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Everything posted by layton

  1. i spent over 2/3 of my life living in chicago. one summer over 700 people died from the heat and humidity, over 110 degrees for a week solid. lots of brownouts. that same winter it was negitive 70 degrees out and i saw a tree explode. quit bitching. go climbing.
  2. i need to borrow a haul bag! anyone got one gathering dust they can lend me for 10 days starting the 29th of the month??
  3. layton

    Canada is so suck!

  4. Maybe you should send this TR into Luna Bar, erik???
  5. coley fights crime in bellingham when he's not working or mountain biking. you can see him in his saggy spandex outfit on rooftops on a clear night.
  6. layton

    Canada is so suck!

    You're right, i'm sure there are a lot more countries out there that suck also. AMERICA, FUCK YEAH. just got back from my 4th visit to " North Mexico" in a week today. Hongcouver ain't so bad 'cept it could use a few interstates running through it to lighten the load. Saw Fern climbing today. Gave her some relief aid packages. Lots of canandian crossing the border this morning into the states to get more supplies i assume.
  7. wait about a month and there will be one
  8. i wrote a TR on it somewhere on this site
  9. once again, i'm not full of shit! now go do a 2nd ascent of Back of Beyond Buttress, it's seriously one of the 10 best alpine rock routes I've EVER done and you could leave your house at 6am and be home by 9pm easy, or the East Face of Burgundy (almost as good) and be back by midnight. Yes i'm spraying, but not chestbeating. Folks are missin out.
  10. layton

    Canada is so suck!

    Oregon sucks too, but at least their honest about who they are. Colorado sucks the most, however.
  11. we're good...i was more lookin fer like..ya know..free shit people could mail to me or drop off without me actually having to do anything. still trying to find a barrel. any ideas?
  12. A5, neat...way to sew it up though...jeeesh!
  13. layton

    Canada is so suck!

    I like to refer to Canada as "little buddy"
  14. hmmmm...portland.... ..ummmmm... HEY! I got an idea!!!! MT HOOD?!?!
  15. it could snow but not enough to shut you or the road down. rain more likely than anything...or crisp clear sunshine. who knows. you'll probably get fucked, but that's just the odds on most things in life....sometimes a good thing, but most times not so much.
  16. who were you fucking in Hamilton? yikes! did the girl steal your shit after, or someone else during?
  17. "I hate your lives, I hate your lives" Craig, turning into a chossmonaut? Sweet. Come and borrow my glass shard flogger or testicle vice anytime you can't find a partner and need to externalize that pain.
  18. Just wanted to give my $.02 on Canada having spent way way too much time there. Basically it's like the United States gave a bunch of retarded children the basic blueprints of how to run a society. I'll give it to them...it looks pretty much the same as the U.S. from a quick glance, they got the basic premise correct...but a closer look reveals they fucked pretty much everything up from their products to their infrastructure to their government. Then to top it off the whole damn place is pretty much a bunch of white trash hicks and someone is giving alcohol to these goddamn animals. so in short, canada sucks, you bunch of niave inbred hicks.
  19. Todd, Watch your cornhole out there buddy.
  20. layton

    Sir Layton

    doth be knigted for thine deeds goodsir, i grant thee 37 experience points and 6 character points
  21. grid bolting it
  22. the dana is a total piece of garbage, the ziplock bag would work better
  23. if you want anything custom, just ask
  24. oh sorry! i knew it was something to do with tele.
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