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Everything posted by cj001f

  1. Hell no, I'll own him with 36 more payments to Rent-A-Center unless of course I decide to upgrade.
  2. I've been to one of those except it was with significant others, not clothing. Way more fun that way. Did you manage to trade your goat for a nice ewe? I ended up with a nice porter. I got screwed sickie
  3. I've been to one of those except it was with significant others, not clothing. Way more fun that way.
  4. Your master said you were rent to own. Another 3 years and you'll be mine!
  5. Fuck that, I'm the all-singing all-dancing crap of the world.
  6. Yes, John sums it up quite well.
  7. cj001f

    You suck

    more of a licker really
  8. cj001f

    You suck

    heavy flow day? Carl, you suck for not coming to the Lake City Pub Club last night. I suck for not realizing there was one until 7am this morning!
  9. cj001f

    What's up....

    I was living in exile and co-ordinating the spray amongst my minions before I made my exalted sealed train return?
  10. cj001f

    What's up....

    The funny thing, Peter, is the Portland people think the Seattle crew is a bunch of nasty backbiting interweb psychopaths.
  11. cj001f

    What's up....

    they need to spread the love like Seattle does
  12. cj001f


    That is the Patagonia lifestyleTM in a nut shell.
  13. cj001f


    the suckiest thread in the history of cascadeclimbers! And it's dedicated to me
  14. cj001f


    hope you smoke some prime pole!
  15. cj001f


    he likes the same thing you do porter - I'm a mans man
  16. cj001f


    no, your my bosom buddy with your bitch tits
  17. cj001f


    thats the gimp dipshit. the gimp lives down stairs. jizzy pisses on the gimps pillow
  18. cj001f


    someone has a starfish fixation.... mark told me if I offered you up the reacharound you'd come right around porter. why are you playing hard to get?
  19. cj001f


    I'm in love with you porter. and you keep rejecting my advances
  20. cj001f

    You suck

    heavy flow day?
  21. your mom
  22. my cynical take, speaking broadly: As an engineer your prospects for a salary increase or meaningful promotion within the same employer are less than in other disciplines, because in corp. orgs of today straight engineers just aren't promoted. You need to leave engineering or the company to get a big promotion (MBA comment earlier). Salary raises at the same company are possible in the 5-10% range (depending more on the external job market than other factors), changing jobs can get you 20%. Expect to change employers. Make sure there are several where you want to live. Unless you are chosen as someone to be groomed for greater things when you are hired, you just won't go places. On job duty: Traditional manufacturing in America is dieing. System integration "manufacturing" is what's taking it's place, but I give that 10-20 years, tops. System integration is much more managing - suppliers, assemblers, your managers, your customers, than down and dirty technical engineering (but you need to have that down cold though) Engineering is a good education, and better than average job, but not necessarily a good career
  23. non-guided. not hiring one and not acting as one (but I will be willing to do logistic work) PM me and I'll send out information as winter gets closer
  24. cj001f


    I saw the smoke rising from the Pentagon that evening. The city was on lockdown. Friends were evacuated from their offices by the Secret Service. Was woken up by jet fighters the next morning.
  25. careful, pink is claiming the k-12 crowd as his own territory
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