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Everything posted by CascadeClimber

  1. Yeah, HAL won't let 3rd-party software talk directly to the hardware. Have you fiddled with the "compatibility" modes at all?
  2. My two leading contenders: Some unscrupulous person tried to hold this one over my head, so I'm outing myself. Some other funster posted this in a TR. Paybacks are hell you two. Watch your backs.
  3. I'm curious to hear some examples. The only consistent thing that I've seen is some lazy hardware vendors obsoleting their gear by not writing 2000 and/or Xp drivers. -L
  4. Another one in need of a snorkel.
  5. Welcome back to the 70s barf
  6. Do you have currently updated antivirus software? Have you visited http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com lately? Do you have anti-spyware software? (if not try Ad-Aware: http://www.lavasoft.de) MS tried to drop support for Win9x in January but officially backed down. It's time for users to move on. Xp or OSX (for you, Jon). 98 blows in comparison. USB is mostly supported in 98SE. Jon is right about CD burners causing problems with Win9x.
  7. Which one did you get? I've used the Sandisk I have with 50+ WinXp or 2000 PCs and never had any issue. Please tell us you aren't using Windows 98 or 95 or, worst of all, ME??
  8. Or get a snorkle...
  9. I'm easily embarrassed, but more difficult to offend. Dinner was hilarious, though I got way too much info on underwear, bras, Ds, and other such. Paybacks are hell, Byrdie...
  10. Costco has 512Mb USB 2.0 SanDisk "thumb drives" for a relative pittance right now. I have a 256Mb model that works great- no driver install requried on Win2000 or Xp.
  11. Nice trip to a cool, mellow area. I did a traverse through there a few years ago, but we walked out the Middle Fork from Williams lake, instead of looping back.
  12. I get blisters from the heel cup in my Trango Ices, but not the S'. The S' are not holding up very well- they are a few months old and have some stiching torn out and the kevlar stuff keeps fuzzing up, despite my 'fixing' it with a lighter. The rock climb really well and are super light. A Goretex oversock is my solution to the lack of waterproofness. YMMV
  13. Next time stop by and grab the short rope I used on North Sis and the Adams Glacier. She doesn't even seem to notice...or slow down. Next time I'm taking a sled to ride in. -L
  14. Taken of me by Jens. Our combined first aid kit consistented of one bandaid and one film cannister of vitamin-I. Taken by yours truly.
  15. My fav episode is from TNG: "We are looking for things...things to make us go." But 7 of 9...ahhhh... -L
  16. I've seen some of what they are protecting. Take my word and head for Canada, Montana, or Colorado. The ice here is elusive, and often snow-covered munge. Fat and blue is elsewhere...
  17. The Netgear boys left themselves a backdoor, eh? They haven't been the same since they went away from ZyNOS. Speaking of which, I've deployed a bunch of ZyXEL gear, including a big multi-wap one at one of houses in the greek system at UW. It's worth a look. Street prices are much lower than list. Some of the ZyAIR products support 3rd party Radius, and some even include basic Radius authentication. http://us.zyxel.com In the interest of full disclosure, I am a ZyXEL reseller. -L
  18. The problem with all this low end crap..er, gear, is that many of the listed feature simply don't work, or work unreliably. Traditionally, Linksys has been a leader in the low price and really crappy reliability categories. I've seen some indication that the Cisco buyout is changing both. If you are going to run your wireless network with no security (anyone in range can use it), then choose based on price. If you intend to secure it, then find a device that includes "WPA", and on which WPA actually works. You'll also need wireless cards for the PCs that support WPA. WEP is fatally flawed and can be broken in minutes. To date, I don't beleive that WPA has been cracked. -Loren
  19. Saw an old-schooler at 38 last week leading with a bowline on a coil. Try hang-dogging on one of those and the old Whillans ball-buster special (and its reincarnation, the BD Alpine Bod) will seem luxurious. Agree with others- try hanging in some. And...it's not a super-critical decision: If it fits and is reasonably comfortable, then it'll work. I'm still using the Petzl Jump I bought in 1996. -L
  20. Had the tune running through my head for three straight days scrogging around on Rainier last weekend. Classic!
  21. If all goes well, you just have to descend it, which took us 30 minutes. When deciding to bail, the joyous experience of scrogging back up was a key factor (at least for my lazy ass- Pandora was all smiles and sang the whole way up: waiting, on a sunday afternoon...for loren to drag his ass up this hill...) Then it rained on us too, to add insult to injury. Ahhh, the Cascades...
  22. Holy crap! It's Reinhold Messner! Nice pics. Looks like a cool area.
  23. Scrog 1000 feet down, scrog 1000 feet up: The west side punishes you if you don't make it up the route. Had a great time getting sunburned, rained on, oversleeping, underhydrating, and getting spanked on the route. Ranger Erica says, "No permit, no climb."
  24. I think you get used to the smell after a couple extended submersions...
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