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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Aren't all cougars full grown. Isn't that part of the criteria? POTD, fer sure!
  2. WORD! ESPECIALLY if you're going to on-sight free solo a lot...
  3. From this phrase I surmise there is a Spring Mountain near Darrington, and you are not referring to the Spring Mountain in eastern Oregon? ThankyouverymuchOKbye!
  4. My daddy tol' me when I was a young'n, t'keeps me from gittin' l'il Sally Mae from Cooter's Holler pregnant, that them thangs girls had unner them panties had TEETH! I see now ol' Pappy was right!
  5. Indeed it was grim... for you and Debbie, that is. We should have a reunion. We should get Sherri to show up, since she helped out a bit, too. And I guess I will have to lead.
  6. Jeebus Christ, has it been 2 years already?? Yes, I guess it has, just this past Tuesday. You sure have come back fuq'n strong, Dane. Good on ya!
  7. And you are epically out of yours.
  8. DAMN! And I was gonna ask if Sherri was gonna be there this weekend with her sport'n Westfalia! I've got my kids next weekend, so I'm out.
  9. I'm not familiar with taht one, but I like how it has more range than the one I am familiar with. Revving up: Much like your E1/E2 Yellow Line Epic: Injuries abound, but not so serious that it can't be dealt with. Much like your E3. Red Line Epic: Serious injuries, someon'e being carried out, short-hauled, rescued, etc. Throw a Rod Epic: Someone died. It's a fuck up.
  10. Wasn't it archie that tried to take her leg off with a chainsaw a couple of years ago? Or was that you, Sherri? Come to think of it, I think it was you...
  11. CC- I bet we could figger that out pretty quickly, given the stats the NPS keeps on that sorta thing. I'd be interested in knowing, and I think that you might not be too far off...
  12. It's because she employs the verb "does" instead of some other word, like "creates", "works in", "practices", or like that. And when archie "does" something (or someone), we're all interested in how dirty it might get... And, oh yeah, very nice work indeed, Sherri! Congratulations on getting noticed. :tup:
  13. she's just a mouse click away... click me
  14. I have always loved that term.
  15. Marc, Once again, I commend you on your ascent of Outer Space. On-sight solo... truly remarkable, man. :tup:
  16. Damn, I got so choked up by that towards the end that I almost cried. Alte2de, you have paid the man a mighty tribute by your writing. I wish you peace.
  17. On-sight solo... now that's the way to roll! Way to go, marc!
  18. Hey Summitchaser, Although Mr. Loomis certainly doesn't need me to stick up for him, why don't you try to not be such a public ass and grow up as bit before you make such inane comments. You obviously have no idea who Bob Loomis is, do you? Yeesh! Kids these days...
  19. As I said above, if all you're using it for is to rack screws, tools, and shit, I say go for it. I would not include it in any protection system, from my own first-hand experience. And it's been so long since they've been off the market, I doubt highly if there is any warranty that would still be honored after all this time.
  20. From and There's a reason why they haven't been available for a long time. It's because they do break. I was climbing one day with Carlos Buhler in late 1995, just before he headed out to the NR of K2 with a Polish team in 1996, and he was demoing BD's new Fin biner that weekend. He handed me a few and I led up a steep 5.10 bolted slab. Took a whipper on a Fin about 5-6 feet above a bolt, and the thing shattered and I fell to the next bolt. I was OK, and Carlos was duly surprised by the biner failure. He sent the pieces of the broken one back to the testing guy at BD (can't remember his name now). I heard from Carlos after he came back from K2 that there was a problem with the Fin biners, that they were prone to failure by design, and it wasn't long after that BD took them off the market. Now, all that said, if you're just going to use it to rack screws and tools and shit, then go for it. But others have commented about why would you have a piece of gear on your rack that wasn't full climbing strength, as it could mistakenly be employed in a protection system. For those folks, I'd say leave the Fins at home. My $0.02. PS: I use a couple Trango Ice Clips that came out about 12 years ago. As you can see, it's an aluminum thingy that screws to a thin backing plate, sandwiching the harness belt in between, and has a spring steel tang that keeps the screws in the clip. Pretty basic. PPS: Had to add this letter from Carlos's website about the K2 NR climb. Sad...
  21. YOU'RE GAY????!!!!! All those years of wasted hopes and dreams..... Sorry for the letdown. I'll still climb with you. :kisss: Sherri, You don't want to climb with TTK. He's one of the 80% of people caused by accidents. (luv that autosig, btw) Hey, when are we gonna rope up at Castle again? Is it my turn to lead Canary??
  22. sobo


    I imagine it could be the same place where Dru found the funnel girl... :gag:
  23. That's just creepy...
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