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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Did they look like this? This pic must have been taken somewhere in Silicon Valley, ehe? Not necessarily. My wife's tits are that big. "And they're real, and they're spectacluar!"
  2. takes too fucking long to load. :tdown:
  3. Misery Thanks. I didn't read that one, but opted to see the flick when it came out. The last SK book I read was The Stand, about 30 years ago. Chilling... Oh, Sobo, you should read the unabridged The Stand. The first one released when you read it had stuff cut out or maybe he just went back and added with the later one. I can't remember which, but I love that book! He added stuff to the later (1990) version that he had left out of the earlier (1978) version that I read. But by that time, a dozen years later, I was done with reading Stephen King books. I had moved on to James Clavell and Tom Clancy by then.
  4. Now yer talkin'... :tup:
  5. WTF, Jennifer Aniston wears a navel ring? Cool! Looks like she got some help on her front end, too...
  6. Misery Thanks. I didn't read that one, but opted to see the flick when it came out. The last SK book I read was The Stand, about 30 years ago. Chilling...
  7. I don't care about the comparisons with Jack. In either movie. It's that other Stephen King book/movie about a writer and his number one fan that gives me nightmares. I'm not up on my Stephen King readings. Which title is that?
  8. I have been know to lead many astray. The Pianoforte Incident... sounds like a title for a spy thriller or sumpin'.
  9. I knew that, ya ninny. But take special note of the graemlin after my suggestion of The Shining . Clearly, I was joking witcha, and also found the comparison between Jack and Melissa somewhat humorous.
  10. it is right - rarely used, but right. look it up. Checked my huge tome (2,000+ pages) of the RHD. I humbly stand corrected.
  11. That bastard's been on the lam for years. John Walsh should be happy now.
  12. sobo


    Couloir can always be counted upon to provide continuous entertainment value with his choice of avatars. I'd stake my life upon it, which ain't worth much, but at least it's somethin'...
  13. sobo


    Now why would you even be thinking that...?
  14. You take too much from the images I posted. You are on track with the Japanese internment, but you equate the images of Krystallnacht and the Dachau gate with the Holocaust, while I was trying to draw an inference similar to the Japanese internment. That is, racial profiling leading to imprisonment on the basis of race, color, creed, and/or national origin. As mkporwit said on Page 1: "It's a slippery slope, and someone's very keen to keep greasing it."
  15. D00d, if you wanna come off all cultured and stuff, ya gotta get it right.
  16. I don't think there are enough photos on that pianoforte. fortepiano, 5K.
  17. sobo

    funny shite

    Good thing the guy in the middle has at least some small portion of a dick. Otherwise his pants would fall off.
  18. You really should see someone. Help is out there, Norm. You just gotta ask for it.
  19. sobo


    Sorry to see this, rob. Came from outta nowhere, did it? Here's to getting back on yer feet real soon.
  20. apparently better than doing thrust tests on commercial airliner engines, but you'd have to ask her for the specific financial figures. But I don't think it's about the money for Mel... Ancient Chinese proverb say: "Choose job you like, never work day in life."
  21. I don't like the idea of moving these checkpoints away from the border areas either. It's legal and required at the border; leave it there. Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it...
  22. Scribe??? Click on the link for her username, 5K. She lists her occupation as "scribe". A year or more back, I talked with Mel about her ME degree and the fact that she lists her occupation as "scribe." The twain did not meet for me, so I asked. Mel swore me to secrecy and I had to promise not to let this group ever know what she really does for a living. But now DeC has outted her. Let the tauntings begin...
  23. sobo

    Magic Toe Nails

    Send her that pic of layton's trashed feet from a few years back. Mebbe that'll cure her of it...
  24. Wo sind Ihre Papiere, bitte? Wo sind deine Papiere du Schwein? Wo ist dein Judenstern? YIKES!!!1 That last one really hurt...
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