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Everything posted by Winter

  1. $7,184,124,103 road maintenance backlog in us on national forests 382,000 # of FS road miles
  2. Climbing SW Oregon Smith Climbing Guide Portland Rock Those are the current ones. There's also an on-line guide for Spring Mountain and a bunch of other smaller guides I don't know about. There's also the old Dodge books - Oregon Rock.
  3. FW are you talking about this picture? I can see how could make the mistake.
  4. If we simply accept that our criminal justice system condemns innocent men to death, then we're no better than those that we punish.
  5. Subconscious racism expressed in your syntax, Winter? You bore me. Avoid the facts, insult people, make stupid comments. Blah blah blah. Thank god there are lots of people like you in the Republican party.
  6. The stats tell some pretty amazing things. You are WAY more likely to put to death if you kill a white woman regardless of your race. You WAY less likely to be put to death if you kill a black man. And your WAY more likely to be put to death if your a black man. I wish I could find a cite to those stats, but that's what I remember from crim law.
  7. I signed up for the annual permit on April 8 and STILL haven't gotten it in the mail.
  8. I've climbed Liberty Ridge and Ingraham Headwall with three on an 8mm, 30m line. I wouldn't think twice about this set up again unless you think you'll need to pitch it out. Granted I was stupid enough to almost die on Liberty Ridge so you may not want to take my advice.
  9. Just got one for $105.00 on Ebay. Claims its stil in the factory sealed box. Let's hope it doesn't smell like shit or suffer from defects.
  10. I'm looking to buy this tent. Let me know if you have a used one that's in good shape. I will be in Seattle early next week if you live up there.
  11. Orbit and Canary. It was hot as hell in Leavenworth ... seriously cooking. Met Gimpy the Goat on the way down from Orbit. Young kid with broken right rear leg - coyote bait. But he sent 5.6 slabs ... with a limp. We should have eaten him.
  12. Winter

    Tongass Action

    Logging on federal our federal forests contributes all of 3% of the national market for timber. We could EASILY eliminate that 3%, use public lands for biological reserves, and protect economic development in our rural communities for a fraction of the $1 billion per year the federal government LOSES on logging.
  13. I did that trip for $1100 in 1998, but I have no idea how expensive it is now.
  14. This is tragic. Peace to all involved. A string of accidents like this leaves us all looking for answers, but I don't really think there are any. I also support the Park's decision not to close routes. Its not their responsibility to tell us when conditions are a go.
  15. You won't get too far on Cloudcap. Park at the TJ snopark and hike up the TJ Trail to Cloudcap. Or you could call the Hood River Ranger District. 541-352-6002.
  16. keep my mouth shut until i've been thoroughly spanked.
  17. Sobo, on a more serious note, you're right that property destruction is dangerous. But if you look at groups like the Weather Underground (who did injure people (including themselves) but then changed their stategies), you'll see that folks like this think very carefully about how to avoid injuring people and are pretty good at it. I'm not advocating for property destruction, because I think right now its a pretty shitty political strategy, but I'm not too concerned their political opponents are trumping up fears of personal injury.
  18. Sobo, I think you need some coffee man. Maybe then, you can remove that doubleender from your sphincter .
  19. Whatever. You don't know a thing about ELF. They haven't ever injured a single person and aren't about to start now, so it doesn't sound like their work at all.
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