrespecting, low-life scumbag that pinched her 'pod.
  22. Peeps still buy those things?
  23. The epitome of PC... I like this definition: Political Correctness: A system of thinking where it's OK to offend someone right in front of you by enforcing a made-up rule to stop a theoretical offense to an unknown person at a later date when you aren't even going to be there.
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