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Everything posted by cj001f

  1. Why not? There's plenty of things known as laws describing anthropogenic processes most notably Godwins Law
  2. So you'd like to see some Communistic solution to global warming where every person is treated exactly equal.
  3. Remember the 3 Ds of Opposition chuck Disformation, Deny, Delay who's opposing, you assholes! give me a plan that works! I'm ready. And when the 3 Ds fail you jump to the solution phase and bitch about how nobody came up with a solution to the problem you said didn't exist (and therefore wouldn't fund any research into finding a solution) a technique versatile for voicing your opposition to problems ranging from Global Warming, Walmart, or that pesky jungle gym at the local park
  4. Remember the 3 Ds of Opposition chuck Disformation, Deny, Delay
  5. hmm, PM system seem no worky try cj001f at yahoo dot com
  6. I'm sorry Hillary will fix all that within days of her inauguration. McCain had a chance, until he found Jesus
  7. Dude, I post on cascadeclimbers, thats a given
  8. Real Debate? That's the greatest delusion of all. Unskilled an unawares describes the cc.com conservative crew I am extraordinarily glad you guys take time from your economics/environmental sciene/political science professorial careers to educate me though.
  9. I figured we needed more condscension in on cascadeclimbers, not less. Seriously man, your ability to cut and paste from sources you find ideologically appealing is unparalelled, but it doesn't substantiate your specious opinions
  10. cj001f

    blocking pm's

    I can make your dreams come true marylou
  11. Weren't you the one mocking those not-practicing the art who profess differing opinions? Or did I just imagine your condescension? Opponents of Global Warming are fighting a rearguard action. It shows.
  12. Note bolding. He's also the guy who used increasing catches of fish to argue fish stocks are not in trouble
  13. Black Diamond Sabretooth Crampons. Step-In, with anti-bots. $60
  14. Uh, Jay, Bjorn is one of those guys never trained as a scientist criticizing science that I thought you don't want to listen to. I guess that only applies to opinions you don't like, eh?
  15. fuck the past; i live for today. coke is it!
  16. roofies to get married? nice try at a barb, but it falls flat. barbs? barbituates? I knew you conservatives were stuck in the past
  17. In related news stock in the Body Shop plunged 80% after they reported drastic shrotages of raw materials.
  18. hot carl can only bed a chick too young and dumb to know he's a looooser. How many roofies were necessary for you to get married?
  19. Tell me about it. I can't find a slightly used 18 yr old for under $100k.
  20. Tow in surfing makes skiing look cheap. A jetski, towboard, crew to run it plus rescue boat = $$$$$$
  21. It's funny listening to him talk about how vague and nebulous it is when he hasn't bothered to research who or why the prize is given out. That he doesn't like it is enough justification.
  22. Externally or internally?
  23. Interesting how the flight global report differs from the WSJ editorial (no surprise that) http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2007/10/02/217656/israel-ends-silence-on-syria-air-strike.html
  24. I'm looking for a used touring/cyclocross frame in a 56-57cm. PM me or post abuse on this thread.
  25. psst: it's not a Nobel Prize.
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