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Everything posted by sobo

  1. I don't know how you feel about it, and it doesn't matter to me personally cuz I don't own any stock in either of them, but I'm glad that you guys didn't sell out to Billy G.
  2. shhhhhhhhhhh... no one knows I'm in town...
  3. with "NOW" being the operative word...
  4. 4:20... Pfffft! Second one at the plate... NY Strip on the barby is tomorrow night. Tonight's pesto farfalle with sundried tomatoes and feta, a Caesar, and a light Sangiovese.
  5. sobo

    Happy Friday

    Wow, two puts you over the top, eh? I love a cheap drunk...
  6. as a heart attack... complete with the fancy glass an' all...
  7. sobo

    Happy Friday

    Now that's true devotion right there, I tell ya! Drinking and spraying from a bar outside 11worth! :tup: to you, gurl! Got me beat! porter, knock that PBJT shit the fuck off right now, goddammit, or I'll banninate myself! I'm warnin' ya... ooo, waydamimnnit...
  8. sobo

    Happy Friday

    I'm mowing the lawn I haven't mowed in THREE FUCKING WEEKS because I've been CLIMBING FOR THE PAST THREE FUCKING WEEKS!!!1
  9. Just wanted you all to know that. Not that any of you GAFF. Pfffffffft!!!1 Ahhhhh, Black Butte Porter this afternoon...
  10. sobo

    Happy Friday

    I'm gonna start drinkin' now... Just wanted you to know that, 5K. And you, too, kevino, and you, too, mkporwit, and you, too... well you get the idea.
  11. Yet another person who's making me sick to my stomach. Your goal is the same as mine, but I'm not doing much about getting there. At least I started closer to where I want to be than you did.
  12. President ? WTF? Thanks for fixing the link, matt. Works now.
  13. Didn't I warn you about posting your deets on teh interwebs? Sadly, I'm not available on any of those weekends. Hope you find a partner(s) before grad school sets in.
  14. We are sorry, but the page you requested is not available.
  15. Emily, Not wise to publish your email addy and phone number on the public side of this board, even if your cell is from Colorado. Too easy to be mined by web crawlers, after which you will be inundated with spam. Better to send that info via PM; it's safe that way. Click on the poster's name, and select "Send a PM" DPS, Mebbe he means Gibraltar Ledges?
  16. The nice thing about the ones that I have is that it's a button, not a knob, that turns them on and off. As KarlBaba mentioned above, if your radio uses a knob, you'll probably have to duct tape it in place or do what you did (reverse a battery) to prevent accidental battery drain. The other thing I like about mine is the attachment method. It came with a belt clip that literally sucked. The radio always stayed stuck to the clip, and I ended up having the clip come off whatever I had attached it to. So I threw the clip away and ran a lanyard through the hole at the top (there's one at the bottom of the radio, too). Just make sure that if you're going to be wearing it around your neck, use a cord light enough so that if you get stuck in a jam and are strangling yourself with the lanyard, you can break it off from around your neck without having to resort to huntin' up a knife.
  17. Did you screw the cap off the end of the handle and retrieve the secret message inside that reveals the last resting place of DB Cooper's ill-gotten stash?
  18. well, I s'pose that's true... Carry on, then.
  19. Glad you went with the off-brand AquaSox. I have both the Nike AS and the "Joe's Sporting Goods" knock-off (cuz I thought I lost the AS for about 10 years or so - they turned up in the last move). They work great for summer climbs with snow camps. For winter climbs/snow camps, I mimic mkporwit and billcoe with the Cordura-bottomed SD down booties. I quash mattp's argument about slipperiness in that when I need to go to the latrine, I just pull on the plastic shell over the bootie. Works just fine, the fit is firm and supportive because of the expanded down, and I have traction with the shell's sole.
  20. Take the HH. You'll be fine. They're bomber tents for the weight, well-constructed. It'll just be a little chilly because of all the bug netting, but hey, none of that pesky condensation!
  21. Not arguing your point at all, Stephen, just that if you're going to quote stats, cite the source.
  22. 5K... tsk tsk tsk... To properly display such damning statistics, one must post like Peter_Puget and become the Linkinator. "Where's the link?"
  23. mark, don't know if you can still find them, but I have a pair of these: Motorola TalkAbout 200 It's a model that I bought back in the late 1990s from Costco for about $100/pair, and they're still going strong 10 years later. I think the model may have morphed into something more like what spotly posted above. I use these old radios all the time on rescue missions, too, so it's not like they're a museum piece that sits at home in glass display case. They get worked pretty damned hard, and they've functioned in the cold, rain, snow, whatever. KarlBaba and Steve (pindude) gave some good tips, too. My radios have a button to push to turn them on and off, but you have to hold it for several seconds to make it activate, much like your cell phone does, so it's an unlikely event that it turns itself on or off in your pack. They have the privacy subchannels and the port for the earbud as well. It's billed as a 2-mile LOS range, but my longest contact was from the Turtle on Rainier to the wife at Cougar Rock CG. I think that's like 8 miles as the crow flies. One thing that we've found: It is best to talk "across" the mic instead of "into" it. Basically, picture it this way: if the radio is around your neck or tied to your pack's shoulder strap, with the face of the radio facing out (forward), don't pick it up and talk straight into the face of it. Instead, leave it where is it and bend your head down (for neck mount) or to the side (shoulder strap mount) and just talk normally in the radio's general direction with your voice traveling across, and parallel to, the face of the radio. The static and breath sounds are greatly reduced. They work great at shorter range when there is no direct LOS to transmit across. I've used them on climbs where there are significant roofs between the belays, around blind corners, etc. At 60 meters, the LOS "limitation" thing doesn't really apply. I can truly say that I've never been happier with a radio than with this one. Just don't know if you can still get it, or if its successor is any better.
  24. So, does your survival time increase or decrease proportional to the quantity of beer you have imbibed? The curve is sinusoidal. X-axis = beers consumed, Y-axis = survival.
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