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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Yah, it was almost too easy. Makes ya feel kinda cheap, like the morning after a night with a skanky hooker... :shudder:
  2. WTF you been, woman? Been a coon's age since we've seen ya 'round heyah. Don' be a stranger now, ya heyah?
  3. I'm not willing to get down with you. Unless you're going to be in front... 8D Sorry, just couldn't resist that set up.
  4. MAJ Sweeney, Have you gotten an address yet for your buddies in Bagram? I've got several boxes of Climbing ready stateside for shipment. SGT Slease, Got any more addresses in Iraq or buddies in the 'stans? FYI, these issues are old (8-10+ years or so), and may have been read already by you guys and your friends, but their yours if you want them. Carry on.
  5. You mean they open up the military man's/woman's mail and rifle thorugh it? Ain't that, like, all illegal and shit? Well, someone's get all pissy when they find those Victoria Secret catalogs I interspersed in there, but I would hardly call that pr0n...
  6. See, bill? That's what I'm talkin' 'bout.
  7. OMFG!!!1 Stop the presses! I actually agree with kevbone on something!
  8. duh, boner, but it's supposed to be sensitive spray in the Cafe'. That "commercial" ain't sensitive, it's just plain sickie
  9. Always sorry to hear of the passing of a kindred spirit. My condolences and deepest sympathies to his family and friends.
  10. sobo

    bow chika bow wow

    "Thanks. I cannnot wait to fuck this thing." I never expected a line like that... I spewed coffee all over my monitor.
  11. Last time I was in the back of an ambulance, I split my scalp open on the doorjamb on the way out of it. It was the tech dudes who turned into your mother-in-law, getting all blubbery and wanting to give me a ride to the hospital!
  12. Yes, Carl, it was that bad. Prolly oughta make it three bullets, then...
  13. After watching that, I wish somebody would pass me a .38 and a bullet so I can end my suffering. On second thought, make that two bullets... one for the Little Lad, then for me.
  14. sobo


    OMFG Sherri, that is so far beyond awesome, that I cannot find the appropriate words to describe it! I am left totally speechless...
  15. ...and that shite makes it into the Cafe'? C'mon, bill, you know that shoulda been in Spray.
  16. on that theme... "Coldplay"
  17. Hey Dane, thanks a bunch for that shipping info! This should only take about 4 or 5 boxes, and about $50 to brighten several soldiers' days for a while. I'm on it this weekend!
  18. sobo

    Mikey Layton

    Happy birthday, Mike.
  19. This is so great of an idea! I have about a full 10 years or more (prolly 50 lbs worth) of Climbing rags lying in boxes that I haven't opened since I moved from Yakima almost 4 years ago. My wife tried to get me to toss 'em before the move, but I kept telling her that someday they might come in useful. Saying "I told ya so" is gonna feel real good... So how do I get this load to ya?
  20. I dunno... they gotta do sumpin' about the noise first. Sounds like someone took a bat to a hornet's nest. I'm jus' sayin'...
  21. Howz'bout I just refresh yours...?
  22. sobo

    pirates vs. ninjas?

    Ninja robot pirates
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