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Everything posted by cj001f
just remember to go down the lane and not across the street. oh, whoops eh, anyone have a cheap cyclocross/touring frame? I need something with more clearance for fenders/fatter tires. Burke Gilman construction has slashed 2 tires in 3 months. If you've got the clearance fenders + fat tires make life nice. I never had a problem with feet; ski gloves for your hands.
Baker touring this weekend! anyone in Seattle want/need a paatnah?
careful, all the tightie-whitie-righties will get mad about that
Put gear in bag. Check bag to destination. Don't be the aviation equivalent of a Seattle driver - that fucktard who takes 20 minutes to take their oversize, overweight bag from the overhead compartment
infinite. if you aren't falling you aren't climbing.
mmm sausages. and beer. when is the slide show?
hey, that's ok, it's fun watching the pride parade once a year
I busted out laughing at that one
Ouch! Heel quick!
so every TR from India, Pakistan and Peru belongs in spray now?
kasdfh;uioqwehy9pruhskl;ZJNHil asufrhl jasdfli hawiufy asnb asdjigfl jkasbn.ldfj aiseryfd uoasij lkjaso[fuaw kl;jnk.sjah lk;sdfjh .asnmdfhauioh .m,ansdbfghriop ,.asnbfd;k juh; akn laskjjf kinasd;kljah ;hkasdffiouya. .a,sdfhauiwefylm, il;asdfuyjischlfkja lkauweryjkasdhf; aaosiehyr89
Is he before or after me on the list?
JayB- channeling my channels of suckdom. Feed that East Coast rage! Feel the power!
Call 1-800-SUBARUU and 2 brothers, err Mountaineers, will hand deliver a copy of the scripture directly to your home, imparting you with valuable wisdom on the nature of the true path and proper conduct in all matters Alpine. Freedom of the Hills, it's not just a book, it's a way of life.
This is exactly my point. As a population, we overlook the wrongs of a person, a government, or a group of people as it suits us. All of this at the behest of the government's idea of who is, or isn't an enemy at the time. Does the government have it's reasons? Yes. That doesn't mean that we, as citizens shouldn't question the motives. FYI - you didn't provide any substance to the argument. Your statements have been diversions from the point and questioning my motives, not discussing the issue. You are very good at arguing, but you are not good at discussing and furthering a conversation. I am not sure that anything that you've contributed merits consideration as an argument, actually. You have stated certain convictions that you hold, which appear to be articles of faith, concerning the relationship between government policy and popular opinion in the USA. The "American's (except for an elite cadre that includes - incidentally - me) Are Government Controlled Drones" riff is tired as hell, easily refuted, and evinces the very absence of critical thinking which it has ostensibly been put forward to lament and bemoan. American public opinion frequently runs counter to both the wishes of, and the policies championed by, the Executive Branch and/or Congress. This suggests that the policies established by the government, and the manner in which the government advocates for, or defends them - is but one of many variables that influence whether or not the public supports any given policy. And yes, of [yaaaaawn] course we are all free to question the policies established by our government, and the motives and judgments behind them. Ditto for the reasons why our fellow citizens support a given policy or take exception to it. However, if you want to have a sincere discussion which furthers the inquiry into the reasons why someone has elected to do one or the other, the rhetorical stance you've chosen "Everyone else believes what the government tells them to..." seems like an especially poor means to achieve this end. why not just cut to the chase and say "you suck"? the strained verbiage is but buffoonery
this post is super suck
Puma if you are in Cougar country. I like trail running shoes for hiking, but not for running
that is the story of my life.
porter, don't do it for my sake, do it for the sake of humanity
be careful getting yer scripts overseas. I bought some placebo medical marijuana in mexico once, and trust me, it just wasn't the same. on the other hand the placebo blondes I've picked up have been better quality, cheaper, and less maintenance overseas :tup:
porter the "penis in a box" gag is getting a little old.
please! help! I'm a cog in the machine
As ususal, no rebuttal. Do you let your ego sit by the computer or just lean over your shoulder? I'll bow out now and you two can continue your conversation. This reads less like a response to anything I've written than it does a transcription of the recriminations echoing to and fro between the rational and emotive portions of your brain. Are you know a Situationist? Quoting DeBord? historical moment at which the commodity completes its colonization of social life
Put a small loop of 3mm cord through the hole in the shaft of the toe lever. attach the biner to that.