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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Hmmm, she has the whitest teeth I've ever come across...
  2. But you'll need to do it nekkid. From ABC to the top. It's the next "first for Everest"...
  3. I rode the cat to the top of the Palmer once, about 15 years ago or so, just to say that I tried it once. It stunk pretty bad back then, but with these new diesel engines now, it might not be as bad.
  4. You're thinking Winnie-the-Pooh. His buddy Roo's mother, Kanga.
  5. So it seems I have to go under the knife in early June, and the doc is telling me that this is gonna hurt for a while afterwards. Since last year's climbing season was such a bust, what with my divorce and all, and it looks like if I don't get out over the MD holiday, then it will be another bust season. Since this will be my first time out this year, I'm looking for some mellow cragging not too far from the car. Lightning Dome in Idaho is my first choice, but I could be convinced to go to Der Town (Pearly Gates, Goat Dome, Icicle Buttress, SCW, Castle), WA Pass, or the Tieton. I'd be looking to car camp for a couple nights. When I'm in shape I lead both trad and sport in the low 5.10 range (hey, I'm old and no longer bold), but at this juncture I don't think I wanna be leading anything over 5.8. My head's just not there yet for the harder stuff, but I will thrutch my way up it if you ropegun me. Any takers out there? Sherri? minx? Kurt (Hicks or Feck)? Summerprophet? kevino? Bala? Toast? Dane? pindude? Anyone?
  6. Now I really am all twitterpated. I'm in luv... and she's Polish, too! And I love that name... Kinga... I'll be her "loyal subject" anytime...
  7. Fuq, what an Amazon! I was that size when I was 35 years old! Now, not so much. I've added 2 lbs/year on average since then...
  8. I'm feeling all twitterpated now...
  9. CATFIGHT!!! Meeeooowwwwww!
  10. Really? That's almost 10,000 feet... Is that the height of the actual climbable portion of the wall, or the depth from rim to floor (with not all of that being climbable)? Nevermind... answered my own question. And apparently it's 2,000 meters deep.
  11. I was just embarking upon a cross-country ride from Virginia down the Atlantic Seaboard to Daytona, across the Gulf States to Houston, then up through the Grand Canyon and finally out to LA. Didn't even know it happened until I arrived out here in 1988... I was still ~4 years away from my start in climbering at the time MSH went off.
  12. I luv it when Mark gets on a roll...
  13. The painting in blue is obviously man-made; looks like gangers. However, the orange- and green-hued coloring higher up is natural coloring from oxidation of iron or perhaps some other component of the rock. I've seen the orange-hued coloring before in the Tieton, which is almost entirely basalt. Andesite, actually. The green-hued coloring could be an olivine type of basalt. Where was your picture taken? PS: I copied your pic to this post, but can you resize it (on your host server) to something smaller?
  14. Happy 41st, Porter. Now go take a massive gassive in that new shitter of yours!
  15. You asked this in your OP: "Anyone have any thoughts on the avalanche conditions for south side of Hood this weekend?" I gave you mine. Oh, and welcome back.
  16. Avalanches on the donkey trail on Hood??? You're kidding, right?
  17. Hey, Sol! Did you get permission from minx to use that word? She holds the copyright on it, I believe. Fifth and 20th posts on page 6 of this thread.
  18. Infinite Bliss. Oh fuck, I started a shitstorm now, haven't I?
  19. Classic! I feel so much better now... NOT!
  20. I'm going to hazard a guess and say that if I click on that link while at work, I'll get the dreaded proxy server warning message. Is that not correct, Porter?
  21. You guys are killin' me with this. Way to spread the thread, Crillz!
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