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Everything posted by gregm

  1. gregm

    Poll Pulled

    i bet that republican bitch from florida was behind it
  2. you left out steak flavoured
  3. 's know no boundries.
  4. come on. i'm sure you can do better than that. Currently, there's about 95 other countries that can beat Scotland (in soccer). Surely there are some things that are uniquely American that make you proud and happy to be American? well, now that you mention it, the u.s. is one of the few countries where you can drink water from the tap and not get sick. hmmmm.
  5. dunno for sure. just know it beats the crap out of scottland.
  6. gregm

    Cup o' noodle

    cup o'
  7. MTNGOAT IN DA HOUSE! ok here's what's really going on. the u.s. is really like barney the dinosaur. Barney sings: I love you, you love me We're a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too? I love you, you love me We're best friends like friends should be. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too? ... and yet some people don't like barney. it's the same with the u.s.
  8. no, just checking to see if it was the same one we found on the way up but somehow missed on the way down. i knew it would surface on this board sooner or later. say hi to crampon for me!
  9. themistocles shmethismocles [sociobiological rant] if you want to understand why people hate the u.s. why not just look at the innate nature of "us-them" psychology. people will always see their own social group as superior and outsiders as inferior and backwards. xenophobia is just an instinct that drives us to promote our own social group (and our own genes) in competition for resources. people don't like the u.s. because the u.s. is "them". human emotions will always overrule rational thinking. get over it. [\sociobiological rant]
  10. the counting crows cover of joni mitchell's "big yellow taxi" soon to become the anthem of the anti fee demo movement: They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot, With a pink hotel, a boutique, And a swinging hot spot. Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got till it's gone? They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot. They took all the trees and put them in a tree museum. And they charged all the people A dollar and a half just to see 'em. Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got till it's gone? They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot.
  11. i would rather they kept the whole thing and its destructive wake away from the mountains. it'll suck if it spawns developement north of whistler.
  12. well, now that i've got this thread semi on track, last words: "either this wallpaper goes or i do" - oscar wilde
  13. i thought this was going to be a quote thread of the last things people said before they died.
  14. the pictures
  15. "quotes are aid" - dru
  16. actually i think hemmingway never said that. it's an urban legend or something. fwiw.
  17. "i'm gonna kill fred beckey" - a gumby on the boulder glacier
  18. did you find it on the trail to terror basin? is it kind of hinged like or something?
  19. whale shark = basking shark? or is a basking shark like a smaller version of a whale shark? not enough memory close some applications.
  20. unfortunately fenderfour registered about 3 hours before MN was seen registering online. not the greatest detective work but i guess we have to cut you some slack since your kanadian.
  21. skied "da chutes" saturday like everybody else. looked for fellow cc gapers but i don't know what most of you phuckers look like anyway. probably a good thing. we did a low descending traverse hooking up with the 'round the mountain' trail just before it intersects the climb trail and i'd have to say it worked pretty well as we were able to keep our skis on for all but a couple hundred yards and never had to hike uphill. pictures at 11. p.s. if you've ever been really curious about driving down from seattle via Elbe and Rt. 23 or 25 don't bother, the highway is still faster.
  22. "she ran the gamut of emotions from a to b" - dorothy parker personally, i think miss pigtails has just as much right to spray here as the rest o u mofo's
  23. gregm

    Weekend Weather

    i've heard of bringing a tent instead of bivies to score chick points but this is a little different. first lycra, now this. what is climbing coming to?
  24. i think we have the potential for a kind of Touring Hypothesis here. as the number of registered avatars approaches infinity (it's getting pretty damn close) and as the number of different forums approaches infinity with new additions like TLG: HER WELTANSHAUUNG and ONLY MICHAEL_LAYTON CAN POST HERE there will ultimately be a bbs code sufficiently complex that it will not run on the existing servers (for instance, uploading attachments isn't working), necessitating an upgrade to more complex servers, etc. as cc.com approaches infinity it will ultimately encompass all the zero's and one's in the universe, and all the molecules in the universe will be incorperated into the hardware to run cc.com, thereby turning us all into on of these: as evidense of cc.com taking over the universe i hear jon and timm@y are already farming the coding out to places like pakistan were programmers get paid less than minimum wage (kinda like walmart, eh?)
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