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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. At this point I'd just like to say [font:Century Gothic] Fuck you you fucking fuck [/font]
  2. Nelson is good. I've also had some good trips to Rogers Pass; there are some great trips off the highway there.
  3. AlpineK

    dat fine Upgrade

    Hey now that's cheating.
  4. The Answer Don't give the kid so much help. He needs to show people here that he can figure things out on his own. Otherwise the next thing you know he'll be asking folks online how much toilet paper to use while wiping his butt.
  5. AlpineK

    Happy Halloween

    Happy Birthday to you.
  6. I don't believe those folks who, "are supporting their cause," understand that much about the subject. The vast majority of biodiesel made today comes from corn or soy which was originally grown for food. Those sources of fuel take energy to produce, and there has been quite a bit of research done that points to those sources being almost as bad in terms of CO2 release as petroleum diesel. There are other sources of biodiesel that may in fact be much better when it comes to CO2, but those sources are much harder to get for the average person. That being said I have burned biodiesel in my dump truck and chipper for the past 4 years. The main reason I did this is biodiesel releases less of the standard pollutants than regular diesel. For me this was always a concern since when you stand behind a chipper chipping brush you're sucking in fumes of burned fuel. Both my employee and I would do this for hours while working. I don't buy into the hype about carbon reduction. I just started putting biodiesel in my pickup since it is now off the manufacturers warranty. The last time I got biodiesel the station was at a standard gas station with a taco truck in the same lot. One of the guys who started going off about the race track even admitted that he was trying to get people involved since CO2 reduction is a hot issue. I would be interested if somebody came up with a biodiesel chain saw; until then it's all about 2-cycle.
  7. AlpineK

    I'm A Lucky Guy

  8. Listen kid, do you see the button at the top of the screen on the right hand side. It's labeled FAQ. That would be shorthand for Frequently Ask Questions . Why don't you click on it and read. Until then STFU Noob.
  9. How about BCC or Bellevue Community College. Just think you're right next to I-90 which is the gateway to everywhere. Those on the inside refer to BCC as USC or University South of Crossroads. I hear there are drytool nights up out of North Bend, and I've been ice climbing up at the pass. You're also close to Bellevue Square. Think about it and make the right move.
  10. AlpineK

    sugar mama wanted

    The state would have you spend 24/7 with her. It's either that or the big house with the boys and male guards
  11. AlpineK

    sugar mama wanted

    Here's what you need. That is her and a mental ward with guards.
  12. I was thinking the earths gravity lookes like a giant doughnut hole.
  13. AlpineK

    Go Sox

    I like baseball, but I'm mostly happy that the season is over before November.
  14. You've convinced me to take up dirt biking.
  15. Just a point of order. Biodiesel does reduce the total percentage of pollutants into the atmosphere; however as most biodiesel is currently produced it is just as bad as petroleum diesel when it comes to CO2. I'm not going to waste my time with you, but you need to spend some time listening to some programs on the NPR program Science Friday. Biodiesel has potential if it can be made differently then it currently is, but it does nothing for reducing CO2 right now. As a side note I just put biodiesel in my Chevy, but I did it since it was cheaper than other diesel prices. I feel so green. Now I need to burn some fuel to go evaluate trees.
  16. On the one hand I agree with you Longmont rules. I've climbed a ton of the green ash trees there; both street trees and those in the parks. I also used to enjoy driving by the turkey processing plant on the east side of town. It's quite an experience to drive by the factory and see tons of turkeys in boxcars waiting to meet their maker. The trailer parks in Longmont are cool too; tons of trees to climb and folks out drinking on the front steps at 8 AM after a hard 8 hours on the night shift. I'm not joking about liking Longmont. As for skiing in CO there are some good bits, but it's mostly a bunch of overrated bullshit. Mostly what I can tell you is the state has spent a boat load of money on advertisement. If skiing were the subject I'd pick BC, WA, OR, ID, MT, WY, UT, and maybe CA head and shoulders over CO.
  17. In my opinion concerns about global warming are best addressed by dumping money and testing into new fuel sources not trying to fuck with dirt bikers. Sure we should all try and limit how much driving we do, but that's better addressed by not driving to the store when you forgot to buy milk or turning down your thermostat at home. I'm not into dirt biking, but it is a legitimate recreation. If you want to limit where people can do that then that's fine, but trying to eliminate it is stupid. I drive a lot for work. My job is to evaluate trees for safety and to help come up with plans to preserve trees in urban areas. Those trees suck up CO2 close to where humans create it by driving. I too am putting CO2 into the atmosphere just doing my job. I can't just have people send me pictures of their trees and then come up with a valid opinion. I have to drive to look at the tree. I should also add that most of my recreation involves burning fuel in cars and occasionally helicopters to get out in nature. Like porter said if you want to restrict noise or damage to hiking trails then good, but you CO2 agenda is stupid at best.
  18. Judging by the sizes of many fathers and mothers I've seen I don't think extra weight is a hindering factor in breeding.
  19. I'll have to come back when I have time and really check it out. I use Quickbooks for business, but I've always blown off keeping track of personal stuff.
  20. Those bikers used to piss me off. None of them could grasp the concept of riding single file on a busy narrow road. I remember countless times driving a big work truck down the road and coming upon bicyclists riding 2 or even 3 abreast. I'm all for biking, but you have to leave space for a big rig to get past so the people in the truck could clock out and go out and do fun stuff. Boulder bikers.
  21. It ain't climbing without snow and glaciers. Crag climbing is just training for the real thing.
  22. It sounds fun, but I didn't hear anything about snow or glaciers.
  23. I'll probably never make it there, but it looks cool. Right on Ken
  24. For crag climbing and alpine rock climbing Boulder or Colorado Springs are hard to beat. Things fall apart when you start thinking about real mountain climbs with glaciers and such your SOL in Colorado. The things they call glaciers are a joke. If you're willing to move not very far out of the US then then one good choice would be Golden BC. You're a couple hours from the Bugaboos and even less to Rogers Pass (skiing/climbing) and in the other direction it's only a couple hours to hard core alpine climbing in the Canadian Rockies. The nightlife sucks in Golden, but who cares.
  25. I agree with many of your points about climbing around Boulder, but I disagree when it comes to skiing. I'd much rather ski in WA or better yet BC than ski in CO. I can see somebody raise a strong argument for the Salt Lake area when it comes to skiing, but not the east slopes of the Rockies.
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