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Everything posted by sobo

  1. The blue one looked more permanent, the brown, who knows? Perhaps we should all band together to rent a port-a-potty and then just put a lock on it, and distribute the combination to those who contribute to a fund. Lock er up when your business is done. I may be pissing up a rope here, but methinks if you lock a terlit so that only a select few can make use of it, it won't be long before the Great Unwashed that don't enjoy similar access will reduce the facility to a pile of broken plastic. This is the nature of things...
  2. Musta been the vapors from the SeamSeal. That FF guy really knows bratty kids, eh?
  3. Goddammit Carl... :anger: Send that Rick Rolled bullshit to Don/Raindawg. Had to do the whole End Task thingamabob and shut my whole spraysession down.
  4. that was a fuq'n great scene!
  5. This is the best damned quote from the whole fucking 5 pages, bar none! I'm going to have to borrow it someday...
  6. Gee, and it was only a single column that fell off while I was climbing on it. I feel cheated...
  7. Agree with rob on all counts. Some say there's a diety that looks after fools and little children. Might actually be true...
  8. This'll scare the shit outta ya... Link should take you to Page 2. It's my story of Vantage, 9th post down. No shit man, there I was...
  9. now that's fuq'n funny
  10. Does the engineer have to be licensed in OR?
  11. CLOSURE LIFTED. Respect the signs posted downstream of The Bend. Happy trails!
  12. That giant sucking sound you hear is your climbing season going down the toilet...
  13. Sorry for my confusion. I've been working far too many hours of late, and am not quite squared away in the head. Project start-up went reasonably well, but could have gone better. That's the way of things...
  14. CLOSURE LIFTED. Respect the signs posted downstream of The Bend. Happy trails!
  15. Would "our" correspond to "Mel's and Tom's" lightsaber's...??
  16. CWMR RFR is 4/30-5/3... yay life!
  17. WTF??? has the annual closure been lifted already??? Calm down turbo, its posted in the Central/Eastern WA forum... Kevin, I don't know what you're trying to get across here. My comment was pointed toward the closure being lifted, since he said he had been climbing in the Tieton, the lower basin of which is currently closed to climbing. Clear it up any for you?
  18. WTF??? has the annual closure been lifted already???
  19. Hold the line, pinkie
  20. Downed two bottles of very fine red at Fidelitas Winery at the new AVA in Benton City. Working on killing the third for the evening whilst spraying. Bitches.
  21. Yeah, yeah, very nice... but does it come with a lightsaber for getting into the darned thing in a hurry? Ooops, just clicked the linky and found that it DOES INDEED have a lightsabe zipper pull. How quaint...
  22. Scorpio. For us, it's all about the 8D
  23. Hey, yeah, 5K, Happy Berffday! I've been putting in 60-hour weeks for the past month plus, but tonight I'm taking a break and heading up to Chionook Pass for Spring Rigging with my MR group. So I'm outta here. Drinking will commence once the tent gets set up later this evening.
  24. Exactly, Dane. State Parks/BLM/F&W could never get away with gating the road up at the 4-way, for just the reason you state. The worst any of them could do would be to gate the parking areas at the Feathers and Algatha. Then you'd just park on the shoulder of the road.
  25. So a gate is gonna stop me? WTF??? I just can't see being kept out of the Coulee during winter by a State Parks "gate" at the parking area. That's why roads are built with shoulders...
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