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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    These aren't the classes you're looking for. Move along... move along.
  2. sobo


  3. Run of the River B&B. It's like a sore peter: can't beat it.
  4. sobo


    Excuse me, I've got to move a refrigerator.... and a color TV...
  5. sobo


    Uhhhh, that would be a "no"; I've never had any cock up my anus. And I have not climbed El Cap. :kisss:
  6. sobo


    Hey pink, exactly how much reading up on the Federal Reserve Bank have you done? I mean, beyond the wikipedia references and stuff?
  7. sobo


    Yes, it is. But didn't you already know that from your high school history classes?
  8. sobo

    fuck off

    Best and brightest, eh? And these are the same fucktards that are responsible for the biggest corporate loss in any quarter (~$62 billion) in history? Yeah... best and brightest, my sweet ass...
  9. And the rest, as they say, was history...
  10. Gene, I was just making a joke, at rob's expense. No harm intended to you, nor him. I venture to say if I roped up with you, we'd both have a whale of a good time on whatever we would climb. Yay life! I have not had the "typical guide experience" that so many have lamented, so I am not about to judge all guides as many have done in the past. I have only climbed with two guides in my entire 25 years of this gig, and both were within the last couple of years. And it wasn't the "guide-client" relationship, it was just some guys going out climbing. Of the two guides I've climbed with in my life, I thought that both were highly capable and damned fun guys to hang out with. The first guide I ever roped up with was Kurt Hicks (kurthicks/wazzumountaineer) for a FA at Lightning Dome 2.5 years ago and again on Orbit last October, and Justin (summerprophet) at Fugg's Falls at the end of 2008. I can only hope that they had as good a time as I did, and would want to tie in with this old goatfucker again some time.
  11. Sounds like a cry for help to me.
  12. You might wanna ask rob's opinion about that. I'm jus' sayin'... Braydon, Dane and others here speak wisdom from experience. Heed them, live long, and have fun.
  13. Sweet, Trogdor! Pax: resize pic, plzzzzzzz...
  14. sobo

    pirates vs. ninjas?

    Now that is some serious Ninja ass-whooping heading for pirate ass... Nice find, Porter; totally on-topic
  15. that was funny, 'zix. who are those guys?
  16. sobo

    Dreams of dogs

    best scene in that whole movie. "Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I've kinda lost track myself..."
  17. sobo

    Dreams of dogs

    Good eye, Steve. That's a nickel-plated Ruger .44 Magnum Super Blackhawk with a 10-inch barrel, with former climbing partner Frank Gibson, R.I.P., at the helm. He had to have the 10-inch, cuz I had the 8-inch model of the same weapon (in black). It's all about the length, he would say...
  18. sobo

    Dreams of dogs

    Not bad advice, Steve. Although I do enjoy plinking with large-caliber weaponry... from time to time...
  19. sobo

    Dreams of dogs

    This is getting really fucked up... So I was talking to my wife today as I was getting ready to take the kids somewhere. My wife, who knows how safe of a driver I am, makes a special point to say "drive carefully" as I was backing out of the garage. I said something like, "Sure Hon, always do." She replies with, "Well, I had a weird dream the other day, where Elaina (our daughter) gets killed in a traffic accident." I'm thinking, "Wooooooah..." So I tell her about my dream (the one described above ^^) from Thursday night/Friday morning, and she says, "Wooooooah." We're both there standing in the garage saying, "Wooooooah..." Turns out she had the dream about Elaina getting killed Wednesday night/Thursday morning. It's all too fucking weird...
  20. sobo

    Dreams of dogs

    I had a weird dream last night that is still on my mind... It takes place at the first home I ever bought, before I got married and had my kids. But in the dream, I have my wife and kids with me, even though they weren't a part of my life at the time I was living at this house. That's the first "weird" thing. Anyway, there's a little traffic jam in the street out in front of my house, and some asshole down the street decides he can't wait for the tiny snarl to clear. So he guns it a few houses down and cuts across the lawns of my neighbors at high speed. As he flies in front of my porch, where I'm reclining watching the traffic jam, my son runs out of the front door and past me. Instantly, he becomes part of the grille of this asshole's car. Mind-numbed into shock, I chase after the car and somehow get it to stop (more "weird"), and pull the asshole from behind the wheel through the car window. I proceed to beat him to a bloody pulp, all the while yelling at him that he killed my son (even more "weird"). Then I shot him several times in the face at point-blank range (weirdest yet). I don't know where the gun came from, cuz I don't even own one. Then I walked to the front of his car and saw my dead son. At this point in the dream, I woke up. I got out of bed and got ready to go to work this morning. Fucked up, man...
  21. :lmao: That's hilarious how the left nut is bigger and hangs lower than the right... Nice find, Off!
  22. Love that scene, when Harry walks the night with the Battle of Agincourt on the morrow...
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