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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    :pagetop:HOLES hello? i got in on the ground floor w/ that one on post #3, joke stealing muthatfucka!?! Y'all forgot to add, "...and they all stink."
  2. Alpinfox needs no introduction... The figo for thee, then!!!1
  3. "fortune is bardolph's foe and so hanged he must be" Actually, Aunchient Pistol said, "Fortune is Bardolph's foe, and frowns on him. For he hath stolen a pax, and hanged must he be." There's so much misquoting out there...
  4. That's Pete Reike, the first paraplegic to summit Rainier under his own power. The d00d carrying him is a State Trooper that stopped to help Pete and his wife, Jenny. He rolled that Ranger a coupla times in the accident and totaled it, although it doesn't look like it from the pic. Dane, do you know Pete? BTW, I gave Pete some awful shit when I saw that photo on the front page of the Tricycle Herald...
  5. Hey, I know Prawo Jazdy! We go on road trips all the time! He even helps cash my checks...
  6. Uhhhhh, errrrr... I was at work that day... All day... Yeah, that's it...
  7. Wow, that's kind of creepy, bill. My wife drives a black 1998 Ford Explorer with Washington license *55*HY...
  8. You don't need me for that, kev. You're doing a great job all on your own. Oh, I fixed your spelling for you, too. Your welcome. It's about time to beat them again.
  9. In Rupert Murdoch's New York Post. Listened to the NPR piece on this on the drive back from Yakima this evening. Sean Delonas is the cartoonist.
  10. Awaiting the Right's counter-post of the Michelle Obama/chimpanzee side-by-side comparison in 3... 2... 1...
  11. This: Plus this: = cop-out grow a pair, 'bone... or better yet, just STFU.
  12. Fag Scott- Now that was just a plain old stoopid comment. RN- I, too, am skeptically optimistic about the Obama Administration. Even though his tax-cheating cabinet appointees are full of shit, I admired Obama for owning up to his advisors' lack of vetting skills and effectively apologized to the American people with his "I screwed up" mea culpa. I have to give him kudos that. Refreshing...
  13. True on all three points. Where did this appear, and who is the author?
  14. Oh, I know it is. The problems start when one blames the current global economic crisis on decades old legislation benefiting minorities. It simply doesn't hold up under any kind of historical analysis. That should be apparent to anyone. If it doesn't hold up, why is it still being bandied around? Political opportunism from the Right that can wash its hands of any of the responsibility that neoliberal policies with regard to finance played in the current mess while laying the blame for global conflagration at the door of one of the last liberal social policies that this country has seen. While I'm not suggesting that you're arguing that minorities are ultimately to blame, that argument has been made, and has been made by laying all this at the feet of Freddie and Fannie. Anyway, this isn't likely to be of much interest as the rest of the planet has moved on. Well, at least you got one thing right...
  15. That's an Ape Index of 1.11, roughly. My AI = 1.04 You win...
  16. as long as it takes to toast one consonant and a vowel...
  17. I just love how you seem to pull racism into every thing I say, prole. Read the goddamned Act and see for yourself where it was written so that minorities and lower-income borrowers were specifically targeted as beneficiaries of the said legislation. That's not being racist, that's just stating the facts of the legislation. I'm not makin' this stuff up. It's in the fucking Congressional Record, for god's sake.
  18. Freddie Mac was actually a very conservative lender. Most of their loans required 20% down for a house and required good credit scores. "Was" being the operative word, and therein lies the rub. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 and its subsequent revisions obliterated all of that. Carter's legislation, passed by a Democratically-controlled Congress, effectively mandated (you can read that as "forced", kevbone - effectively a gun against the head, yes) that more loans of a less solid nature be made to minorities and those of lower income. Clinton expanded the program, further relaxing the requirements to get a loan backed by Fannie and/or Freddie.
  19. What....did they have a gun to their head? No.....it was a choice. Jeezus Kevin, how much of an idiot are you, really? Read the legislation, then tell me that you really believe what you wrote. And then look up the term quid pro quo.
  20. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are accomplices. The "criminal" is the Carter Administration legislation that forced the accomplices to make bad loans to people that couldn't afford them, then was further aggravated by the Clinton Administration's insistence that not enough (bad) loans were being made to people that could afford them even less than the first group. Hardly a catalyst, prole - it is the cause.
  21. That constitution-steamrolling hurricane which fostered this shitstorm is called the "Bush Administration" - the 'stimulus' response and all that follows can be laid at there feet for squandering three trillion we'd otherwise have to deal with this mess. There is no aspect of their wars which couldn't have been handled with a little patience and Predators. Not to quibble with you, Joe, but do your math. The economic shitstorm we are in, and the "stimulus" package that hopes to pull us out (or get us through, depending upon who you believe) are the result of the collapse of the housing bubble last year. That collapse has its roots in Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's poor lending practices to people that couldn't afford those loans, which was brought on by Carter Administration legislation (Community Reinvestment Act of 1977) that provided for more Americans to own homes (never mind that they couldn't afford them), and furthered by the Clinton Administration (Community Reinvestment Act - numerous changes during the Clinton years) which sought and achieved sweeping changes in Carter's original legislation that opened the doors to even more unaffordable homes to even less-qualified borrowers, and opposed by both (former) President Bush and Senator McCain, who sought regulation of the lending industry to prevent just such a catastrophe at a time when it could have been prevented, but was vehemently opposed by, riddled with bullets by, and shot from the sky by the likes of Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Franklin Raines, (then) Senator Obama, and others. Yes, you probably recognize those names, huh?
  22. Hey pink, if you're going to quote someone else's work verbatim, at least give them the credit for coming up with the concept.
  23. Excellent use of lexicon! Literally, turdmunching!
  24. sobo

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