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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    'Earth Hour'

    I'm doing more than that. I'm cutting the outside hose and lighting the gas line to "off gas" a little. Here's my vision for my neighborhood: Escape from LA? Blade Runner? I'm clueless, but I'd like to rent it if it's a full-length film.
  2. The phone book puts ages in it now??? this one does http://www.whitepages.com/ This page is scary. It lists everywhere I ever lived. Thanks goodness I don't keep a home phone anymore. At least that link to me is missing. 'course, the "big three" credit bureaus all have my deets.
  3. sobo

    'Earth Hour'

    You forgot to turn on your gas fireplace.
  4. I'll have to check that one out. Please do read Taliban. It's dense, with a lot of historical background to lead up to the meat, but well worth the read in the end.
  5. This one? If not, then I highly recommend that you add it to your list.
  6. Naahhhhhh, that's caused by the hole, too.
  7. Not sure who said it: "It's not the bullet that kills you, it's the hole." BTW, it was Laurie Anderson.
  8. sobo

    Are you a clucker?

    spidermitts are aid... and so is the dildo.
  9. sobo


    Good catch, Dru. I missed that the first time around.
  10. sobo

    Its snowing

    both. There's a lot more to it than just what appears upon the surface. We'll talk about it on a climb someday, if you're really that interested.
  11. post the link for that site, wouldja plz, ivan?
  12. Youch! Good one, there... Cutting to the quick. I see where you're going. It has to work both ways, Hendershot, or it doesn't work at all. BTW, has anyone clicked on the movie yet? I have to wait until I can view it while not connected to my company server. Somehow, I think I'd receive yet another proxy server warning...
  13. sobo

    Its snowing

    Nope. When I lived in Yakima (up until almost 3 years ago), it was "Crackima". I've been "getting by" in the Tri-Cities since May of 2005. There's a saying in the Dry-Shitties: "The wind doesn't blow here, it sucks!"
  14. sobo


    Remember, if that doesn't work out for ya, REI has a great return policy... glad you have the sense of humor to appreciate that comment.
  15. My point exactly. Again... and again... and again...
  16. I saw a site on the internet where you could input your name and it would tell you how many people have the same first and last name in the USA. I did it, and there is only one other person besides me.
  17. sobo

    Its snowing

    Check my avatar's location... The Oklahoma Dustbowl of Washington. BTW, it stopped snowing.
  18. sobo


    It is a tough business to be in. Especially when folks don't support them and shop the big box stores. That's why John sold it and consolidated back to his first store in Moscow. That's why Chad and Todd sold MSY's inventory to John, when MSY went out of business. And why Sven's went out of business before that. In my mind's eye, an outdoor community the size of Crackima's should be able to support a climbing/kayaking/skiing/backpacking store like Sven's/MSY/Hyperspud/Mountain Mojo's. History has shown it can't... or won't.
  19. sobo


    Remember, if that doesn't work out for ya, REI has a great return policy...
  20. Righteous, D00d!!!1 :raised_clenched_fist:
  21. sobo

    Its snowing

    It's still snowing here, almost 2.5 hours after it started. It's lightening up, but it ain't sticking. Pretty wierd to see snow in this town at this time of year.
  22. Wow, whaddya know... Ain' nuthin' sacred anymore? What's next, marital status? Religious affiliation? Sexual preference(s)?
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