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Everything posted by erik
where's your trip report??
after another succesful weekend with some really good dot commers i just want to say thanks again for jon and tim and all their hardwork for putting this site together cause dats whats its all about THE PEOPLE!!!!
the only reference that i have ever heard of it called the enigma gully was by phil and greg...i have herard about the slot coulior for a couple years talk to the boyz at alpental and they will look at you dunbly if you ask about engima....i think it goes like this "hey man you skied the engima coulir??" "what?""you know that sketchy slot up on the north side of snoq.""oh yeah me and my dog skied that after a 1/4 oz sniffer and a couple shotz from ole silver, my gramps skied it in leaters and woodies back in 48 after the war.""word!" it sounds like you didn't do complete researxh for the article. martin's book has been around for way more then a year.... i would personnally say that you should write a retraction to couloir mag and have them correct your oversights.....if not i am sure a couple other people will... is this more of a sellout then k.b. @ the tnf??? selling local secrets for a buck?? git a rope!
quote: Originally posted by icegirl: heh heh... Oh baby, let me carry your bouldering pad... Sounds to much like maxi pad. . . it is!!!!!
dkookum falls like mattp said only forms rarely and even moe rare solid enough for it to climb.... you can either ford the river(we did) or you can park at trhe dalles campgroiund and hike up the trail back to it(long). the biggest problem with the area is that it is about 1000-1500ft anove sea level so good luck in trying to catch it unless you live up there. we got a call from a friend who lived in greenwater and worked at crystal......its fun, but not worth much effort cause 90% of it will be wasted.... crystal rulz though doesn't it bone?
matt, that was one of the better posts i think i have read in along time....... a standpoint of reason!!!!!!!
quote: Originally posted by dyno merchant: rumpola! just like the other night when some idiot was swearing at me in spanish at one of my soccer games..... here's my reply "you see there i go again letting work dictate my thoughts...." have a good one! [ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: erik ]
quote: Originally posted by dyno merchant: it doesn't hurt to ask... [ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: dyno merchant ] it did this time.
get a map and look for yourself. i can't possibly hold your hand the whole time.....my mommy kicked me out along time ago and told me to do my own adventures and and explore the world for myself and anyone looking for a free ride is a bum...... i gave you all you need, just watch the propery lines.....dey got guns and no teef.....
what is revolutionary about them???? there is nothing new there just a revamped idea....check out old john long and some of the crap he came up with in the 70's.........more money is all i see.......come one come all buy more gear then is reasonablly needed...... i can see applications for them but until they go out of bidness and sell their stock at discount i won't be buying them good luck
quote: Originally posted by willstrickland: Erik, you better be glad that pic of you is not on alpinelite anymore, as I recall that was a pretty small rock ehh will, never said i didn't boulder, we found those out around index and they are alredy clean. and you can't see it in the photo but there a sixer of oe down at the base......and we had already climbed the cterfold that day, so it was like a time to kick back and drink some beer and it happend that there were some boulders around. i just find it over the top that hoeboy here is sooooo concered baout it and he apprently already lives in heaven, why concern yourself with hell??? self rightous alpine brutha!!!
quote: Originally posted by Dru: erik can use some filter tips. i'll post a tr for the expedition that we have going this weakend........the dr, the lawyer, the hottie, the writer and a whole cast of others, we will make the land rover expedition to boogalooga look like amatuers.
quote: Originally posted by Dru: Hmmm... Borbon outweighs me considerably....I bet he will outdrink me too. Dunno if I am going to go up before Saturday afternoon if it is raining but yes, Legion Hall anytime after 6 PM or so. Bring your lungs and i'll bring the damage. and maybe some greens cxause the brown is harsh!! cough cough
quote: Originally posted by avypoodle: Hey Dick Pump, its heelside, not backside. I know you don't get it but I'll explain. If a regular footed (left foot foward) rider turns left he is on his heel side edge, hence heel side turn. However, if a rider rotates his body in that same direction while airborn, he would be spinning frontside. By the way Pumper, how are your turns? Your probabaly one of those skiers who never quite got that parallel turn thing down and is still half snowplowing. Its cool, my Mom has the same problem, just keep taking those lessons and remember: Big Pizza Slice = slow Little Pizza Slice = fast ooooohhhhhh da dawg himself hath spoken!!!!! now whatca gonna do!!!??!???!! oops shes lurking. sorry [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: erik ]
no baby NOW we have a swinger!!!!
why would any real climber want to waste their time climbing little rocks when they live in a state blessed with one of the finest alpine ranges in the world..... who wants to waste time scrubbing moss, loose rock and dirt from some boulder that will be covered again in six months?? who wants to go around and spend a day doing one thing over and over and over and over again until they either get it or go home???? i might be fun, but here in washington we aint got time to climb baby rocks.......
1. the royal arches (no gear just bring fun)2. rasta jon3. mt combatant from the ocean addleup river attain the glaicer and reach the air dropped cache and summit alpine style in apush return to cash ski accross the ice cap float the river back to the ocean and paddle back out to civilization3.5 leave truck on hwy in yukon carry over to headwaters of nahanni river paddle river to hole in the wall valley climb fa's and paddle to mackenzie river float to the artic ocean and take plane back to civilization and hitch hike back to truck i have some other ideas too, any one want to give me money
chop the boltz chop the boltz- must follow the preachings of the alpine kitty purity of the mountains chop the boltz chop the boltz- must follow the alpine intuition of the alpine kitty- bonsai kitty bad, alpine kitty good chop the boltz chop the boltz- must clean the litter box chop the boltz chop the boltz- must not eat small animals whew tranced for a minute felt like i was back at naft........
i cannot believe no one wants this quality outdoor gear?!?! you could make some little kid so happy if you bought htis gear that someday he too could have big tires and a lift kit for his truck.....help grizzly jon out and buy this stuff. [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: erik ]
suury had foreign fil might with the other one in my life......not too bad......plus my index bivi is in canada b/c snowboarding i can't drink too much beer right now as i have to stay lean and mean for our tourney coming up......the one person i cannot stand in the world is on the other team so i must be at my top so i can crush him and his fellow bros and go home a voctorious has been soccer player...... death to arsenal!!!!! next week if it is in tacoma i will bring a suprise!!!!
quote: Originally posted by ScottP: Zebra/Zion is a must do...And don't forget to check out the gorge while you are there. ditto on zebra. but as far as the gorge goes there are not too many 'moderates' there, but it still rocks the rest of smith...
harsh tokes bro's i started this as a nice thread.....now look what you have done to my apology to the people of the world!!!! i am going to lock this bullshit and my comments still stand as for the stuff here i dunno?!?!!?!
always rappel using an auto block